Strange World Survival Manual

Chapter 79 Shredded Chicken

Li Si and He Zhong then hurriedly checked them and discovered that this should be a hidden wound formed in the body after the peach seed was parasitized.

"You guys take a rest first and don't make any strenuous movements." Li Si said to the three of them. At the same time, he approached the ruins and walked towards the location of Chen Zhongyang's original bedroom.

After searching for a while, he looked at the ruins of the bedroom. Based on the brief glimpse in his memory, he found the location of Chen Zhongyang's bed, and asked Xiao Duan to clean the bedding out of the ruins.

After the bedding was pulled out, Li Si patted the dust off the bedding, walked towards the bonfire, and handed the bedding to the family of three.

But when he asked Xiao Duan to clean up the ruins just now, the four people around the campfire were already dumbfounded. They saw Li Si motionless, but he pulled the bedding out of the ruins, looking very miraculous. So they couldn't help but look at Li Si with a little more awe.

At the same time, some distance away from the ruins, there was a peach tree four to five meters high, standing alone in the dark night. Its black branches looked even more eerie in the dark night.

"Xixixusuosuo..." A noisy sound came, and tree roots like snakes were squirming on the ground, which made people feel weird and disgusting.

It was during the squirming of the tree roots that a headless corpse and a human head were entangled by the tree roots, pulled up from the ground, and fell in front of the peach tree.

The peach tree trembled slightly, and two dry human heads emerged from the gaps between the trees.

"Woo..." They let out low and hoarse cries, and at the same time, the branches of the peach tree slowly became entangled together, slowly becoming two things like human arms.

Then the "hands" formed by the entanglement of the two branches slowly grasped the legs of the corpse.

The hands exerted force suddenly, and under the night light, blood spattered, and the body was divided into two parts from the middle.

In the dark night, this strange peach tree began to eat with its tree hands.

If Li Si saw the way it was eating, it would remind him of the feeling of eating shredded chicken in his previous life. When Li Si first ate the shredded chicken, he just tore the skin and flesh apart little by little.

Then put the freshly torn chicken with the skin into your mouth and taste the deliciousness of the chicken. If the chicken is a little bloodshot, it will have a different taste.

For example, Li Si could finish a plate of shredded chicken in more than 20 minutes, and this peach tree demon obviously ate it faster than Li Si.

The mouth of the female head among the two heads slowly opened to a strange degree, and then a spherical object was stuffed into her mouth by the tree hand.

Then there was an exaggerated "Gulu" sound, and the head was swallowed by the old woman.

"Haha..." The old man smiled honestly, and then said: "We are going to have another child."

"Hehehehe..." A strange and kind voice sounded in the open space, which seemed a bit strange.

The five people warming themselves by the fire also heard the weird laughter.

"Did you hear laughter?" Shu Rong asked everyone uncertainly.

"I heard it." Li Si's face was a little solemn. He listened carefully to the laughter just now, but found that the laughter flickered from left to right, making it difficult to figure out its location.

He knew in his heart that this was a bit troublesome. He was already on guard against this weird thing, fearing that he and others would find them.

At the same time, he was completely sure from the laughter that these were two old people, a man and a woman. If they weren't Chen Zhongyang's parents, who else could they be?

Li Si turned to look at the pale-faced family of three, and sighed slightly. He had to solve this problem before tomorrow, otherwise it would be difficult for these three people to sustain their injuries.

And if it is not solved tomorrow, it will only become more and more difficult to solve later.

Thinking of this, he looked at the burning bonfire, his heart moved slightly, and he pulled out a piece of wood from the bonfire.

The other people were a little confused and stopped moving and looked at Li Si quietly.

Li Si ignored them, stood up, took a deep breath, then gathered strength in his hand and threw the wood in his hand towards Taolin.

When the peach tree demon in the peach grove saw the burning wood flying in front of him, he immediately stepped back a distance and let the burning wood fall on the open ground.

Li Si saw this scene with a thoughtful look in his eyes, and then continued to take out the burning wood from the bonfire and threw it into the peach forest.

In this way, it was thrown several times, and one time it was thrown on a peach tree demon, but it did not ignite. It was thrown by the peach tree demon's branch and fell to the open ground.

Then the peach tree demon retreated slightly, avoiding the torch, but when the fire from the torch weakened slightly, it moved forward to surround it.

Seeing this scene, Li Si nodded slightly, while the other people also thought of something, with ecstatic looks in their eyes.

"Ms. Li, can we go out?" He Zhong said with some surprise.

The family of three on the side also looked at Li Si with hopeful eyes.

Seeing their appearance, Li Si shook his head slightly and sighed: "No, although this peach tree demon is afraid of fire, it is not as big as imagined. If we use fire to drive it away, it will not be able to get out. "

Seeing what Li Si said, the hopeful look in several people's eyes disappeared, and despair gradually emerged.

"When the sun rises tomorrow, it will suppress this monster. Maybe we can break out of it, but I don't know if you have the courage." Li Si sat down and added a piece of scrap wood to the bonfire.

Seeing what Li Si said, the three members of He Zhong and Shu Rong's family looked at each other. How could they get involved in dealing with monsters?

Li Si saw them like this and said in a deep voice: "After the sun rises tomorrow, the power of these monsters will be weakened. Then I need you to use fire to drive them away, and then look for opportunities to escape."

Seeing Li Si say this, several people's eyes showed complex expressions of fear, hesitation and so on.

"Li Xianggong, you have saved my life several times. I will definitely listen to your orders. Even if I go up the mountain of swords or into the sea of ​​fire, I will still have my duty!" He Zhong gritted his teeth and looked at Li Si, his face There was a determined look on his face.

The family of three on the side were hesitant. The little girl's face was full of fear. She huddled in her mother's arms with a look of fear in her eyes.

Shu Fangshi held her daughter and looked at Shu Rong, waiting for her husband to make a decision.

Shu Rong nodded towards his wife and daughter, turned to look at Li Si, and said firmly: "We have no choice, we will listen to you."

He is also someone who can take his wife and daughter to Fengmen County to find a way to survive during the drought. Naturally, he can understand the situation and is also a decisive person.

Seeing that everyone agreed, Li Si nodded and said with a smile: "We don't need to be too pessimistic. As long as we work together, we can still break out."

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