The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 45: Words are more powerful than fists

On the first day Schiller returned to Marvel New York, Peter came to the clinic dejectedly, with a collapse band hanging on his arm. Schiller looked him up and down and said, "It doesn't look like your trip to the West will be good." How smooth."

Peter sighed, sat down opposite Schiller, put his schoolbag on his lap, and accidentally touched the injured arm. He yelled "Ah", then sighed again and said: "If nothing else, I'm probably not really cut out to be a superhero."

"What's wrong? Did you meet a difficult opponent?"

"The opponent is actually not difficult to deal with at all, but..."

Next, in Peter's description, Schiller heard about his and Captain America's ridiculous journey to the West.

Steve is a veteran with rich experience, but similarly, as Captain America, the team members he has been assigned in the past are all elite warriors. They have been tempered for a long time. Even new recruits are not lacking in various combat skills. , but lacks some practical experience.

But Peter the Spider, he is completely a blank slate now. He still relies on rogue boxing techniques to fight, and his defense basically relies on physical fitness, not to mention any tactical qualities.

In order to train the little spider, Steve deliberately did not let SHIELD arrange the trip, but took Peter on his own.

The first trouble they encountered on this road trip was Peter's insatiable appetite.

The growth stage of Peter's spider mutation has not passed yet. He needs to eat a lot of food every day. Even if Steve is rich, anyone who has watched some road movies knows that it is difficult to ensure that there is a suitable place for every meal. When it comes to eating, most of the time I just buy some fast food and carry it in my backpack, and take a few bites when I'm hungry.

But Peter was so good at eating that he ate all the things they brought in their backpacks within two meals, so the two had to change their itinerary. After taking the first bus, they went to the nearest A small town.

Prices in this town are not high, but Peter still ate thousands of dollars worth of food. Credit cards are not supported here, and the cash Steve brought was quickly spent, so the two of them started their road trip. ,This is the end.

Steve had to call Coulson to send him money. In the end, SHIELD drove the two of them to their destination and solved Peter's food problem.

Since the last time Schiller took Spider-Man and Pikachu to loot SHIELD's food, they urgently developed a new compressed dry food with nutrient solution, which can provide a large amount of energy beyond what ordinary people need, thus avoiding a disaster. The embarrassing situation of all the restaurants on the road being eaten out by Peter.

After arriving at the place, Steve began to take Little Spider to detect the traces of the ninjas. Although Peter learned a lot in the process, most things were still messed up by him.

He has superhuman strength and resilience, but the only thing he has is that he talks a lot and is very active.

In the beginning, when Peter didn't understand anything, it was okay. He just followed Steve obediently and watched how he investigated the information. But then Peter learned a little bit. The animal genes are starting to get sick again.

Peter learned some skills, so he felt that he could do better. When Steve wanted to climb over the wall, he jumped onto the wall. When Steve wanted to get close to a security guard and knock him out, he jumped directly from the roof. Climb up, jump in front of the security guard, say hello, and then punch him in the face.

In short, two guys with completely different combat styles messed up all reconnaissance operations without any tacit cooperation.

Fortunately, the group of ninjas seemed to be sure that no one would come to the desolate west, and their traces were relatively easy to trace. Before long, Steve and Peter found a small stronghold of theirs.

What happened next was even more speechless.

Originally, they only had to deal with a few low-level ninjas. Steve was right. Their trip this time was just a warm-up. Although those ninjas jumped around and disappeared suddenly, they couldn't actually be beaten.

But the problem arises from this disappearance. Steve swung his shield and the ninja disappeared. Behind him was Peter who was trying to scare the ninja and make a face for him.

The hard shield hit Peter's arm with a "bang!" and broke it on the spot.

This was the first time in Captain America's life that he fired on friendly forces, and the effect was remarkable.

"Steve told me that it would be better to deal with these enemies from behind, so I swung from the rafters and tried to attack them from behind, but who knew he would change to a frontal attack? I never knew he was so powerful. Big, I flew out directly and was slapped against the wall..."

"Those ninjas were knocked down by him in three or five blows, but I was also knocked down by him in one blow." Peter said a little pitifully.

Schiller really couldn't hold back his laughter. Peter said resentfully: "Laugh, laugh. When I came back, I had been laughed at by Coulson, Natasha and Matt for several days."

Schiller tried his best to hold back his laughter. He comforted Peter and said, "Don't be sad. You should feel honored. The person who was swung away by the captain's shield last time was the leader of Hydra."

"I know I talk a lot, but I can't control myself. I act like this when I'm excited..."

