Strange World Survival Manual

Chapter 100 Ghost on the bed

This week, when the member of the Communist Party of China saw that Li Si refused to eat, he reluctantly took the dish back.

He did not expect that even if he gave the scholar something to eat, the scholar would not give him any face. But there is no way, the situation is stronger than the person, he has to endure whatever he does now.

In fact, compared to the group outside the Zhou Dynasty, what Li Si did was really not excessive. After all, this group of people had tried to beat or kill Li Si before.

After Mr. Zhou left, Li Si started to take a nap. He usually had the habit of taking a nap for about half an hour at a time. This would give him plenty of energy in the afternoon and prevent him from being unable to sleep at night.

It's just that he didn't really plan to fall asleep during this nap, he just wanted to take a nap for a while. He had already told Xiaoyu to wake him up if he fell asleep.

In fact, he felt very comfortable sleeping at this time. Even though the sun was shining brightly outside, the temple was still very cool. This is more comfortable than the previous air conditioner.

Because the air conditioner will also dry out the indoor air, making people feel uncomfortable, but Xiaoduan Xiaodama will not.

Li Si was lying on the ground, with his eyes slightly closed, ready to rest. But after lying down for a while, something shocking happened to him, because not long after he lay down, he felt a steady stream of sleepiness, which made people unable to help but think. Going to sleep.

It is like a person who has not slept for more than ten days and encounters a soft bed.

Li Si woke up immediately, opened his eyes with force, and tried to exert force, but found that his body could not move at all, as if he weighed a thousand pounds, and it was extremely difficult to even lift a finger.

At this moment, out of the corner of Li Si's eyes, he saw a white shadow lying on her body. Her face was completely covered by black hair. It could be seen from her slender body that she was a woman.

Li Si immediately understood that the woman in white was the ghost who had planted the ghost on the wall, but now he couldn't move and couldn't even take the talisman paper.

In fact, he had been prepared for it for a long time. He had stuffed an intermediate ghost-killing talisman in his hand early in the morning, waiting to use it.

But in this situation, Li Si didn't expect that the ghost-killing talisman wouldn't be used.

He rolled his eyes to the side and looked at Xiao Duan and Xiao Yu beside him, only to find that they didn't notice any movement and were still guarding them.

He could now order Xiao Duan to attack the female ghost, and then slap an intermediate ghost-killing talisman on it.

It's just that Li Si doesn't plan to do that now. He wants to see what this ghost is planning to do and see if he can get some useful information.

Then he saw a scene that made him feel sick. The female ghost in white slowly climbed up. He could clearly feel the skinny bones of the ghost in white pressing on his body, and he also smelled a smell like a dead rat. smell.

Not long after, the head of the figure in white was close to Li Si's face. At this time, he still couldn't see the face of the white female ghost because her face was covered by long black hair.

Moreover, the black hair hung down on his neck, which made him feel very uncomfortable and itchy. He felt like the hair was like a poisonous snake crawling on his neck, and he couldn't help but get goosebumps all over his body.

At this time, the chatter of the convoy could still be heard outside, which was in sharp contrast to the strange environment in the temple.

Then something even more horrifying to Li Si happened. The female ghost in white slowly stretched out a scarlet tongue from her hair, then passed across his neck and touched his face.

This is the second time Li Si has come into contact with this weird tongue. The last time was when Xiao Duan's tongue wrapped around his neck.

It's just that this scarlet tongue is more sticky than Xiao Duan's tongue, which makes his scalp feel numb. He even can't help it, and wants Xiao Duan to attack.

"How did you survive?" A gentle female voice said from the mouth of this female ghost, just like a mother caring for her child, people can't help but get close to her.

Li Si couldn't help but shudder when he heard the gentle female voice. Instead of making him feel warm, the gentle voice made him feel like his hairs were about to explode. There was a voice in his heart that was shouting crazily: "Run! Run!! Run!!!"

However, he resisted the urge and wanted to open his mouth, but found that it was still difficult to do so. He couldn't help but feel angry in his heart. This ghost asked questions, but how could he answer if he didn't let himself speak?

"Why don't you speak?" The gentle voice of the female ghost in white seemed a little hoarse. Her tongue slowly slid on Li Si's face, but the tongue was obviously much stronger and it made Li Si's bones hurt.

Li Si now understood that this female ghost was either crazy or stupid, or had other intentions, otherwise she would not have known that she could not speak.

Thinking of this, he was no longer prepared to deal with this ghost, so he directly ordered Xiao Duan to attack.

Xiao Duan on the side also immediately stuck out his tongue and swept it towards the female ghost.

Li Si then regained control of his body, rolled around, and slapped the talisman onto the female ghost's body.

However, this shot came up empty.

Li Si seemed to notice something at this time. He looked outside the temple, only to see nothingness outside.

"Am I? In a dream?" He immediately called Xiaoyu.

Then a pair of cold hands slapped him on the face, and Li Si finally opened his eyes. At this time, he saw the people in the motorcade looking into the hall with frightened eyes.

Only then did he realize that the ground had been scratched with a long mark by Xiao Zhan's tongue, and the floor tiles were torn into pieces.

"What are you looking at me for?" Li Si glanced at everyone and sounded impatient.

He had just been tricked by a ghost, and now he was treated like a monkey, so he was naturally not in a good mood. What's more, his relationship with the people in this team was not good, so he naturally didn't look good.

When everyone saw Li Si's cold look, everyone looked at each other and did not dare to speak. Then Zhou Yuanwai drove them away.

Then Zhou Yuanwai walked in and asked Li Sidao: "Did Mr. Cai fight with that ghost just now?"

Li Si glanced at him in surprise and was not prepared to hide it from him. He nodded and said: "This ghost is good at making people fall into dreams and can control dreams. You should be careful."

When Zhou Yuanwai heard what Li Si said, he was suddenly shocked. He was just testing Li Si, but he didn't expect that this man would actually fight against a ghost.

But the news Li Si gave him was a bit unbelievable, making him a little hesitant.

Then Zhou Yuanwai walked out of the temple with a heavy heart.

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