The Phantom Thief of Heart! But Conan

Chapter 1 The Phantom Thief of Heart! But Conan

"Thank you for riding the Tokyo Metro. This train is bound for Shibuya Station. This train is down for Shibuya..."

The soft and flat female voice woke Tang Ze from his sleep.

As soon as he opened his eyes in a daze, Tangze subconsciously tightened the muscles in his back and woke up alertly in an instant.

This is not his bedroom. He was obviously lying in his warm bed just a moment ago.

When he realized this, he immediately breathed lightly, raised his head at a natural speed, and glanced left and right.

The tram was crowded with people, the interior was plastered with advertisements and slogans, the slight shaking during operation and the regular noise of hitting the track, and the bright sunlight passed through the large windows and fell on him.

Tram, this is a Japanese tram in operation, and he...

Tang Ze lowered his head and looked at himself secretly.

A light blue crisp jacket, a white shirt, and a dark green tie looked like a school uniform, and he was currently holding a black commuter bag with his arms.

He opened the bag chain and glanced at it, including an umbrella, glasses case, notebook, tissues, pencil case, and wallet, all standard student supplies.

There was also a black folder in the inner pocket. Tangze looked at the passengers on the left and right who were silently lowering their heads and playing with their mobile phones with his peripheral vision. He still didn't take it out directly and flipped through it. He just opened it and used his fingertips to pick up the paper in front of him.

When Tang Ze could barely see the document and looked up, he was as excited as if he had received electricity.

"Notification of withdrawal from school" and "Protective Observation Sanctions".

He had just saved the half-formed three-week video file before going to bed, and he immediately reacted.

He should, maybe, be dressed as the main character of Persona 5.

Isn't this the opening cutscene of P5? !

Tang Ze felt very complicated.

A little expectant, but also a little confused, it seems that he should be happy. After all, he really knows the plot by heart, but he doesn't know what to be happy about. After all, his future is still a bit miserable.

However, if it is P5, then shouldn't his school uniform be black? What is his current clothes...?

Tang Ze calmed down and took out his wallet, preparing to find more evidence of his identity.

There are tens of thousands of yen in banknotes in the wallet. When you open it, you can see the student ID card inserted in the transparent side pocket.

As soon as he saw the card clearly, Tangze's mind buzzed and his pupils trembled.

"Didan High School Student ID Card

School year group: 2nd grade group B

Name: Karasawa Akira"

There is a two-inch ID photo printed on the left side. A young man with light brown hair and blue eyes is looking forward expressionlessly.

A very handsome face, good-looking, but the bright round cat eyes at the end of the eyes and the raised eyebrows give this young face a sharp and aggressive look.

It's weird, just weird, like his own face mixed with the face of the P5 protagonist. To put it simply, if they have a child, they should look like this.

Tang Ze quietly looked at the boy in the photo.

With the stinging pain of radioactivity in the back of his head, some fragmented memory images flashed quickly before his eyes.

A deserted alley in the dark night, dazzling car headlights, a young woman calling for help, a middle-aged man smelling of alcohol and with a red face, bumping into a flower bed on the roadside amid quarrels and pushing.

Then there are the red and blue police car warning lights, the interrogation room's dazzling cold lights like shadowless lights in the operating room, and the loud echo of the wooden hammer falling in the quiet courtroom...

That's right, it's really a P5 setting. He has now become a juvenile delinquent who acted bravely but was falsely accused and sentenced to serious assault. Now he leaves home alone and arrives in Tokyo to complete a one-year protective observation, which is equivalent to being under supervision. During the probation period, he will continue to live a normal life in society. His performance during this period will determine whether he has to serve his sentence in a juvenile detention center.

But what happened to Didan High School? !

If he traveled into the world of Ke Xue, how many years would he have to carry out protective observation based on their one year? !

Sad, very sad.

It was only thanks to his good expression management skills that Tang Ze did not show a very distorted expression. He just pursed his lips, took out the mobile phone in his bag, turned on the front camera and took a look at his current face.

Maybe it’s because the cat eyes look tender. The brown-haired boy in the camera looks a little younger than his actual age. He looks about fifteen or sixteen years old. His brown hair is fluffy and hangs down to his cheeks. His eyes are light and full blue, which makes his pupils brighter. It's like shining brightly.

Because of the mental blow he had just suffered, he was now frowning with a distressed expression, and the straight corners of his mouth made his cheeks bulge.

Fine. I'm pretty good-looking, just a little too cute.

Tang Ze, who was now one round older in actual age, sighed and turned off the camera.

