Tobirama called the clan leaders of all the families to a meeting, and the purpose was very simple.

Didn't the Hidden Cloud Village want to delay time and default on its debt?

Then I will deploy troops to the border, and see if you, the Hidden Cloud Village, dare to default on your debt.

"Everyone, the Hidden Cloud Village is trying to default on its debt, so I want to send troops to the border of the Land of Lightning to put pressure on them. Who agrees and who opposes?"

The prestige of Tobirama Senju is not comparable to that of the Third Hokage.

During the Third Hokage's reign, he had to explain to the various families what he wanted to do. If the other party did not cooperate, he had to persuade them with various compensations.

Why is this so?

Isn't it because his prestige is not enough?

In addition, there is a troublemaker like Danzo. On the surface, everyone dares not openly oppose you, but secretly they are all very annoyed with these two people.

So, when Orochimaru attacked Konoha, the Third Hokage stood on the roof and challenged the other party. Except for a few Anbu who acted as commentators outside the Four Purple Flame Formation, no one came to save him.

The only one who wanted to save him, Might Guy, was pulled away by Kakashi.

Senju Tobirama is different.

It sounds good to say that he is holding a meeting to listen to everyone's opinions, but in fact, it is still his one-man show.

You dare to say a word of opposition?

"Very good, since no one objects, then let's organize people and set off in a big way."

At this time, the patriarch of a small family heard this and asked with a little doubt: "In a big way?"

"That's right."

Senju Tobirama nodded and explained: "Our main purpose is to make the Cloud Village pay according to the contract, not to really go to war with the other party. The bigger the noise, the better to put pressure on the other party."

"What if the Cloud Village is really stubborn and refuses to give?"

"Wouldn't it be better if they don't give? Then we will take the opportunity to go to war."

Looking at the person who just said that, Senju Tobirama asked calmly, "Are you afraid?"

Uchiha clan leader: "What are you afraid of? If Kumogakure dares not give it to us, then we will go to war."

Hyuga clan leader: "That's right, we Konoha are not afraid of any enemy."

Shimura clan leader: "The Kumogakure village is just a bunch of reckless people, I am not afraid of them."

"Okay, since everyone is not afraid of going to war, what are you waiting for? Go back and prepare. In three days, we will officially send troops to the border of the Land of Thunder."

"Yes, Lord Hokage."

This time, Konoha regrouped its forces and prepared to attack Kumogakure. The noise was very loud.

So loud that the spies of Kumogakure sent out the information in the dark that night.

When Tobirama Senju personally led the Konoha ninjas to the border of the Land of Thunder three days later, the Third Raikage of Kumogakure also received the information sent back by the spies.


Seeing the content of the intelligence, the Third Raikage couldn't help but smashed the desk to pieces.

"Those bastards in Konoha are really going too far." Ai was very annoyed. Not only did the guys in Konoha not act according to his script, but Tobirama Senju personally led a team to the Land of Lightning. Isn't this forcing him? Looking at the furious Third Raikage, the secretary persuaded him: "Lord Raikage, Konoha may not go to war with us again." "I know, but I dare not bet." In the war some time ago, although the losses of Kumogakure were heavy, Konoha was also not easy. If they really want to go to war with Kumogakure again, doesn't Tobirama Senju worry that other countries will take advantage of the fire? The Kirigakure and Iwagakure villages have now completely ceased fighting. The Sand Village has been developing for so long, is the Second Hokage really not worried? But the same thing, the Cloud Village dare not bet. Once the war with Konoha starts again, the losses will be too heavy. "MD, this old guy Senju Tobirama, his timing is so damn accurate."

The Third Raikage cursed angrily, then turned to the secretary and said: "Give the order, prepare the compensation in the contract immediately, I won't let Konoha have the opportunity to go to war."

"Yes, Lord Raikage."

When Senju Tobirama led the Konoha ninja troops and walked slowly to the border of the Land of Lightning.

The Third Raikage of Kumogakure has been waiting here for a long time.

"Hokage, what are you doing here?"

The Kumogakure brought a lot of people this time.

If Konoha didn't follow the moral code and took the compensation and still wanted to fight, the Kumogakure would not be powerless to fight back.

"Do you believe me when I say I'm here for a trip?"

God damn trip.

Is there anyone like you who takes a bunch of brothers to travel to other countries?

Whoever believes it is a fool.

"I don't believe it."

"Since you don't believe it, why don't you give me the compensation? Do you want me to go and get it myself?"

The Third Raikage clenched his fists, and the veins on his forehead were about to burst.

He kept telling himself that he had to hold back, because if he couldn't hold back, it would be the Hidden Cloud Village that would suffer.

"Take it, give it to him."

After gritting his teeth and saying three words to the secretary, Ai stared at the Konoha side.

Soon, the secretary ordered several other Hidden Cloud Ninjas to hand over the compensation and some supplies prepared in advance to Konoha.

After getting the things, Senju Tobirama was also very straightforward. He waved his hand and called his brothers to go home.

The moment before, both sides seemed to be active groups in society ready to fight for territory.

The next moment, with the departure of the Konoha side, the Hidden Cloud side did not stay for long, and the two sides left cleanly.

"Konoha, you wait for me, I, the Third Raikage, will definitely pay for this shame."

After paying the so-called compensation, Yunyin Village's life has been a bit difficult in recent years.

Seeing that the morale of his subordinates was low, as a Raikage, he wanted to open his mouth to boost morale.

It's a pity that since the first generation, Raikage's eloquence has not been good.

You can let them fight the enemy, open your mouth to boost morale, then don't make it difficult for them.

Fortunately, he also has a very capable secretary.

"Ma Liuyi, your eloquence is good. You can help me boost my morale after dinner."


Ma Liuyi didn't expect that Raikage would give him such a job.

He is just a civilian secretary, and his usual job is to assist Raikage in processing documents and conveying some orders.

To boost the morale of these murderous ninjas?

He wanted to say: I can't do it.

At the same time, he also knew that as long as he dared to say this, Raikage would definitely remove him and replace him with another person as his secretary.

Therefore, he thought for a moment and did not refuse directly. Instead, he said tactfully: "Lord Raikage, I am just a secretary. I'm afraid they won't listen to me."

"This is easy to handle. I will promote you now. From now on, you will be the Secretary General of the Raikage Office Secretariat."

When he heard about the promotion, Ma Liuyi's eyes lit up and asked: "Excuse me, Lord Raikage, what is the position of this secretary-general?"


Lei Yingai shook his head for a while before replying: "... Still the secretary."

Ma Liuyi:? ? ?

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