"Perhaps you've heard the saying, 'Sometimes words are more powerful than fists,'" Schiller said.

After a while, Steve didn't come, but Natasha did. The female agent said with a headache: "Stark went to talk to Director Nick, and ran into Steve who was coming back, and the two of them had a big fight."

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"Then why did you come to me? I can't pull them apart."

"The director has asked someone to pull them apart, but the problem now is that Steve keeps mentioning Stark's father, and Stark doesn't believe it. Steve is his father's old comrade-in-arms Captain America."

"Or he believes it, but just doesn't want to admit it." Schiller said.

Natasha covered her forehead and said, "Anyway, as a senior psychological consultant of SHIELD, you must mediate now..."

Natasha saw that Schiller wanted to refuse, and she said, "Listen, the current situation is like this, Iron Man and Captain America are arguing fiercely, Director Nick wants to participate in the mediation, but the two of them teamed up to scold him."

"Coulson also wanted to go up to mediate, but the three people thought that Coulson was biased towards the other side. Nick thought Coulson should help him to mediate the conflict between the two. Stark knew that Coulson was a loyal fan of Captain America and thought he would definitely take sides. Captain America thought Coulson was a good person. , should not be misunderstood by the other two parties..."

"In short, the three parties each have their own opinions and do not trust each other, but there is really no more credible fourth party on the scene."

"Obviously, Nick wants both of them to join the team organized by SHIELD, so the current situation has occurred, right?"

Natasha was a little surprised by Schiller's sharpness, but she still said: "I think this is a good plan for everyone. After all, if two people act independently, there will be many problems, such as Steve and Peter this time..."

"But obviously, Steve and Peter's unsuccessful actions are Peter's problems, not Captain America's." Schiller said.

Peter's resentment deepened, and he said: "Hey, doctor, you just comforted me!"

Schiller said: "Speaking of persuading a fight, I have a better candidate."

As he said, he lifted up the Pikachu sitting next to him by the neck and threw it into Natasha's arms.

Natasha grabbed Pikachu's two short arms and lifted it up to her face and said, "I know you have a yellow-haired mouse that can talk, but what's the use of it? It can't even beat Nick, the weakest of the three." Schiller said, "Believe me, sometimes, words are more powerful than fists." A few hours later, it was dark, and there was a loud "bang bang" sound of knocking on the door outside Schiller's clinic. As soon as he opened the door, Steve, Stark, Coulson and Natasha were all there. Pikachu was held in the arms of Iron Man in armor, and Stark covered the mouth of the yellow-haired mouse with his hands. Schiller opened the door, let a few people in, and then said, "You'd better not let the reporters take pictures of what you are doing now, Stark, otherwise the animal protection organization will go crazy." "No animal protection organization will protect a mouse like this!" Stark said, and then he roughly picked up Pikachu's tail and threw it to Schiller. Coulson looked like he had aged ten years. Natasha leaned against the door frame and said, "Doctor, you really provided us with a very effective solution!" She gritted her teeth when she said the word "very effective". Schiller handed the phone to Pikachu to charge it. Steve sat down with his forehead covered and said, "Oh my God, I don't know what just happened..." "I thought Peter was the noisiest person in the world, but I didn't expect..." As he said this, he showed a painful expression. Obviously, the recent rounds of abuse made the good-tempered Steve almost collapse. "He is indeed the noisiest person in the world, because Pikachu is a mouse." Schiller said. "It cursed everyone present with the most obscene words I've never heard in my life. Nick couldn't even find a chance to interrupt. With a Canadian accent, it cursed SHIELD from top to bottom, from Nick Fury's eye mask to the glass water cup on the desk."

"He chattered for at least six hours, without repeating a word. The walls of SHIELD were almost engraved with his voice..."

"I don't know how he can hold so many words in such a small body!!" Coulson said with a trembling voice.

"In order to shut him up, we had to feed him, but he ate a month's worth of donuts in the office and emptied all the juicers. To stop him, we all had to do it ourselves!"

"He also electrocuted four mobile phones and an Iron Man mecha." Natasha said, "This also included Nick's advanced security mobile phone, which forced him to go to the maintenance department in person to restore the data inside."

"But at least the effect of persuading the fight was good, wasn't it? When you joined forces to catch it, did you feel the joy of unity?" Schiller said gloatingly.

Stark, who suffered the most losses, gritted his teeth and said, "Yeah, I didn't expect that I could chat with this old antique about how to cook mice for half an hour!"

"I think you know what I often say now..."

"Yeah..." Steve spoke first, and then Stark looked at him. Sparks flew between their eyes, but they still said in unison, "Words are more powerful than fists!"

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