What should I do? I've already worn all the clothes. Can I jump out of the car and commit suicide now? People have to live.

Exiting to the mobile phone desktop, as expected, I saw the red and black Different World Navigation APP icon in the middle. A red eye was hollowed out on the graffiti background composed of red and black lines, as if staring at Tang Ze outside the screen.

After poking it, Mo had no reaction.

Poke again.

After quarreling six or seven times in a row, Tang Ze gave up and turned off the screen.

The junk software can’t be opened or deleted. I’m tired, so destroy it.

I don’t know if he has inherited his three-game archive now. Even if the attributes are not added to him, can he bring over the whole Persona book that he has been using for a long time? Damn it, the script has been sewn up, and he still has to Isn't it a bit inhumane for him to spend his whole life in a boring and synthesized space in his consciousness?

At this moment of his silent accusation, everything around him suddenly became quiet.

The black-clothed Phantom Thief turned around and took a picture on the screen. The very familiar P5 system interface unfolded in front of his eyes.

Tangze stared blankly at the interface in front of him, and subconsciously reached out and clicked on the item options.

"Wow!" Tangze shouted in surprise when he saw the full inventory of props.

P5's multi-game archives will not inherit content such as character levels, but will bring resources such as all equipment in the prop column, money, and mask records synthesized from previous games.

Great, he is a perfect Kaka with three eyes! He can survive! He is still very rich now!

This is the three weeks before he reaches the money limit!

Although there are still many options that are grayed out, Tang Ze feels more at ease.

His golden finger has arrived!

After exiting the interface, the sounds around him reached his ears again. Tang Ze saw that none of the passengers around him even glanced at him. He was completely relieved and sat back in his seat and let out a breath.

Only now did he have the time to carefully check the phone in his hand.

I don’t know if it’s because he has a new mobile phone or because of his time travel. There is almost no content on the phone, the photo album is empty, and the only contacts he has are his father and mother. I don’t know if it’s because he really doesn’t have any classmates or friends, or if it’s because of his status as a juvenile delinquent. Past social relations are almost severed.

There was only one email from his father in the mailbox. In the email, the other party described the boarding place he had found for him in Tokyo in a very cold and formulaic tone. He said that it was a store opened by an old classmate with whom he had a good relationship, and it had a loft for living. , an old classmate now lives abroad, and the shop is managed by his family and shop assistants. The attic is completely vacant and can be lent to him for a year. It is very close to his new school.

As for my son, who is about to live alone in Tokyo, there are only two cold sentences in the letter: "During the observation period, you must contact the review officer regularly and remember to abide by the regulations." There will be a second chance.”

"What..." Tangze flipped through the email and read line by line. The more he read, the more he felt his fists clenching. "Is this really something that my own father could have written?"

Not only was the relationship cold, but the tone sounded like he had a grudge, as if he really was a hopeless criminal.

Tangze took a few deep breaths, suppressed the anger that emerged and continued to scroll through it. Finally, he saw the address of his trip's destination at the end of the email.

Polo Cafe, 5-39, Yoneka-cho, Tokyo.

Tangze stared at the address and fell silent.

He should have thought that sleeping in the cafe loft was probably a fixed design that could not be changed.

Isn't it a coincidence? There is a cafe downstairs from the Mori Detective Agency!

If I remember correctly, Toru Amuro will come to work in the cafe after the plot progresses to the Bourbon chapter.

That is to say——

He is about to become a classmate of Mao Lilan and Kudo Shinichi, a neighbor of Mao Lilan, a colleague of Toru Amuro?

How could this happen.jpg

According to the plot of Conan, he must account for one of the suspects, the dead, and the murderer, otherwise it would be rude.

If you think about it carefully, with his current setting, he is particularly suitable to be a murderer.

Unjustly convicted, thrown out like garbage, living alone, and cut off from social relations. Such people who are full of grievances and resentments are simply chosen murderers, and they have been appointed to take revenge on society.

When he is dead, it depends on whether the group of people who framed him will regard the original owner's case as a stain. A rough count shows that the congressmen involved, the female staff members who were rescued by the original owner, the police and prosecutors involved in the case, no one in the chain is innocent from top to bottom.

The suspect is even simpler. Based on his resume, those who are not searched will be put into three choices, one, four, and five. They all look down on the value of juvenile delinquents who have seriously injured themselves.

Just when Karasawa's thoughts were wandering, the announcement of the arrival at Shibuya Station in front of him on the radio brought his attention back.

The terminal station of this tram was Shibuya, and it was time for him to get off and transfer to Miwa Town.

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