The Grammatical Investigator in Conan

Chapter 1227 The ultimate purpose of the organization

Miwa Town, 3-chome.

In the night, the glass on the second and third floors of Zhibo Detective Agency glowed with yellow light, and it seemed that there was someone inside.

But in reality, it was the light from the street lights, reflected on the dark glass itself.

A man wearing a black sports sweatshirt stood on the street, occasionally glancing at the detective office 100 meters away.


After sitting on the bench in the park for a long time, Qin Zhibo finally decided to go back to the office to take a look.

Although he suspected that his identity had been exposed to the organization's boss.

But this is just speculation. Only by returning to the office can I prove my guess...

But now there was only 100 meters away from the office, but he didn't dare to step in easily.

The reason is that if the organization really wants to silence itself, it may arrange ambushes, snipers, etc. near the office.

Because rather than letting a famous detective die in a park, it would be more reasonable for him to die in his own office.

Given the ability of the Japanese police, as long as no clues can be found in the evidence at the scene, they will guess that a detective has handled a certain case before, which led to the murder.

In this way, we are getting further and further away from the truth of being "silenced by the organization"...

Qin Zhibo wandered around the street pretending to be an ordinary pedestrian for a while, until a "girl" in the distance was coming towards him.

I saw this girl with short white hair and a petite and cute figure, but her body was somewhat transparent, and even her feet were floating in the air.

The girl floated to Qin Zhibo's side and reported in a low voice: "No suspicious people were found near the office... There were no signs of intrusion in the office."

"Are you sure?" Qin Zhibo put on his hood and pretended to cross the road normally while whispering to the girl next to him.

When the girl heard this, she immediately stood up in mid-air with a confident look, and made a non-standard experience posture, "Yes! This beautiful girl is very sure!"

Qin Zhibo: "..."

This girl is Minase Yomu, a special soul in the [Glass Bottle].

Since ordinary people cannot see her existence, and her ghost state can freely pass through physical obstacles, the detection effect is outstanding.

"I see……"

Qin Zhibo breathed a heavy sigh of relief, with a somewhat relieved expression on his face.

There were no ambushes around or inside the office, which at least meant that he had not been targeted by the organization yet.

But what exactly is going on can only be found out if you go in...

He ran quickly towards the office and reached the stairs on the right side of the women's clothing store on the first floor of the office before stopping.

"Yang Meng, you stay outside and guard against anyone approaching the office. I'll go upstairs first..."

After explaining, Qin Zhibo quickly walked into the corridor.

Since there are no voice-activated lights installed in the stairs, except for the doorway where you can see a little clearly, there is almost no visible darkness in the stairway above.

The moment he entered the darkness, Qin Zhibo immediately turned on his night vision goggles.

In the yellow-green field of view, the edges of the stairs appear like ribs.

He climbed three steps at a time, first reached the second floor, then used the key to open the door of the office and searched inside.

Dim optical fibers dimmed through the glass window, and the second floor of the office remained as simple and neat as ever.

The only thing that changed was that there was a glass of boiled water on the coffee table facing the door.

Qin Zhibo walked over and stared at the position of the glass carefully, while replaying the scene in his mind.

A woman with dark outlines sat on one side of the sofa, crying and recounting her feelings for Gouzi.

Sitting opposite the woman were "Qin Zhibo" and Conan.

End of brainstorming.

Qin Zhibo understood the meaning of this glass of water. It was used by Conan and his wife to entertain the woman.

Of course, apart from boiled water, there is nothing else that can be used to entertain women in his office.

Judging from the capacity of the water cup, the woman had not used the contents of the cup.

Qin Zhibo continued to look around, but found no other touched places.

After exiting the second floor of the office, he came to the third floor as the living area.

The key still opens the door.


With a normal unlocking sound, the security door opened.

The layout is very different from the second floor. There are four rooms on the third floor, two of which are the kitchen and toilet, and the other two are bedrooms.

Qin Zhibo glanced at the living room first, and then went straight to the toilet.

