Zhao Xun walked to the princess, took out a lively long rope from his coat pocket, and tied the princess tightly.

What do you want to do? The prince couldn't see anything, but he felt that the princess was dead again. After hearing Zhao Xun's approaching footsteps, he struggled to crawl towards the princess.

Zhao Xun ignored the prince and dragged the princess forward.

The prince couldn't walk with his legs and couldn't see, so he could only crawl in the direction of the princess based on his sense of the princess.

But Zhao Xun's walking speed was much faster than the prince's crawling speed, and the distance between the prince and the princess became wider and wider.

After walking five meters away, Zhao Xun suddenly felt the weight on his hand lighten.

Looking back, the princess had returned to the prince.

All he had left was a bare rope.

It seems that the rope is also a little confused about why the person he tied up so well suddenly disappeared, dancing like a streamer without wind.

The prince's body was stained with dust and his clothes became dirty, but he didn't care about it at all and hurriedly rushed over and groped to hug the princess.

He hugged the princess tightly, as if to declare his sovereignty: The princess is mine, you can't take her away from me!

You two are really inseparable. Zhao Xun was not annoyed, but chuckled. He walked quickly to the prince's side, Then you don't have to live anymore.

As soon as he finished speaking, he grabbed the prince's shoulder with one hand and raised the other hand towards the distance. The bone-cutting knife under the pile of vines immediately flew out and stabbed straight into the prince's back.

The prince looked panicked, but even his struggle was in vain. The bone-cutting knife pierced his heart smoothly.

Kill me, and the princess will be stronger... The prince said this reluctantly, and then completely lost his breath.

Zhao Xun threw away the dirty body of the prince, tied up the princess with the [lively long rope] again, and continued to drag her on the ground as before.

Of course he knew the consequences of killing the prince, but running away with the princess would waste some time, and taking another prince would be even more troublesome.

The experiment just proved that if the princess and the prince are too far apart, the person in front will return to the person behind.

Combined with the fact that the [lively long rope] tied to the princess will not follow the princess back, it is reasonable to suspect that the negative status of the princess will be automatically eliminated when she returns to the prince.

This is really troublesome.

It's better to kill the prince and settle the matter.

Anyway, he will not give the princess another chance to explode.

Zhao Xun dragged one end of the long rope with one hand and held the bone-cutting knife in the other hand.

Seeing that the cloaked man and the fat woman were both staring at him, Zhao Xun reminded: Why are you standing still? Keep running?

Man in cloak: ...

Fat woman: ...

For some reason, they seemed less shocked than before when they saw the prince being killed.

Probably because it was done too many times and it made me feel numb.

Neither of them said much, and ran forward behind Zhao Xun.

Help me calculate the time, Zhao Xun said to the cloaked man behind him as he ran. Remind me three seconds before the princess is resurrected. I will guard her and kill her again the moment she resurrects.

The cloaked man subconsciously lowered his head and glanced at the princess who was dragged to the ground by Zhao Xun.

The spikes of the vine scratched the princess's fair skin, and even in the dead state, some blood still seeped out from the wound. The princess's beautiful and gorgeous dress was stained by dust, and the fabric was scratched a lot by the thorns on the roadside, making her look very embarrassed.

Man in cloak: ...

Suddenly I felt a little pitiful about the princess.

Although he felt unbearable for a moment, the man in the cloak still agreed: Okay, I understand.

More than two minutes passed quickly, and the man in the cloak reminded Zhao Xun: It's almost time.

Zhao Xun immediately stopped, holding the princess's shoulder with his left hand, and pointed the bone-cutting knife at the princess's heart with his right hand.

Two seconds later, the princess suddenly opened her eyes.

The moment she opened her eyes, Zhao Xun's bone-cutting knife pierced the princess's heart.

The princess' angry expression became stiff, and then her pupils became dilated, and she died again.

Zhao Xun took out the bone-cutting knife and continued to drag the princess forward.

The fat woman running at the back couldn't help but ask: I suddenly remembered... why didn't we tie up the princess and take her with us when we killed her for the first time? Like just now, the princess just woke up Just kill her and nothing will happen next.

The man in the cloak touched the sweat on his forehead and said, I have never thought about killing the princess. How could I think so much about the future.

That's right. The fat woman smiled awkwardly, I actually didn't think of this.

I just thought of it too. Zhao Xun took advantage of the situation and answered.

The three of them did not continue this topic.

Only Zhao Xun knew in his heart that there were other reasons why he didn't do this from the beginning.

He wanted to test whether the cloaked man's [defensive barrier] could withstand the princess' violent power, and also to see if the cloaked man had any other special items he could use.

Although they are partners now, it does not mean that they will still be on the same side the next time they meet.

It is always good to have more information about the other party.

In fact, when he was in the castle hall, looking at the cloaked man's reaction, he could almost tell that the cloaked man's [defensive barrier] could resist the princess's violent power, but it shouldn't last long.

But that time the princess was crushed into a meat pie by the big iron gate, and it was difficult to take out the complete body. He could only tie the princess next time when he killed her.

For the rest of the journey, the three of them didn't say much and kept running forward.

Only when the princess's three-minute cooling time is about to end, the cloaked man will remind Zhao Xun.

Then Zhao Xun seized the right opportunity and stabbed the princess in the heart the second she woke up.

He killed the princess three more times in this way. On the last time, Zhao Xun threw the princess directly into the thorn bushes and rushed towards the exit as fast as he could in his life.

They could run the rest of the distance in three minutes, so they didn't have to take the princess with them.

Victory was right in front of them, and the three people who were already a little tired all gained strength again and ran a little faster than before.

Just when they were about to step out of the thorn bush, the princess' extremely angry roar came from behind.

The fat woman shivered in fright and almost tripped over the stone under her feet.

The man in the cloak had quick eyes and quick hands. He grabbed the fat woman's arm and pulled her over the edge of the thorn bush.

The princess almost teleported behind Zhao Xun and the others, but could only stop there.

Because Zhao Xun and the others have completely walked out of the thorn bush.

The princess could only glare at Zhao Xun angrily, but could not move one step forward.

Even the vines she controlled were the same as hers. Every leaf and long stem could not go beyond the range of the thorn bush.

It's like being blocked by an invisible barrier.

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