The plan to find a few brains for the symbiote to eat failed in the end, because Schiller discovered that the symbiote not only actively complained about hunger, but also had extremely picky tastes.

"What do you think of him? I dare say he has more than a dozen lives on his hands. This gangster villain..."

"No, his brain is not good enough, I won't eat it."

"What about him? Let me see. A litigator who defends serial murderers must be a smart man, right?"

"He doesn't taste good either. It's not to my taste."

"What about this? I heard that he once robbed the largest bank in Manhattan..."

"It must be hard."

In the end, Schiller, who had no choice but to return to the psychology clinic, quarreled with the symbiote in his own mind: "Why are you so picky about food? Can't you just make do with it? Why can't you just eat the brains of a few ordinary criminals?"

"Then why don't you drink an Americano?"

Schiller opened his mouth, not knowing how to refute. This symbiote was getting smarter and smarter.

"Okay, but you have to tell me where you want to drink the espresso you want to drink, right?"

As soon as Schiller finished asking this question in his mind, the door of the clinic rang. Steve, who had just finished his morning run, walked in. The symbiote said happily: "...the espresso is here."

Following Captain America was Natasha. Before Schiller could speak, a yellow figure flew over. Natasha threw Pikachu into Schiller's arms. She said: "First of all! Aegis The bureau does not provide pet boarding services!”

"But the contract..."

"We just changed the contract and rats are not allowed to be fostered!"

"You are discriminating. Dogs and cats are OK, why not mice?"

"That's right!" Pikachu folded his arms and said, "Why not rats?"

"Shut up!" several others said together.

"Now that dogs and cats are no longer allowed, we are eliminating this employee benefit and everyone is in favor."

"I just put it away for a few days..."

"How many days??? How many more days do you want to leave??? Coulson changed 6 mobile phones in 7 days, Nick Fury used up his annual leave and hid on the spot, and the leader of the United Nations inspection did not stay for two days. Leaving in a hurry, even the Army Lieutenant General, who is usually most willing to make things difficult for SHIELD, bought an economy class ticket at his own expense and left overnight..."

Natasha stood at the door with her hands on her hips. The female agent was obviously very angry. She said, "The only good news is that the things he broke and the employee's mental damages can be used to cover Nick's report next month." Another 50% more reimbursement amount..."

Schiller looked down at Pikachu and said, "I remember before I left, you promised me that you would stay well..."

He grabbed Pikachu's two short hands and stared at his big eyes. Pikachu stared at his two beady black eyes, looking extremely innocent. Then he wrinkled his nose and jumped on the sofa.


"You were gone long enough this time." Steve said as he sat on the sofa.

"So has anything big happened recently?"

"There are no major problems, but a lot of small troubles."

"Oh?" Schiller asked while washing cups at the kitchen sink, "What's the trouble?"

"Stark and the military are completely at odds." Natasha said: "It is said that he found conclusive evidence that the military planned the kidnapping in Afghanistan, although I think it was a plan to alienate Obadiah."

"You mean, it was Obadiah who planned this case and then blamed it on the military? Does he really not want Stark Industries to cooperate with the military?"

"Obadiah is like a hen guarding eggs. He does not allow anyone to touch Stark Industries. He will find ways to get rid of anyone who dares to touch his life's hard work."

"Before Stark was kidnapped, Obadiah was already under a lot of pressure from the military. The military's appetite was endless. They wanted too much, and even touched Stark. The core interests of Tucker Industrial Group, Obadiah has been dissatisfied with them for more than a day or two. "

"They did just buy some ordinary weapons at the beginning, but the weapons of Stark Industries are so useful. The military wants to get their technology and then copy it to produce it themselves. Of course Obadiah will not allow this to happen. ”

Natasha also leaned on the sofa, Steve poured her a glass of water, and Natasha said: "Thank you."

Then Steve said: "But I still think it's ridiculous. Just to destroy the relationship between Stark and the military, he found terrorists to kidnap Stark?"

"Obadiah is very smart. He knows that sooner or later, Stark will produce amazing technology. He must give Stark a reason not to compromise with the military, so that he will not waste half his life's efforts. Stolen by the military."

"As long as Stark, who has mastered the core technology, refuses to let go, then at least the core technology of Stark Industries will be preserved."

"But that was at the expense of his nephew's life."

"Obadiah doesn't care." Natasha lit a cigarette and asked, "Do you mind if I smoke a cigarette?"

"If you please," Schiller said.

Natasha looked at Steve, who said, "I don't smoke, but there are a lot of people smoking on the battlefield, and I don't mind."

The female agent slowly exhaled a puff of smoke. It seemed that she was under a lot of pressure. Stark's complete breakup with the military was not entirely a good thing for SHIELD.

The current relationship is like this. SHIELD and the military have always been at odds because of the allocation of military funds and SHIELD's ridiculous law enforcement power. \u003cw.

