The Grammatical Investigator in Conan

Chapter 68 Booming Industries and High-Risk Industries

Ju Zhenye stood in front of the door and clearly heard the word five million coming from Qin Zhibo's mouth.

What five million reward?

The new topic attracted Tachibana Maye to go back to the room and cautiously stare at Qin Zhibo sitting on the bed.

What five million are you talking about?

Qin Zhibo smiled slightly, knowing that the fish had taken the bait.

Actually, you have a five million reward in my organization.

Hearing this, Tachibana Shinye's pupils dilated, and a hint of surprise flashed through his eyes: What is your organization?

Qin Zhibo's kind smile did not diminish, and he turned his body to face Tachibana Zhenye, who was leaving and returning. Tachibana Zhenye was so frightened that he took half a step back.

Hey, don't be so careful, right? I've already let you go, which means I won't touch you again.

Please take a seat.

Tachibana Maya really couldn't see through the man in front of her.

But for now, she chose to believe it for now.

But Tachibana Maya didn't want to sit down, because the only chair in the room was the one with leather handcuffs on the armrests.

Tachibana Maya glanced at this kind of chair with disdain, shook her head and said, No, I'd better stand.

What do you mean by the organization offering a reward of five million for me?

Literal meaning. Qin Zhibo's expression was very natural and could not tolerate the slightest disbelief.

As long as I can catch you, there will be a reward of five million.

I can accurately find your location because of the relevant intelligence provided by the organization.

And the Bloody Tongue.

How's it going? Are you interested in continuing the conversation now?

Qin Zhibo didn't want to reveal the Nine Angels organization behind him unless he had to, but at the moment, he could only arouse Tachibana Maya's interest by providing some clues.

Tachibana Maya lowered her head and thought for a while, then said, How do you want to talk?

Qin Zhibo showed a satisfied smile; It's very simple, you tell me the information about the Bloody Tongue, and I can tell you the information about the reward within our organization in the future.

The reward of five million is not a small amount. Even if I don't harm you, others will be tempted.

You don't want to get caught by someone like me like today, do you?

Qin Zhibo's words once again aroused Tachibana Maye's thoughts.

I am usually very careful when performing tasks. In order not to leave any traces, I only go out by bus.

And today, as always, we connected according to the connection method provided by the organization, and carried out what should have been an ordinary assassination mission.

But this man suddenly appeared at the critical moment when he was about to kill Mouri Kogoro, and even caught him here.

This at least shows that what the man in front of him said is true. He was able to catch him only after he had obtained his information in advance.

Thinking of this, Tachibana Maya also had a more terrifying idea.

Could today's sudden car accident be planned by the organization behind Qin Zhibo?

After all, Qin Zhibo only said to catch him, but he didn't say whether to catch him alive or dead.

Faced with a real life threat, Tachibana Maya was a little shaken.

About the information about the Bloody Tongue, if I tell you, your life and mine will be in danger. Tachibana Maya's voice became heavier and heavier.

This organization is more dangerous than you think

Don't worry. Qin Zhibo waved his hand, As long as you and I don't tell outsiders, no one will know that you told me.

Just treat this matter as a little secret between you and me. No third person will know about it.

Qin Zhibo's words moved Tachibana Zenye a little, and for Tachibana Zenye, her situation was very unfavorable whether she said it or not.

If he told it, Bloody Tongue might be detrimental to him.

But if you don’t tell me, the organization behind Qin Zhibo has already issued a high bounty on his head.

If there was no internal agent like Qin Zhibo to reveal the information, then next time he might not be as lucky as he was today to be able to sit here alive and negotiate terms.

After weighing the pros and cons, Tachibana Maye chose to believe Qin Zhibo.

Actually, I don't know much about the Bloody Tongue.

I only know that this is a huge transnational killer organization with branches all over the world.

I heard that if you are active enough in branches around the world, you will have the opportunity to be promoted to the headquarters.

Headquarters? Qin Zhibo looked suspicious.

Tachibana Maya added: I heard that the headquarters is in a country called Kenya in East Africa.


Qin Zhibo was speechless. Why would the headquarters of the killer organization be set up in an underdeveloped place like Africa?

But after thinking about it, Qin Zhibo felt that it made sense.

Most people in Africa are black, and their dark skin is a natural protective color for assassination in the dark, and they don't even need to wear night clothes.

Moreover, in the mysterious land of Africa, legends such as Black Brother smiles, life or death is unpredictable and Professional Team have been circulating.

However, Qin Zhibo also noticed a word in Ju Zhenye's words, which was heard.

Miss Tachibana, why did you hear all this information?

Tachibana Shine rolled her eyes at Qin Zhibo and said angrily: My status in the Bloody Tongue is not high, so naturally I cannot know many things about the organization.

“These are what I heard from ‘Silver Fox’.”

silver fox?

Hearing this, Qin Zhibo became completely interested, because Qin Zhibo was sure that this was not an animal, but a person.

As long as you are a human being, you will have the opportunity to investigate.

Before Qin Zhibo took the initiative to ask, Tachibana Maye complained: Don't mention that guy.

Because he has good assassination skills and has a higher status than me in the organization, he always keeps pestering me.

I hate this kind of entangled man the most.

As if her social skill (eloquence) was activated, Tachibana Maya suddenly became talkative.

Qin Zhibo also thought of an idea at this time.

Since Miss Tachibana has troubles, let me help Miss Tachibana eliminate this trouble.

Is this an apology for scaring Miss Tachibana just now?

When Qin Zhibo left the hotel, he had already obtained information about the Silver Fox.

Silver Fox was so elusive that even Tachibana Maya didn't know where he usually moved around.

However, unlike Tachibana Maya, Silver Fox receives murder commissions on the Internet, by receiving emails from the client.

By chance before, Tachibana Maya had sneaked a peek at Silver Fox's personal email account password.

So Qin Zhibo quickly went to a computer cafe, turned on a computer, and entered the email account and password given by Tachibana Shine.

The mailboxes of this era were not advanced enough to prompt for remote login, so even if Qin Zhibo logged into Yinhu's mailbox here, Yinhu would not notice it.

Click to enter the mailbox.


Qin Zhibo was shocked: Oh, this guy's business is quite prosperous.

Clicking on his inbox, Qin Zhibo rummaged through emails one by one.

In the process, Qin Zhibo discovered a situation.

That is, the targets commissioned by the client for assassination are basically the company presidents.

President of a loan shark company, president of a real estate agency, president of a foreign trade company, vice president of a cleaning company

President, this is a high-risk industry!

Fortunately, this silver fox doesn't know the magic of cloning. Otherwise, if he accepted so many commissions at the same time, Japan's GDP would be visibly reduced.

However, Yinhu has not yet responded to these countless commissions to kill the president, which means that he has not officially accepted the commission.

Except for one email.

Email: [6 million, the target is Reika Mitsui, the only daughter of the chairman of Mitsui Group, if time permits, I hope it will be at the birthday party held this month]

Reply: [I accepted your commission, and half of the deposit will be transferred to my bank card account number 8414*****]

Reply: [The deposit has been received, prepare to collect the body]

Thanks to Amon_meow and Piqingqingzijin丶 for the reward!

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