Meredith is a smart person. She should not know that she will not get much benefit from taking refuge in Arasaka.

Even if President Miles and her generals are doubtful, they have no time to dwell on this right now.

The top priority now is to find out whether Texas has gone to Arasaka's side.

Soon, they figured it out.

Texas didn't fall to Arasaka this time.

It may be that the scale of the fifth corporate war is too large, far beyond the level of the unified war, and this is not a scale that it can be involved in.

Therefore, even if there was another feud with the new United States, Texas did not participate in the war. Instead, it lent military access rights to other armies.

The other armies here are not the Texas army, nor the Arasaka army...

Finally, it was found out that it was the Bolivian army.

This made President Miles and the others collectively confused.

Because in their impression, let alone Bolivia, the entire Latin American region has no sense of existence.

After all, Latin America is too far from paradise and too close to the United States.

The United States' ability to develop and become a world hegemon is inseparable from its own geographical location, in addition to the recognized mistakes of World War I and World War II.

Its location is quite superior, and it belongs to God competing to feed burgers.

The United States is blessed with Mexico to the south, Canada to the north, and the sea to the east and west.

Unlike old Europe, where Spain, France, Austria, Germany, and Russia were all crowded together on one continent, not to mention the United Kingdom, which was alone overseas but always wanted to be the continent's balancer.

And because of this, when the United States was still in power, it always kept an eye on Latin America to prevent the emergence of countries in Latin America that could compete with the United States.

During the decades of the Cold War, the United States did many things to impress Latin America.

Later, although the United States disintegrated, even if the new United States shifted its attention away from the Latin American region, Latin America would not be able to survive due to the disasters of the previous decades.

Although President Miles heard about it, a private military company called Dawn Society went to Bolivia, eliminated other forces in Bolivia, and became the ruler of Bolivia.

But if they are not there to plunder people’s fat and people’s anointing, what are they doing here?

What's going on now?

Could it be that Dawn Military Company was hired by Arasaka, so it took advantage of Texas to send troops to the new United States?

If that were the case, it would make sense.

After all, during the Fourth War, both sides found many private military companies to help them fight the war.

This time, before military technology could be found, Arasaka had already pressed forward across the board.

But the problem is still not big.

Shuguang Military Company is just a private military company established less than two years ago. How can it be so capable?

After a brief discussion, President Miles and the generals decided to let the Louisiana troops continue to go north to make dumplings for the Arasaka vanguard.

The Oklahoma troops went south, and they were responsible for defeating the Dawn Military Company's troops.

Even if it can't be defeated, it doesn't matter.

As long as we can stop Dawn Military Company from going deeper, wait until the other troops of New America have eliminated Arasaka's vanguard, and then they will have their hands free...

The result is still the same.

If nothing else, there won't be any difference.

Then, things happened as expected.

Chapter 347: Opening champagne at halftime is taboo (4K)

February 20th.

The troops of Dawn Military Company and the Oklahoma troops of New America met in a place called Nashville, Tennessee.

It's not far from the capital, Washington.

If the Oklahoma troops could not stop the Dawn Military Company troops here, then the historical burning of the White House would happen again today.

However, the commander of the Oklahoma troops was not too worried about blocking Dawn Military Company.

Because he has 20,000 soldiers on hand, as well as the support of a series of war machines such as armored vehicles, main battle tanks, fighter jets, etc.

He heard about Dawn Military Company kicking rebels and punching Shining Group in Bolivia.

But their security forces with military technology are not on the same level as the rebels in poor Latin American countries and the Shining Group.

Although the commander felt that the men he had alone were enough to fight the opponent.

But even with a conservative estimate, it would be no problem to hold the opponent back.

What's more, they arrived at the battlefield early so that the soldiers could rest and recuperate.

Waiting for work with ease.

On the 21st, Dawn Military Company's troops also arrived in Nashville and stopped opposite the Oklahoma troops' defensive position.

The commander of the Oklahoma troops originally wanted to take advantage of the opponent's new arrival and unsteady footing to launch an attack to catch the opponent off guard.

But think about it and forget it.

Now they need to delay more time. Once other troops have eliminated Arasaka's vanguard and come to support them, they will be sure of victory.

They don't need to rush to attack, because the real rush is on the other side.

Just as the commander thought, the troops of Shuguang Military Company, after resting for a day, couldn't wait to launch the attack on the next day, that is, in the early morning of the 22nd.

First there was the roar of the cannon.

The artillery brought by Dawn Military Company made a deafening roar, and the artillery shells fell like raindrops on the position of the Oklahoma troops.

The Oklahoma artillery was also not to be outdone and vented its anger.

While the cannons of both sides were competing, the Air Force was not idle either.

Fighters were fighting each other in the air. From time to time, a fighter jet would fall with a plume of smoke, or it would simply explode in the air and turn into a ball of gorgeous fireworks.

The aerial battlefield was fierce. Of course, the ground troops did not hang up and watch. Instead, under the cover of artillery fire, they launched an assault towards the position of the Oklahoma troops.

Oklahoma's ground troops were on standby, with rifles, machine guns, mortars, anti-tank guns, as well as the Gatling guns and rockets of walking mechas, all facing forward, waiting for the Sugon Military Company's troops to penetrate. Get into their firepower.

But when they saw the ground troops of Shuguang Military Company, it was not the infantry-tank coordination formation they expected, with infantry hiding behind tanks and armored vehicles.

Instead, there were a dozen warrior mechas that were five meters tall.

