The Grammatical Investigator in Conan

Chapter 18 Sherlock Holmes and His Foolish Assistant

Still following.

Qin Zhibo turned his head slightly, pretending to be looking at the art hanging on the wall, but actually he was looking at Conan hiding behind the trash can.

Such blatant stalking.

Do you think I don't have eyes?

Qin Zhibo turned around and continued walking forward without exposing Conan.

Regarding Conan, what Qin Zhibo cares about most is his old identity of Kudo Shinichi.

If Edogawa Conan is revealed to be Kudo Shinichi in public, this kid will definitely deny it with all his strength, and people around will just think that I just ran away from a mental hospital.

In real life, who would believe in a story about rejuvenation that only appears in fairy tales or legends?

But if we can confront him face to face in a deserted place, we might be able to find out the whole story.

Making up his mind, Qin Zhibo walked towards the Hell Exhibition Hall, which had just been reopened and no visitors should have entered yet.

Conan, who saw Qin Zhibo walking towards the hell exhibition hall, felt a little confused.

Obviously the security guard didn't tell Qin Zhibo that the supernatural incident happened in the Hell Exhibition Hall just now, why did he go to the Hell Exhibition Hall?

Driven by curiosity, Conan followed quietly.

Opening the door, the hell exhibition hall is still as gloomy and dark as ever.

However, Qin Zhibo had been here once when it first opened, and he was already mentally prepared for the environment here.

Just now, Qin Zhibo wanted to come here again for the sake of investigation, but he found a no entry sign placed at the door.

Qin Zhibo thought that some new exhibits were going to be added, but now it seems that there are no new exhibits in the hell exhibition hall.

There are still various works of art in the dark soul style, especially armors with different shapes.

But just when Qin Zhibo wanted to lead Conan deeper into the hell exhibition hall, the smell of blood wafting in the air aroused the alertness of both Qin Zhibo and Conan.

The two of them simultaneously looked to the right side of the painting Heaven's Punishment, the treasure of the town hall. They saw the corpse of a man in a white suit, like the devil in the painting, with a big sword inserted into the wall.

However, what is different from the painting is that this man is not the body of a demon. His body is covered with blood, and his ferocious expression before death is completely opposite to the expressionless demon in the painting.

The first time he saw the body, Conan was still in shock with his eyes wide open and his mouth wide open. Qin Zhibo had already calmly stepped forward to investigate the body.

Previously, he upgraded his investigation skills to level 2 and unlocked the new corpse investigation, allowing Qin Zhibo to now see investigation points on corpses.


[Name of deceased: Kazuo Manaka]

[Death time: about 5 minutes]

[Cause of death: penetrating body injury]

[The corpse investigation is completed, congratulations on acquiring the skill: social skills (talking skills)]

In addition to allowing Qin Zhibo to obtain some simple death information, the corpse investigation also added a new skill to Qin Zhibo's professional skills.

Social skills (speaking skills): Social skills (speaking skills) refer to your ability to use conversation skills. Improving this skill will help you obtain the information you want through conversation, or achieve other purposes.

Grade 1

Proficiency: 100/1000

(You can also master the art of conversation!)

The skills gained from corpse investigation are completely random, but they must be skills that the deceased originally possessed.

Social skills (talking skills) are a skill that Qin Zhibo is not unfamiliar with. This is one of the skills that Kudo Shinichi possesses.

For Qin Zhibo, this skill is quite practical. If he had this skill just now, he might be able to get useful information from the security guard.

But how to improve the skill proficiency of this skill?

At this moment, Conan also came up to observe the condition of the corpse.

In the past, Conan would definitely call the police as soon as he found a corpse, and then investigate the murder scene.

But since his body became smaller, Conan found that every time he investigated a scene, he would be driven away by the ruthless iron hands of Kogoro Mori, and he might even get hit on the head.

So this time Conan planned to check the condition of the body first, and then go outside to call the police to Moori Kogoro and Xiaolan.

After investigating the corpse, Qin Zhibo turned his head and saw Conan approaching from behind as expected, so Qin Zhibo turned to focus his observation on Conan.

Conan observes the corpse, Qin Zhibo observes Conan

Conan rolled up his sleeves to reveal his watch, and with a single press of the button, the dial emitted light similar to that of a flashlight.

This guy's equipment seems to be better than mine.

Qin Zhibo's lighting equipment is a nuclear lighter. From a lighting perspective, it is indeed a bit shorter than Conan's high-tech watch flashlight.

Moreover, the brightness of this 1996 watch flashlight is several times brighter than the flashlight function of future technology smart watches.

This unscientific!


Conan, where did you buy this watch?

Conan, who was concentrating on examining the corpse, said directly without thinking, It was customized by Dr. A Li.

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Conan regretted them.

Obviously, he didn't want Qin Zhibo to know too much information about the people around him. Otherwise, with Qin Zhibo's keen observation ability, he might be able to find ironclad evidence that he was Kudo Shinichi.

But it's too late to say anything now. Qin Zhibo already knows that there is a person named Dr. A Li behind Conan.

Not only that, Qin Zhibo also found that the proficiency of his newly acquired social skills (eloquence) jumped a bit, jumping from the initial value of 100 to 110.

This made Qin Zhibo a little excited.

Can having a conversation increase the proficiency of social skills (eloquence)?

So Qin Zhibo asked Conan another question.

Conan, have you had breakfast today?

have eaten

The question asked by Qin Zhibo was very abrupt, but Conan still answered it.

But this time, Qin Zhibo's skill proficiency did not improve at all.

It seems that having conversations that are meaningless to you will not increase your proficiency.

If that's the case, it's easy to handle.

Conan, did you find anything on this body?

When it came to the case, Conan immediately forgot his identity and said: The blood on the body has not completely coagulated, and the time of death should be within 10 minutes.

Hmm, what else?

Qin Zhibo nodded with satisfaction, and at the same time, his social skill (eloquence) proficiency +10.

With the blood splattered on the body like this, the murderer must have been wearing a raincoat or something like that when he committed the crime.

Well, what you said makes sense, but what next?

Social skills (eloquence) +10.

There should be anti-theft cameras installed in the art gallery. Maybe they contain information about the prisoner.

Well, what happens next?

Social skills (eloquence) +10.

Seeing Qin Zhibo's satisfied smile, Conan suddenly felt something bad inside.

It feels like the wise detective Sherlock Holmes, who has already seen through the truth, is teasing his unimaginative and stupid assistant, Watson, in the name of reasoning.


I think I'd better go find Uncle Maori.

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