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The conflict between Stark and SHIELD is mainly due to his father and Stark's unwillingness to be kidnapped by the official organization.

The main conflict between Stark and the military is the military's overly greedy appetite and Stark's unwillingness to use his inventions in war.

None of them wants to see the other two parties unite, because one of the two parties must have its own enemy. If its power is strengthened, then it will definitely be difficult for itself.

But they also don't want two of them to completely break up, because once the two parties break up and go to war on the spot, it must be a third party to clean up the mess.

Schiller said meaningfully: "Stark and the military fell out, and this may not only be due to Obadiah's contribution, right?"

Natasha said: "This is confidential, I have no right... Well, it's not really a confidential matter. Stark wants to cooperate with the military to develop medical technology and exoskeletons, but you know, the military doesn't want these things at all. They want weapons with bigger weapons and more powerful firepower."

"So, SHIELD used this to sow discord between them?"

Natasha tapped the ash and said: "We just gave a slight push from behind, and more importantly, Obadiah had already laid the groundwork."

Steve asked in confusion: "Didn't Stark think that this might be Obadiah's conspiracy?"

"Maybe he thought of it, but he is Tony Stark." Schiller said.

Natasha shook her head and said, "Obadiah knows his nephew too well. If he can blame everything on the military and preserve their uncle-nephew relationship, then Stark will definitely choose to deceive himself and vent his anger on the military."

"More importantly..." Schiller also poured himself a glass of water and said, "Obadiah is still lying in a coma in the hospital. He has become a victim."

"And whoever the victim says is the murderer is the murderer."

Steve sighed and said, "When Howard established Stark Industries, he might not have thought of this day."

"Maybe he thought of it, at least he must have thought that his genius brain and technology in his hands would be targeted by people with ulterior motives." Schiller said.

"The current situation is on the verge of breaking out. Stark's attitude is very tough. He even slammed the table with a group of admirals. General Johnson's affairs were exposed, and the military began to distrust Hammer Industries. They are very eager to force Stark to bow his head."

"How do you think this matter will be resolved in the end? By force?" Schiller asked Natasha.

The female agent shook her head and said, "They have already fought, General Johnson lost, the robot army can't do anything to Stark, and Stark got a nano-mech technology from somewhere. If he gives everyone a cigarette, it will be bad." "The military is very anxious, but they dare not act rashly. I think they will eventually return to the negotiation table for the exchange of interests." "There should be another fight." Schiller said, "The military will not be willing to go to the negotiation table so soon, because they know that if they don't give Stark a hard time, they have no bargaining chips to exchange for Stark Industries' technology." "At least we are allies for the time being." Natasha said, "Stark needs SHIELD to bear some of the pressure for him." "What do you want? His nano-mech Technology? "

"I don't know. It depends on what Director Fury means. But SHIELD's route is different from the military. Even if we get a large number of nano-mechs, we don't have the personnel to arm them. Agents are not suitable for wearing that stuff. Maybe Nick has other plans."

"Has he never thought of asking Stark to make armor for the agents?"

Natasha put out her cigarette butt and said, "You don't know much about the working methods of agents. Simply put, for work that requires wearing mechs, an extra set of mechs will not increase the success rate much, and for work that does not require wearing mechs, wearing mechs will not bring any better changes."

"Agents are not superheroes. Most of us still rely on our brains to make a living."

"Brain! Eat!" The symbiote shouted in Schiller's mind.

"So the medical cooperation between Stark and the military has also stagnated?" Schiller asked.

"In fact, it didn't start much. Stark didn't directly provide technology, but the two parties cooperated in research and development. The military has invited some experts, and Stark provided some technical information and financial support. Of course, the cooperation should have ended now." "Are there any results?" Natasha shook her head and said, "Scientific research is not playing house. How can there be any major results in such a short time?" Steve said, "If they can really unite as one, perhaps many soldiers will benefit from it." "This is impossible. Before a winner is decided, neither side is willing to back down. They all think they can get more benefits. This is just an exchange of interests, not for the real benefit of anyone." Steve looked a little unhappy again. He said, "In fact, I understand the truth. Before truly launching comprehensive cooperation, both parties must conduct countless tests until they find out each other's bottom line, and then they can establish a cooperative relationship."

"But sometimes I always think that if we can really use technology and financial resources where they should be used, we can definitely save a lot of people. If people think that this wasteful behavior is necessary, and I don't go If we stop it, who will sympathize with those who cannot be saved because these resources are wasted?”

"Captain, I understand that you have compassion, but there is no need for you to take this kind of mistake on yourself." Schiller said,

"I just think we can do better, and I always have a bad feeling." Steve pursed his lips and said.

"Sooner or later, those who they think have lost their voice will come forward one day, and by then, their way of speaking out will no longer be polite questioning."

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