1952, spring.

The Yellow River is raging and disasters are frequent. Floods in Lankao County are particularly serious. The river surged, flooding the river beaches, breaking down the river banks, and turning the villages along the way into a swamp.

The food harvest was bad last year, and every household had no food left. We were hoping for a good harvest this year to alleviate the crisis of food shortage. However, we didn't expect that the rivers would overflow and make things worse, and the people would not be able to survive and they would flee the famine.

On the Jinpu Line and Longhai Line, you can see groups of ordinary people lying in wait on both sides of the railway line. When the train stops, they swarm up like locusts, climb onto the carriage (the freight car of the train), bury their heads, and then Take the train to escape the famine.

The carriage was densely packed with victims with faces full of food and ragged clothes.

Among them was a pair of young men and women. The man was about seventeen or eighteen years old, tall and thin, with handsome features. Despite his miserable situation, there was still light in his eyes, which was obviously different from the numb and confused eyes of the victims next to him.

Next to him was a thirteen-year-old girl. The girl's face was wrapped in black gauze, and only a pair of beautiful big eyes and long eyelashes could be seen.

It can be seen from her long bent legs that she is quite tall. Due to hunger, most of her body is very thin, except for her breasts. In this way, the granary is shocking. Sure enough, God has given her something, even if she is hungry, There will be no essential impact

"Brother Weimin, where are we going?"

The girl listened to the rumble of the car, her eyes swept across the dark night, and looked up at the young man beside her. Even though she was fleeing, because Brother Weimin was by her side, she did not panic too much, but felt very at ease.

Lu Weimin did not Answer.

He is still digesting the fact of time travel.

He is a modern person. After working overtime for a day, he was overworked and woke up in this era. His original name is also Lu Weimin. He is from Taohua Village, Lankao County. His grandfather fled famine during the Republic of China and came here. Here, his grandfather passed away when he was very young. He didn’t leave much memory of his grandfather, and he didn’t even know what his grandfather looked like.

The villagers in Taohua Village all have the surname Hu, and only two villagers have the surname outside.

Lu Weimin’s family is One of them.

The other outdoor surname belongs to the girl next to her.

The girl has never seen her mother since she was sensible. She was raised by her father. Her father’s surname is Cheng. He is rich and ugly. People in the village really can’t figure out what happened to him. Will give birth to such a beautiful daughter.

Maybe the two families have foreign surnames and are neighbors. They have the intention of joining together to keep warm, so the relationship has always been good. And the Cheng family seems to have some money. After Lu Weimin's father died when he was ten years old, he relied on Cheng Fugui grew up with support.

Unexpectedly, a disaster struck from heaven. A year ago, Cheng Fugui suddenly fell ill and was bedridden, consuming almost all his property.

During this period, his daughter Cheng Zhihan took care of her without leaving her clothes. Cheng Fugui was very moved and died before his death. , and told his daughter a shocking secret.

Cheng Fugui turned out to be not Cheng Zhihan's biological father, but his adoptive father.

Cheng Zhihan's biological parents were other people. No wonder the father was so ugly and the daughter was so beautiful.

He didn't give her the name, either. How could an illiterate old man come up with such a decent name?

This was the word engraved on the jade pendant she was wearing.

Cheng Fugui didn't know the information about the adoptive daughter's parents. On the way to escape, he saw the baby girl so beautiful and cute. , so he picked it up and raised it.

In addition to the jade pendant, the baby girl also had some jewelry. Cheng Fugui used these jewelry in exchange for money. He was diligent and frugal, and his life was okay. After

Cheng Fugui died, the two poor people, Lu Weimin and Cheng Zhihan, The orphans depended on each other.

Not long ago, the Yellow River overflowed and their home was submerged.

The money was gone.

The original person drowned to save Cheng Zhihan. Although he was eventually rescued, he died, allowing Lu Weimin from later generations to cross over.

After that, the two People start to flee


"Go to the capital. Only by going to the capital can we survive better!"Lu Weimin thought for a while and said firmly. Since the place where he lives has been flooded, he must flee from famine. However, fleeing from famine is also a technical job. He must flee to the capital, the best place in the country, instead of fleeing to Lankao like his grandfather. The county is a poor place.

Only in the capital can you live a better life. In this era, other places cannot protect themselves and cannot better accommodate the victims of famine.

Of course, Lu Weimin knew that he fled the famine early. , if it is delayed any longer, and there are more victims fleeing the famine, and the capital cannot digest it, they will set up points to encourage people to return, and it will be difficult to get into the capital, so we must hurry up and get to the capital as soon as possible.

Of course, there is another option, It means smuggling to Xiangjiang.

However, at this time, Xiangjiang is under the rule of the Eagle Kingdom, and those who have fled inland will be discriminated against. With Lu Weimin's character, he does not want to smuggle over and become a third-class citizen.

"Brother Weimin, where are you going? Wherever I go! Just don’t leave me behind!"Cheng Zhihan hugged Lu Weimin's arm tightly, her big eyes showing deep dependence.

"Don't worry, I won't abandon you!"Lu Weimin comforted him.

Cheng's father was kind to him, and he had played with Cheng Zhihan since childhood, so he couldn't bear to leave her alone to survive.

After receiving Brother Weimin's promise, Cheng Zhihan felt relieved, and the only eye he showed was a flash of light. smile of joy

"Damn it! Such healing eyes!"Lu Weimin marveled in his heart.


Cheng Zhihan was tired and fell asleep in Lu Weimin's arms.

He held a beautiful girl in his arms, but there was no ripple in his heart, only pity. He looked up into the distance with twinkling eyes:

"This world is difficult, but compared to Lao Zhu's beginning where all the family died and only one bowl was left, I am still lucky. At least this is not a troubled world where human life is like grass and love.……"Lu Weimin thought of a Ming Dynasty drama he had watched before traveling through time, and murmured in his heart.

The rumbling sounds of cars and the darkness of the night were too easy to hypnotize, and Lu Weimin also fell asleep without realizing it.


Three more days passed.

Finally entered the capital area

【Ding! It is detected that the host has entered the capital - the land of Longxing, absorbing energy, energy storage is completed, and the system is activated! 】


The system is finally here.

Lu Weimin was overjoyed, it was obvious that he had come to the right person.

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