The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 79: The heart is as stubborn as a stone (Part 2)

Gordon and Barbara had a quarrel when they got home, and Barbara waited for him very late. She was sitting alone in a dark room. There was a cold dinner on the dining table. It was carefully prepared by Barbara to celebrate that they were about to buy their first small home. Unfortunately, during this dinner, But the most important protagonist is missing,

Barbara knew that Gordon was busy, but she knew better that Gordon was so busy not because he was incapable of completing his job, but because the place where he worked did not need police at all.

Barbara, who accompanied Gordon all the way, knew very well that with Gordon's ability, it would not be so difficult to go to any city other than Gotham. More importantly, Barbara also knew that even if Gordon There is no point in working so hard, he can't save this place.

When Gordon came back, Barbara was sitting on the sofa, stroking a photo that they had taken after their internship. In it, Gordon and she were both very young, even children.

At that time, they were both under 20 years old, and they had just established their relationship less than two months ago. They got drunk at a party, and then talked about their ambitions together.

Barbara's family situation is very bad. She wants to make money to improve the lives of her parents and brothers. Gordon was born in a middle-class family with a small fortune. Because the police once rescued his family, he has dreamed of it since he was a child. Be a policeman who upholds justice.

Although they had different ambitions, they still fell in love, and even their long-distance relationship for several years did not make their relationship fade.

But on this night, it seemed that the emotions that had been accumulated for a long time burst out at once. Barbara sat on the sofa and cried silently, while Gordon stood at the door without saying a word.

It wasn't that he didn't want to comfort Barbara, nor was it that he could see his beloved fiancée crying alone and remain indifferent.

But he knew, he knew what Barbara was going to say, and he also knew that he couldn't answer Barbara's question - why on earth did he have to stay in Gotham?

Gordon is not a native of Gotham. He was born in Chicago. He is not from a poor background. Instead, he is a child of the middle class. He has been quite wealthy since he was a child. He is not a super genius. Most of his achievements come from his efforts.

From his teachers to his classmates to his fiancée, they all didn't understand why Gordon gave up his promising career in the Chicago Police Department and came to this hellish place called Gotham, where he stayed for several years.

Gordon didn't achieve anything in the Gotham Police Department.

His promotion speed is very slow. It has been several years and he is still just the leader of a team. He has not cracked any major cases. Even if he has contributed to some cases, the final credit does not fall on him. , let alone delivering justice and changing Gotham.

But Gordon is like a ghost, and he must stay here. All his former teachers and classmates always have a look of regret when mentioning him. In their eyes, even if Gordon knows a little flexibility, his achievements It will be much higher than it is now.

Gordon walked over and hugged Barbara. She kept crying but didn't ask anything because she knew that Gordon had never given an answer to the question she wanted to ask the most.

When faced with the multiple-choice question of his police badge and his lover, Gordon was always silent.

There is never a shortage of crying in Gotham at night, but Barbara's crying must be special. Very few people here will shed tears for their lovers. The heat in their chests is not even enough to warm themselves, and they will no longer cry for their lovers. Love is such an illusory thing and I cry loudly.

It was precisely because he had seen too many nights of crying in Gotham that Barbara's sadness and tears made Gordon even more uncomfortable. He felt that he had become a worse murderer than those criminals.

He thought that when he decided to live in this abyss, he should no longer expect people on the ground to look at him again. Even if there were such people, her ending would just be to shed tears to him, just like the tears falling to him late at night in Gotham. The cold rain fell on him, but the tears flowed in vain after all. Thousands of lovers' tears were like thousands of drizzles, which could not change this stubborn stone that did not know how to adapt.

The next day, Harvey came to visit Schiller again, which surprised Schiller because the lawyer always cared about etiquette and rarely came to the door unexpectedly without making an appointment.

Harvey said: "Gordon came to me yesterday and hoped that I would find a job as a legal consultant for his fiancée, preferably in a metropolitan area or other southern city."

"I think his mental state is a bit wrong, so I came to you. I think he and his fiancée didn't just have a simple quarrel. They have even bought a house and are even planning to have several children. But Now Gordon seems to want to break up with Barbara, which is very wrong..."

Schiller trusted Harvey's instincts, but he called Gordon, whose number was unanswered. When he called Gordon's police station, his colleagues told Schiller that the man of several years was The hard-working police detective who worked overtime all day did not come to work this afternoon.

Schiller had a bad premonition, and he quickly contacted Gordon's partner, Batman.

Last night, Gordon thought about it all night, and finally broke up with Barbara the next morning.

In order to allow Barbara to leave Gotham as soon as possible, he asked Harvey, a barrister, to find Barbara a new job, preferably as far away from Gotham as possible.

Gordon is just an ordinary person. The emotional impact of breaking up with his girlfriend who has been in love for many years almost made him collapse.

At the police station, he had no intention of working all morning and was confused. By noon, everyone went to eat, and Gordon couldn't stay in the empty office any longer.

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He walked out of the police station in a daze. He just wanted to find a place with more people to stay, so that he could stop being immersed in that despairing sadness.


But things backfired, just as he expected, his troubles were far from over.

Not long after he walked out, he realized that someone was following him. Gordon woke up a little. He wanted to return to the police station as soon as possible. There were heavy-armed guards there and they would not be easily invaded.

But the people following him were cunning. When Gordon saw a few faces staring at him maliciously on the road ahead, he knew that there would never be any good results if he continued to move forward.

