Zhang Yao frowned in his heart. This feeling was like giving charity, but under the current situation, Zhang Yao could only endure it.

Angel is arrogant, there is no doubt about this, at least his side can develop very well in the early stage.

After Kesha's death, it's not like the sky is high and the birds can fly, the judgment of flames, and the angel's sanctions are all to hell. On the road to becoming a strong person, this kind of pretentiousness is indispensable.

"What's the benefit? I don't want the Flame Sword. It's fine if you can give me a set of armor skills." Zhang Yao calmed down his emotions and said.

Angel Chase looked at the current Zhang Yao curiously. To be honest, Angel Chase had studied Zhang Yao's information after coming to Earth. He couldn't say how clever this person was, but he was very courageous.

"Tell me your news first." Angel Chase smiled mysteriously.

Zhang Yao saw this expression and knew that this chaser was probably teasing him. He thought for a moment and said, "There is a shop that sells red long johns in the street next to it. I think you guys will like it."

Angel Zhui was puzzled and said: "We angel warriors are not afraid of cold or heat, but this kind of thing is of no use to us."

Zhang Yao swayed back and forth on the chair, accompanied by a creaking sound, which made Chai a little tired of the little guy in front of him.

Zhang Yao noticed the slight frown, and Zhang Yao smiled faintly, "Perhaps our interests are just the vassal of the weak in your opinion, but let me tell you one thing clearly, we want to defeat some super soldiers under unreasonable circumstances. We can still do it.”

Zhang Yao put away his chair and walked towards the door, "Originally, I wanted to ask you for help with this kind of thing, but you're not willing, so let's forget it."

Zhang Yao did not say what the purpose of this meeting was, but Yan would definitely know about the attitude issue.

Angel chased and watched Zhang Yao leave, sitting safely on his chair, "It's a bit troublesome after class. This is a chess piece that Yan found."

Zhang Yao pulled away the car waiting outside the door, "Let's go!"

Zhang Yao didn't say where it was, he just told Leng Dao to drive in one direction.

"Boos there is no road." Leng Dao looked at the roadless hill in front of him.

Zhang Yao got off the car and came to this place just to meet a person, or rather a monkey.

"You go back first!"

Leng Dao nodded slightly, turned the front of the car and quickly disappeared on the path.

Ling Yi appeared behind Zhang Yao, with a slight smile on Zhang Yao's lips, "This is our real meeting, the Great Sage."

There was a small villa on the top of the hill. Zhang Yao stopped at the door of the small villa, and the feathers on his back disappeared at this time.

But in Zhang Yao's perception, the Great Sage was inside, just doing something.

After waiting for half an hour, the door was opened and Zhang Yao walked in.

Sun Wukong was dressed in casual clothes, "What's wrong with you?"

Sun Wukong sat on the sofa and watched Zhang Yao arrive.

"You're here!?" An unexpected expression appeared on Sun Wukong's face.

Zhang Yao chuckled and walked in, "As the current patron saint of the earth, can I not come to say hello? If you are unhappy and come to dismantle my organization, it will be a sin."

"I have never thought about this kind of thing. Some of the things you do, in my opinion, are just children playing house." Sun Wukong pointed to the sofa opposite and said.

Zhang Yao sat down on the sofa, with this relaxed expression on his face.

Sun Wukong continued: "But you are much more sensible than those super soldiers. At least you can grasp the principles well."

"Some of me are very prejudiced against me joining the Angels. Although I don't know what you think about it, I need to say something. This is only temporary."

It is necessary for Zhang Yao to come to see Sun Wukong. The two angels are now in his shop, and he also went to meet them today. These cannot escape the eyes of some people.

On the battleship, Zhang Yao could still guarantee that he was fine, but outside the battleship, who could say clearly.

Quantum technology is not indestructible. As long as someone finds a flaw, it is not a dead end.

While planning a way to survive, you must also strengthen yourself. This is the path Zhang Yao is taking now.

If Zhang Yao spared no effort to help the earth, the result would be similar to that of the Juxia, which would be blown up without even leaving any residue.

Therefore, in some cases, Zhang Yao needs to reduce his sense of existence on the one hand and protect himself on the other. Gou Nai is the first holy word.

"These have nothing to do with me. Isn't it your children's specialty to make trouble? As long as it's not a bottom line issue, you can continue to make trouble." Sun Wukong dug his ears and said.

Zhang Yao nodded and received Sun Wukong's assurance. Zhang Yao felt a lot more relieved. At least he had an extra trump card. He could turn to Sun Wukong when he was not strong enough.

Far away in the global orbit of Mars, a blue quantum door opens, and three thousand wingmen appear wrapped in twenty divine machines.

There were twenty divine machines escorting the thunder armor, and a small shield was also formed around it.

"Attention, all units. In this attack, the wings will send us around the Taotie flagship. The rest is up to us. We need to destroy the shield system of the Taotie flagship, and the rest will be handed over to heavy firepower. to solve it.”

I remembered Mei Yi’s voice on the channel.

"Team 1 received."

"Second team received it."

"Team 3 received it."

"Team 4 received it."

"The fifth team is here."

Five teams, each with four divine planes, were all ready. The 210 divine planes raised shields for the 21 divine planes present. The remaining wingmen lined up in a triangle formation, waiting for the attack from Asia. The Taotie battleship came out of the space.

Hyperion's railgun is charging, and it is calculating where the Taotie battleship needs to pass. This requires massive calculations, otherwise it would be a sin to not be able to make the Taotie exit the subspace state.

Zhang Yao also returned to the hotel at this time, holding an illusory ball in his hand, "Enable remote command authority."

Deno-3 didn't know when it changed its direction and looked at the current surface of Mars.

Sun Wukong stood on the top of Kunlun Mountain, with golden light in his eyes and looking in the direction of Mars. There was an angel above the earth who also looked over.

This sniper attack is of great significance. If successful, the earth may still have some time to breathe.

If it fails, the battlefield will become the earth, and the people will be displaced and war will break out. This is probably what many people do not want to see.

Zhang Yao drew the bow with one hand.

"Calculating subspace energy points"

"Calculate strike point"

"Railgun No. 1 and No. 2 start charging"

"Strike point calculation completed"

"Fire in 3 seconds"

"1 fire."

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