Pushing open the toilet door, a long black silhouette lay honestly inside.

Based on his first impression alone, Qin Zhibo did not see the light of the investigation point in the darkness.

Then he raised his hand and turned on the toilet light switch next to the door, and a dazzling light suddenly appeared.

I saw Yamada lying calmly on his back on the bathroom floor tiles, with a white cloth wrapped around his mouth and nose.

Judging from the ups and downs of his chest, his body was indeed still alive.

Not dead?

At this moment, Qin Zhibo's eyes froze in surprise.

Could it be that all my previous reasoning was wrong?

The boss of the organization doesn’t know the true identity of “Michael”?

Is that woman just a pet owner who lost her dog?

But why is there a phone number printed on the photo?

Qin Zhibo sat down on the toilet and took out the photo again to look at it by the light of the toilet.

There really isn’t much to tell from the front of the photo, it’s just a very cute Schnauzer.

The phone number on the back is printed diagonally, and there is no pattern in the number itself.

Why don't you give it a try?

Qin Zhibo thought about it again and again and decided to call and ask.

He sat on the toilet, took out his mobile phone, and pressed the digits on the number one by one.

Drip, drip, drip, drip, drip...

The mobile phone with physical buttons forms a short melody for different scales triggered by different numbers.

After pressing the dial button, a waiting busy tone came from the other side of the phone.



After waiting for more than ten seconds, the call was finally answered.


The person who answered the phone was a woman. Her voice was a little rough and she sounded a little older.

Qin Zhibo was still a little stunned.

He still couldn't believe that it was all just a coincidence.

However, after the woman on the other side said "Moses Moses", Qin Zhibo immediately picked up the conversation.

"I'm the detective you're looking for this afternoon, remember?"


The woman's voice paused for a second, and then suddenly realized, "That's right! I have asked you to help find my lost dog...!"

"But I forgot to tell you, in fact, not long after I came home, it slipped back home on its own!"

"How should I put it? I usually train it, but I didn't expect it to come in handy at the critical moment!

While the woman was talking, there was some kind of wet sound coming from the microphone, licking the microphone, and the sound of an animal gasping in excitement.

"Okay~ stop making trouble..."

The woman seemed to be doting on her and pushed her pet dog away from her, then continued: "I'm so sorry, Mr. Detective, I made your trip in vain. I will come to you another day to express my apology..."

Qin Zhibo's expression was also a little stunned, but he still responded hastily.

"No need, I didn't look for too long anyway, I just took it as a walk..."

"If there's nothing else, I'll hang up first."

Qin Zhibo didn't say anything more and ended the call directly.

Sitting on the toilet seat, he covered his head with his hands and fell into heavy thinking again.

Although the organization boss's claws have not yet touched him, it is certain that the former has mastered the method of commanding organizations in two worlds at the same time.

In the parallel world, the owner of that black RX-7 definitely did not come over to assassinate "Yamada" by chance.

If the boss of the organization had ever taken the initiative to contact the Yisi people lurking in the parallel world, he would most likely have learned in this way that the Yisi people had been transformed into a certain body in the parallel world.

Then, killers were sent to hunt them down.

Just the identity of the killer, is it really Bourbon?

Qin Zhibo tried hard to recall the figure that hurriedly fled into the alley, and felt that it was both similar and different.

Time was so tight at that time, it would be nice if I could ask Daisuke Jigen what the killer looked like...

In addition, Qin Zhibo has not changed much about his previous view of the organization boss as the big devil in Aido Park.

Renye Karasuma may be capable of much more than she already knows.

Once he really masters some kind of all-powerful ability, no matter how many human spies he has, they can only become real wage earners in the organization.

Also, what is the purpose of such a powerful person?


that power?


Karasuma Renye probably had these three things a hundred years ago, and they may even be far beyond the limit of human greed.

Even Karasuma Renya may have achieved the ultimate ideal of countless ancient emperors and modern wealthy people - immortality.

It's like taking Belmode, the predecessor of drug A.

So what exactly is Karasuma Renya’s purpose?