He only had one gun with him. Although the magazine was full, the pistol's lethality was very limited. He could only rely on his familiarity with the terrain to turn right into the alley with the pistol and then hide in a corner. In the blind spot of vision.

This behavior did not have any effect. The people following him obviously knew the terrain here very well. When they saw Gordon turning right, they immediately followed him.

The footsteps outside the alley are getting closer and closer, and the sky is getting darker. Gordon silently counts the time in his heart. When the footsteps appear at the entrance of the alley, the person's vision is at its worst at the moment when the sky turns from dark to dark. At that moment, Gordon fired a shot at the entrance of the alley.

Seeing that his bullet did not hit anyone, Gordon immediately gave up the first plan. He knew that the opponent must be a well-trained killer who would not be affected by the vision.

He immediately put away the gun and ran back. Two gunshots were heard from behind. What surprised Gordon was that the gunshots had the dull sound of a silencer. Gordon immediately understood that these people were not locals from Gotham. people.

Gotham's killers don't wear silencers for their guns. That doesn't make any sense. No one in Gotham will react to the sound of a gun in any extra way. It's like putting earplugs on a deaf person.

Thinking of this, Gordon made a new plan in his mind.

The people behind him chased him tighter and tighter, obviously their physical strength and explosive power were better than Gordon's. Gordon ran to the end of the alley, and then quickly climbed up an outer wall.

When he climbed to the top of the wall, his pursuers arrived. At that moment, Gordon's actions stopped. With a "bang", Gordon was shot. He climbed down the wall and fell to the ground. Inside the yard.

The shot hit his arm and did not cause fatal injuries. Gordon covered his arm and continued to run forward. As he ran, he shouted: "The Black Tower Gang took action! They shot! They shot!" "

This yard is the backyard of a nightclub. As soon as they heard this, someone rushed out immediately. As a result, the man following Gordon was surrounded by a group of gangsters.

At this time, he had just climbed to the top of the wall. At the moment when he was unable to move, he was hit by three or four bullets on the spot.

Gotham's code of conduct is, no matter whether you can see it or not, no matter who is on the other side, shoot him first and let the other person lie down before talking.

But Gordon's crisis was not over. It was obvious that a group of people were chasing him. The first person he got rid of was just an appetizer. Soon, when he ran through the alley and ran to the road, he saw a car. The car rushed towards him.

It seemed that they had several plans, or that they originally wanted to use that person to drive Gordon onto the road and then hit him to death with a car.

Gordon rolled directly to the right. The car did not hit him, but there was a black muzzle sticking out of the car.

Just as Gordon stood firm, he was shot again. This time the shot hit his back, and Gordon let out a scream.

However, because the gun was fired while driving at high speed, the gun did not hit the vital point exactly and was a glaze. The severe pain overwhelmed Gordon, but his desire to survive still kept him running forward.

The more painful it was, the clearer Gordon's mind became. He knew that if he kept running like this, he would be caught up in a few minutes. He endured the severe pain and covered his chest with one arm, and the other arm was because of the pain. He was bleeding even after being shot.

Gordon followed the route in his memory and ran to the back door of an apartment. The lock on the back door was broken and could not be closed tightly all the year round. He used one arm to pull hard on the door lock. The injury on his chest made him nervous every time. Every movement produced overwhelming pain, and Gordon's breathing began to become heavier and heavier.

Soon, the door was pulled open a crack. Gordon, who was neither tall nor strong, could just squeeze in through the crack.

After entering, he still did not stop. Instead, he climbed up a short flight of stairs in three steps and two steps at a time, opened the window of the nearest corridor, climbed up with all his strength, closed the window again, and hid outside the second floor. Come on a roof.

Hearing the sound of banging on the door below, Gordon gritted his teeth and slid down the eaves, falling straight on an awning. Fortunately, when he slid down on his back, the blood did not leave any traces.

After falling on the awning, Gordon used his last bit of strength to turn over and let the garbage bags underneath cover him. After a while, he heard the footsteps disappear in the building. The other party did not find him. It seemed that he was left.

Gordon was lying in a pile of garbage. He felt that every breath he took was filled with the strong smell of blood. The bullet damaged his lungs.

His arm was somewhat numb due to blood loss, but he could still clearly feel the engagement ring on his middle finger, and his body temperature was gradually merging with the cold metal ring.

He recalled the disbelieving and heartbroken look on Barbara's face when he broke up with her.

He thought, Barbara was right, he was a fool, a hopeless fool, a fool who would never learn to adapt, a fool who deserved to die alone.

Gordon felt an overwhelming coldness coming over him, followed by a warm current coming from inside his body. The blood from his bruised forehead flowed down his forehead and into his eyes when he fell. , dyed his vision bright red, and was covered with a layer of black fog.

Soon, it started to rain again in Gotham. Today's rain was nothing special, just like every night rain in Gotham, it was fine and cold.

Gordon's consciousness gradually became hazy, like a trapped animal lying in the abyss. The lover's tears falling from the sky could not save his life that was gradually passing away, but the rain that reminded him of his lover's tears made him feel more Determination welled up in him, he thought.

If he is born a fool who cannot learn to adapt, he would rather spend all his fresh life in this quagmire, with his heart like a stubborn stone.

Then let him die alone here, let the rotting wind blow over his bones until it takes away the traces of his life, and then in the face of this endless darkness, the last trace of his soul still resists and refuses to kneel down.

Gordon thought——

Then let him stay here, one against ten thousand, until dawn.

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