The daimyo's plan is actually very simple. It is to follow the trend and is divided into four steps.

The first step is to figure out the economy of the Free Trade Company. The second step is for Yamazaki Watari to receive an order to arrest the top executives of the Free Trade Company. The third step is to let people from the Kingdom of Wind replace the top executives of the Free Trade Company. The fourth step is also The most important step is to declare the branch of the Kingdom of Wind as the headquarters of the Free Trade Company.

The premise of all this is that the Free Trade Company headquarters in the capital of the Country of Fire was destroyed by Konoha.

Yes, in the analysis of the daimyo, it is impossible for Konoha to watch the rise of the Kingdom of Wind in vain, and even the daimyo of the Fire Country does not want to see it. Although their relationship is good, it is impossible for the daimyo of the Fire Country to want to see it. The Kingdom of Wind rises.

If they don't want to see it, they can only stop it. Now that the treaty has been signed, if they want to stop it, they can only launch a war against Sunagakure Village or kill the people of the Free Trade Company.

After all, if the party who signed the contract dies, then the contract will naturally have no effect. From the view of the Wind Country daimyo, Konoha will not provoke a war against Sunagakure Village. After all, their situation is not good either.

Moreover, the Free Trade Company is also a good target, but it has money but not much strength. It happens that the people from the Free Trade Company headquarters are in the capital of the Land of Fire. It is very convenient for Konoha to move. You can get money and stop both parties. In the opinion of the Daimyo of the Kingdom of Wind, as long as the other party is not stupid, they will take action against the Free Trade Company.

All the plans of the Daimyo of the Country of Wind are to wait for the headquarters of the Free Trade Company in the Capital of the Country of Wind to be destroyed by the people of Konoha, and to immediately arrest the senior personnel of the Country of Wind, and then replace them with people from the Country of Wind, and then distribute them outside. The ninjas of Sunagakure Village began to escort the Free Trade Company caravan back to the Kingdom of Wind, making the branch of the Kingdom of Wind officially become the headquarters.

The Free Trade Company will be completely controlled by the daimyo, and the prerequisite for all this is to eliminate the headquarters of the Free Trade Company.

Therefore, the daimyo had ordered the Kazekage Rasa in advance. If Konoha did not take action, then under the last resort, the Kazekage would take action and destroy the opponent's headquarters.

Moreover, the daimyo of the Land of Wind also asked Kazekage not to reveal his identity, and then threw the pot to Konoha, which had the same effect, and then implemented the next plan.

From the daimyo's point of view, this is a perfect plan, and he will not suffer any loss no matter what.

Just after the daimyo assigned the mission, in a remote room in the capital of the Kingdom of Wind, a mechanical soldier received the information and immediately reported it to Zero.

As for how the intelligence was received, it was naturally because of the monitor. In the entire ninja world, ninjutsu is basically used for monitoring, and there are very few in terms of technology. This is the result of the mechanical soldiers spending a lot of money to bribe a Damingfu. The servant placed the monitor under the table in the council chamber while cleaning.

It has been about ten days now, and so far the other party has not discovered it. It can be imagined that anything without chakra fluctuations in the other party's logical thinking is basically harmless.

Although most places in the ninja world are not monitored, important places in the five major countries and other small countries have sent mechanical soldiers to monitor and investigate. Since the mechanical soldiers are not highly intelligent, they usually choose spokespersons from the local area. Choose a spokesperson to cover the robot soldiers, or help the robot soldiers do things.

However, the Kingdom of Wind has no spokesperson for the time being, and currently there are only some errands who were bribed by the mechanical soldiers with money.

The status of a spokesperson in the Machine Empire is not low. If you perform well, you will work within the empire. Therefore, this spokesperson plan is equivalent to the mechanical army selecting talents from all over the ninja world.

At present, the mechanical soldiers of the Kingdom of Wind have no spokesperson for the time being, but they have selected targets. It is not over yet, but under the daimyo's plan, they can also get in touch.

At this moment in the Mechanical Empire, Zero looked at the information sent back, sorted it out and passed it to Qian Yuye through Skynet.

But after a while, Qian Yuye replied.

"This is your responsibility to ensure that strategic goals are achieved."

When Zero heard Qian Yuye's words, he didn't say anything, but just thought about what to do next?

But after thinking about it, I feel that we should proceed as planned. After all, if the other party does this and that, then the original plan will go more smoothly.

The original plan was to replace the daimyo, but with ninjas and a large number of guards, it would be difficult to replace them quietly. However, once the opponent implements this plan, the opponent's guard strength will be greatly reduced. This facilitates stand-in planning.

But if this is the case, then the headquarters will be destroyed. After thinking about it, Ling informed Yingshan to remove the people and mechanical soldiers from the Free Trade Company headquarters.

That's right.

There are also mechanical soldiers at the headquarters of the Free Trade Company. After all, with this cooperation between the two parties, it is impossible for Konoha to watch the Kingdom of Wind rise again. Since it does not want to see it, it must stop it.

The Free Trade Company is in the Land of Fire and is very easy to control, so Zero had previously sent many mechanical soldiers to wait and see at the Free Trade Company headquarters, preparing to give Konoha a hateful blow.

However, after seeing the daimyo's plan, he realized that if the headquarters was not destroyed, the daimyo would not carry out the plan, so Zero simply evacuated the Free Trade Company's headquarters, senior personnel, and mechanical soldiers.

Let the people of Konoha destroy it, and then let the daimyo of the Wind Country start his plan with confidence.

But thinking of this, Zero discovered that there was another problem, and that was Zabuza. Originally, he wanted Zabuza to enter Konoha through the Free Trade Company.

But once the so-called headquarters of the Free Trade Company is destroyed, then there will be no reputation, not to mention that it was destroyed by Konoha. When the Free Trade Company comes to Konoha, Konoha will definitely pay more attention to it, which is not conducive to Zabuza's arrest. Capture Kakashi.

Thinking of this, Zero could only tell Zabuza not to go to the Free Trade Company, and directly pretend to be ordinary people from other countries who came to Konoha to carry out commissions.

Although this risk is relatively high, it would be nice if Konoha doesn't pay direct attention to him. Zero believes that Zabuza has this ability as Ginmen.

At the same time, on the other side, Zabuza was on his way to the capital of the Land of Fire. He received a notice from Zero and couldn't help but look confused. However, after understanding the report sent by Zero in detail, Zabuza could only accept this. Case.

However, Zabuza still went to the capital of the Land of Fire, but not to the Free Trade Company, but to find an ordinary caravan to join, and then go to Konoha. After all, going to Konoha alone is a bit too eye-catching.

It is naturally more reliable to have someone as a cover than alone. Besides, he is about to reach his destination, so he should go to the Land of Fire to take a look first.

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