With Zhao Xun's appetite, he could barely fill his stomach by eating two palm-sized vegetable buns, and a breakfast would cost four points.

Twenty points are only enough for five breakfasts.

Sure enough, the initial points are too few, so you have to think carefully about how to use them.

According to the train regulations, at twelve o'clock tonight, passengers will be ranked according to their points, and the last place will receive assistance and encouragement measures.

It sounds nice, but he always feels that this help and encouragement is not a good thing.

To avoid ending up in last place, it's best not to spend points today.

But if you are hungry all day and your physical condition is too bad, it will be very bad in an environment where a crisis may occur at any time.

Fortunately, he was prepared.

Zhao Xun walked quickly to Car No. 14.

He didn't look at the price of the high-end restaurant in Car No. 08. He knew without thinking that he couldn't afford it now.

As soon as he entered Car No. 14, Zhao Xun saw a strange young man wandering near his seat, looking up from time to time at the large suitcase placed on the luggage rack.

The young man is about 1.7 meters tall, so it would be difficult to reach the two-meter luggage rack. Besides, such a large suitcase looks very heavy. With his height and long arms, it will be even more difficult to lift it off.

In addition, people were coming and going in the carriage, so he didn't dare to move for a while.

A playful smile appeared on Zhao Xun's face.

He didn't bring his suitcase with him because he planned to come back after checking out the prices in the restaurant and didn't plan to stay out for too long. Plus, the suitcase had a password, making it difficult for outsiders to open it.

He had thought that someone would be interested in his suitcase, but he didn't expect that in just ten minutes, someone would be blatantly staring at it.

However, the young man was not very courageous and did not dare to take the suitcase directly.

If he guessed correctly, the young man's personal mission should be related to his suitcase.

His personal mission can target other passengers, so it's not surprising that other passengers' personal missions can target him.

Zhao Xun walked over slowly and stood in front of the young man: Why are you staring at my suitcase?

There was a smile on his face, and there was no trace of dissatisfaction or anger at all.

Shen Yalong was so frightened that he subconsciously took two steps back and then turned his attention from the suitcase to Zhao Xun.

Seeing Zhao Xun's friendly attitude, Shen Yalong's tense body relaxed a little.

I'm sorry, I... I just felt that your suitcase was the only one in the entire carriage, and I was quite curious, so I took a second look. Shen Yalong apologized very sincerely, I didn't mean anything else, don't get me wrong.

Really? Zhao Xun raised an eyebrow slightly and exposed it directly, I thought your personal mission was to take away my suitcase.

Shen Yalong was stunned for a while, and then he approached Zhao Xun as if he had made up his mind.

He prayed in a low voice: I just want to take something from your suitcase. If you are willing to give it to me, I will be very grateful to you.

Take something away? Zhao Xun looked interested, What is it?

Anything is fine! Shen Yalong thought there was something interesting and hurriedly promised, As long as it is something in your suitcase, just give me the least needed thing and I will repay you!

What will you repay me with? Zhao Xun asked.

Shen Yalong opened his mouth, but no words came out for a while.

He just said that just to show that he had a good attitude. He had never thought about how to repay her.

This time, he was stopped by the question.

Look, you have never thought of repaying me, so why should I help you? Zhao Xun spread his hands, I am not a philanthropist.

After saying that, Zhao Xun sat back in his seat and didn't look at Shen Yalong again.

No. 013 was taken away by the flight attendant, while the other four people probably went to familiarize themselves with the train or do personal tasks. Now Zhao Xun was the only one around this table.

Shen Yalong did not leave. He stood there steadily for several minutes, then suddenly threw himself on the table, looked at Zhao Xun, and said in a very sincere tone: Whatever you want in return, as long as I have it, I will give it to you!

What do you have? Zhao Xun asked back unhurriedly, Do you have supplies, points, or anything I need urgently now?

Shen Yalong: ...

Zhao Xun showed a funny look: You have nothing, why are you writing a bad check to me here?

Before Shen Yalong could speak, Zhao Xun waved his hand again, making a driving motion: Get out of here, otherwise don't blame me for being rude to you.

What he said was quite rude, but he still had a smile on his face and his tone was upbeat and cheerful, but it was hard to tell what his attitude was.

Shen Yalong stared at Zhao Xun blankly for a few seconds, with a hint of anger in his eyes. Suddenly he stretched out his hand towards Zhao Xun's neck.

Zhao Xun was on guard and immediately blocked the young man's hand.

Why, you're too soft, are you ready for something hard? Zhao Xun raised his eyebrows slightly, but there was still no look of anger on his face.

There was even a smile in his eyes.

I can't help it. Shen Yalong was making excuses for himself while clenching his hands into fists and swinging towards Zhao Xun's chest.

Zhao Xun stood up quickly, avoided Shen Yalong's fist, and kicked Shen Yalong's knee.

At this time, Shen Yalong had straightened up. He pushed back a big step, just avoiding Zhao Xun's legs.

The two people made a lot of noise, and everyone in the carriage became quiet and looked at them.

But no one asked, and no one stopped him.

The less trouble, the better.

It's none of their business, and most people don't want to cause trouble for themselves.

After Shen Yalong avoided Zhao Xun's legs, he approached again and tried to grab Zhao Xun's arm.

Zhao Xun did not hide anymore, but went forward and grabbed Shen Yalong's shoulders.

Just as he was about to use force to remove Shen Yalong's joints, Shen Yalong suddenly stretched out an arm from his armpit and punched Zhao Xun hard on the side.

Zhao Xun reacted quickly and turned his body slightly, barely avoiding it.

But the next second, an arm appeared under Shen Yalong's left armpit. The moment Zhao Xun dodged the attack on the right, he hit Zhao Xun hard on the left side of the waist.

This time, Zhao Xun failed to dodge and received a solid punch.

His brows wrinkled slightly, and the smile on his face finally faded a bit.

When Shen Yalong saw that he had succeeded, his expression became proud.

In an instant, another arm appeared on each side of him, and the whole person became a head with six arms.

Apparently, this is his special ability.

Two of Shen Yalong's arms grabbed Zhao Xun's two arms, and the other four arms made fists and punched Zhao Xun's body.

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