These warrior mechas are taller than the walking mechas of military technology, but the armor also looks stronger.

What's even more terrible is that when the Oklahoma troops saw them, the propellers behind these warrior mechas started, and these dozen or so warrior mechas all turned into black afterimages, heading towards Oklahoma troops' positions were raided.

The Oklahoma troops were shocked.

What's happening here?

Is this a mecha?

How could there be a mecha that could run so fast?

Because the Warrior mecha was too fast to see clearly, the Oklahoma troops had no choice but to fire at will, trying to cover it with a hail of bullets.

But it didn't work.

The warrior mechas basically avoided most of the barrages. Only a small number of bullets could hit their armor, but they could only splash little sparks.

Nothing else.

Then, in just a moment, these dozen warrior mechas crashed into the Oklahoma position like meteors.

What followed was a massacre.

They don't even need to shoot, as long as they increase their speed, ordinary infantry will die if they are hit by them.

Even tanks, armored vehicles, and walking mechas can't bear it at all, and they will roll over and fall down when hit.

Then use the gravity field to squeeze the driver inside alive.

After being punched in the face by a warrior mecha, the defense line that the Oklahoma troops had worked so hard to build suddenly collapsed, and the troops fell into chaos.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, a tank coordination formation composed of infantry and tanks from Shuguang Military Company pressed forward at this time.

Unfortunately, because Su Xiao wore the "Falsion" exoskeleton armor before and assassinated Hanako Arasaka, he could not replace the exoskeleton armor that had been mass-produced with the troops.

Otherwise, others will know that Hanako Arasaka died at Akebono Military Company, and Yorinobu Arasaka's legitimacy and legitimacy will collapse in an instant.

But it doesn't matter.

Although there was no way to equip the troops with exoskeleton armor, Su Xiao worked overtime to complete the Warmer mecha, and it lived up to Su Xiao's expectations.

Successfully broke through and disrupted the enemy's defense lines.

When the defense line was disrupted, there was no suspense in this battle.

What followed was a full hour of massacre in which 20,000 Oklahoma troops were wiped out.

It’s not because they have the courage to fight to the death, nor is it because of military technology and the loyalty of the new United States.

But they had no chance to escape at all.

The Warfighter mech looks big, but it's not bulky at all.

The thrusters are faster than a car, and they are very targeted. When they rush into the enemy's position, the first thing they destroy are self-propelled artillery, tanks, and armored vehicles.

Ordinary infantrymen have no vehicles and can't run faster than a Warfighter mecha using only their legs.

Moreover, when the battle situation on the ground turned one-sided, the winner in the air was also clearly divided. The fighter jets of the Dawn Military Company, which had achieved victory, aimed at the defeated remnants of the Oklahoma troops on the ground and fired with a single barrage.

It was with such efficient and rapid killing that not one of the Oklahoma troops could escape.

The Battle of Nashville ended with a victory for Dawn Military Company.

Dawn Military Company suffered few casualties.

The casualties of the ground troops mainly came from the initial artillery fire.

Boom, when the two sides get close, the casualties caused by the enemy will be very few.

The losses suffered by the Air Force were even smaller.

Because all the fighter jets from Dawn Military Company are sponsored by Arasaka, and even the pilots are from Arasaka.

Otherwise, they are a long-established giant company with deep pockets.

In order to overturn military technology, Arasaka Yorinobu was willing to lend Su Xiao even the latest fighter jets and pilots, so Su Xiao naturally couldn't be stingy.

So when they arrived, Su Xiao gave each of them a combat auxiliary enhancer.

This thing was inspired by Su Xiao's modification of the chip by Judy.

He had previously made a number of regular editions which he sold to the Republic of Texas.

What I left behind were enhanced versions.

Compared with the normal version, the enhanced version can be greatly strengthened.

If the special forces are equipped with it, they will become as powerful as Captain America.

And if the pilot is equipped with it, it can also greatly enhance the pilot's abilities in all aspects.

Although these pilots are all from Arasaka, now is the stage of cooperation with Arasaka, and since Arasaka Yorinobu is so interesting, Su Xiao can't hide his secrets.

So he gave these pilots enhanced versions of combat auxiliaries instead of ordinary versions.

It is precisely because of this that Arasaka's fighters can completely defeat the new United States.

After defeating the Oklahoma troops, Dawn Military Company's troops took a rest and then continued eastward toward the capital, Washington.

Since all combat forces in the new United States have their own missions, they did not expect that the Oklahoma troops responsible for blocking were almost completely wiped out after not being able to last even one day. This resulted in the troops of Shuguang Military Company being as if they were entering. It was like a no-man's land, no resistance was encountered, and the flow was unobstructed.

While the troops of Dawn Military Company were roaring all the way across the land of the new United States, President Miles and the generals in the Pentagon were collectively dumbfounded when they finally learned that the entire resistance force had been wiped out.

No matter how hard they tried, they still couldn't figure out why the troops who came to block the attack were destroyed when they couldn't even stop them?

There was not even enough time for the intelligence to be sent back. The news that Dawn Military Company's troops were advancing toward the capital, Washington, came from civilians who witnessed it along the way.

Because Sugon Military Company's troops did not massacre civilians, many civilians recorded footage of Sugon Military Company's advance and posted them online.

After seeing these pictures on the Internet, President Miles and the generals had different opinions:

Some people believe that they have to run quickly before Dawn Military Company arrives, otherwise it will be too late;

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