What is the purpose of the organization's existence?

Qin Zhibo was thinking, and a sentence about Belmode suddenly appeared in his mind.

A year ago, Bellmode began threatening Itakura Taku to develop a software for him.

At one point, Itakura Taku finally couldn't bear the psychological pressure and called Bellmode to ask what their purpose was.

At that time, Belmode gave this answer.

"We can be both of God and the devil. Since we're trying to raise the dead against the stream of time."

We are both gods and demons because we want to reverse the flow of time and raise the dead.

Among them, the literal translation of the word "dead" is "dead", which in this context means "dead person".

But it can also be interpreted as "the sleeper".

Because once a human being goes to sleep, he is completely dead.

But what if the person Belmode is talking about is not a human being?

Looking at what the organization has done so far, developing software and drugs, amassing money, traveling between two worlds, etc., it seems that it has little to do with resurrecting the dead.

And if it is to resurrect the dead, Qin Zhibo once got the answer from the toad god Satugua.

If Karasuma Renye's purpose is also to "resurrect the dead", then he should also get the same answer from Satugua.

But what the organization has done so far seems to have nothing to do with the method of resurrecting the dead.

Moreover, it is hard to imagine that someone like Karasuma Renya, who has killed his father since childhood, would formulate a century-old plan just to resurrect a certain human being.

Dead is not a dead person, but a sleeper.

This happens to be very consistent with the speculation made by the Yisi man "Yamada" before his death.

The Yithians believe that the sleeping Old Ones will awaken soon and devour the human world.

The sleeping Old One may refer to the "dead" in Belmode's words.

Also the sleeper.

Then the previous sentence "We want to reverse the flow of time" can be understood as "let the world return to the era of the old rulers."

Because "Yamada" once said that this world was originally ruled by the old rulers.

Once the Old Ones wake up, they will just go back in time to that era...

Thinking of this, Qin Zhibo's face trembled, and the hairs all over his body stood up.

This idea is so crazy...

If this assumption is true, then is Karasuma Renya’s real purpose actually to “resurrect” the Old Ones?

Is he doing this to destroy all mankind?

This idea is the same as that of the villain bosses in many film and television works, who want to destroy mankind at every turn.

It’s as if humanity has been destroyed, and the boss himself can get some benefit from it...

Assuming that this is Karasuma Renya's purpose, then the Old One he plans to resurrect is...

Reviewing every action and plan of the black organization, Qin Zhibo's eyes gradually became clear.

Ai Haihara, who was once a member of the organization, was responsible for the development of APTX-4869. The predecessor of the drug was the drug developed by his mother Elena Miyano.

This drug was developed using the "Silver Bullet" research results of Baijiu Pharmaceutical.

The silver bullet is actually a targeted drug developed by STK to combat deep dive syndrome.

The successfully developed targeted drugs are mainly distributed free of charge in the Innsmouth area.

Qin Zhibo once visited the small town of Innsmouth.

The local people look disgusting, and many people regard STK's targeted drugs as heretics that betray the God of faith and refuse to take them.

But Qin Zhibo knows what these people will eventually become if they don't take medicine.

These people generally believe in a sea god called "Cthulhu" and hope to become his people, return to their father God Dagon, and serve in the sea for generations.

——In the eternal mansion R'lyeh, the sleeping Cthulhu awaits you in your dreams.

This is the craziest sentence among local believers. It seems to be a slogan similar to "Amitabha" in Buddhism.

Although Qin Zhibo is not familiar with Cthulhu, he is more familiar with Hastur, the King in Yellow.

The King in Yellow possesses indescribable power, even through the yellow seal, the script of "The King in Yellow", and the light of Aldebaran, it can affect the spirit of the viewer.

Maybe Cthulhu is also a god of this type...

As for the software developed by Taku Itakura, it is even more straightforward. This is a software that captures the "green signals" floating in the human Internet.

And the meaning contained in this "green signal" is exactly Cthulhu.

That is to say...

The ultimate goal of the organization is to "resurrect" Cthulhu?

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