"Da da da~~"

Liu Tao held a '78' machine gun and fired with tongues of fire spitting out.

This shocked Al, Rashid, and the two guards. They had no doubt that if this machine gun was pointed at them, they would be beaten into pieces in an instant.

Liu Tao didn't seem to have a strong body, but he was actually holding a machine gun.

Their Iraqi soldiers are all taller and stronger than Liu Tao. Wouldn't it be easier to shoot them with machine guns?

This kind of machine gun shooting scene is much more spectacular than pistols and rifles.

The shock is also greater.

After loading a magazine, Liu Tao was still not satisfied and handed the machine gun to Rashid: "Major, try to see the power of this machine gun."

If you want to sell goods, the easiest thing is to let customers experience it in person and feel that the goods are good.

As long as the customer thinks the product is good and has a high cost performance, it will be difficult for the customer not to buy it.

Rashid tried it, just fired a magazine, and was filled with emotions.

What a gun!

They are all good guns!

He still hasn't figured out how the poor and backward China could develop such a good gun. This is simply cheating.

"My friend, what's the price of this gun?" Rashid couldn't help but ask.

Did you take the initiative to ask about the price?

This is good!

If someone hadn't been there, Liu Tao would have laughed.

"My friends, you all know the price of a machine gun. After all, you are all experts." Liu Tao changed his title, "This light machine gun costs US$2,500."

In the international market, the price of light machine guns ranges from 2,000 to 6,000 US dollars, and different styles of light machine guns have different prices.

At US$2,500/cup, the price is definitely not expensive.

"The bullets for this machine gun are the same as those for automatic rifles, and the price is the same." Liu Tao said with a smile.

Rasheed gasped.

He had participated in a procurement before, and the price of the light machine gun purchased at that time was US$5,800 per gun. The performance of the machine gun was much worse than the one in his hand.

The result is now good, Liu Tao directly reduced the price by half.

Rashid rolled his eyes. Isn't this his opportunity? If he does it well, he will make great achievements.

Taking a deep breath, Rashid looked at the box opened by Liu Tao. He could tell at a glance that it was a heavy machine gun with a very beautiful appearance.

"My friend, you even sell this kind of weapon?" Rashid still had some disbelief on his face.

"My friend, this is just a light weapon, not a big killer!" Liu Tao laughed. He quickly assembled the '78' heavy machine gun. The gun frame and gun body were quickly assembled into one. Liu Tao was just like this. Carrying the '78' heavy machine gun, "Everyone, who wants to try its power?"

"I'll do it!" Rashid had also operated a heavy machine gun when he was in the army.

After taking the heavy machine gun from Liu Tao, Rashid weighed it and found that it was much lighter than the heavy machine guns he had used. It was no problem for one person to carry this heavy machine gun.

It would be easier for two people to watch this heavy machine gun if it were dismantled into its body and frame.

"Da da da~~"

The heavy machine gun roared with fire, and the sound deafened people's ears and shocked their hearts.

The brick wall 2,000 meters ahead was directly penetrated by heavy machine gun fire.

Al and the two guards were shocked when they saw this scene, and couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

They had no doubt that if there was a car in front of them, it would be shot into pieces by this heavy machine gun.

Even the armored vehicle might not be able to withstand the attack of this heavy machine gun.

And the range is an astonishing 2,000 meters, which makes people tremble just thinking about it.

Rashid, who personally operated the heavy machine gun, was even more shocked.

As a professional soldier, he understands the value of this heavy machine gun, which can greatly increase firepower whether in infantry or armored units.

Imagine building fortifications on a high ground and mounting dozens of these heavy machine guns. If the enemy wants to capture the high ground, they will have to sacrifice their lives.

This is also the role of heavy machine guns, which can greatly enhance the firepower of infantry.

It is precisely because of this huge firepower that the price of heavy machine guns remains high.

During World War II, an M2 heavy machine gun cost about US$1,600, but now, an M2 heavy machine gun on the international market costs US$6,000.

"My friend, this heavy machine gun can not only use conventional machine gun bullets, it can also use armor-piercing bullets, armor-piercing incendiary bullets and other special bullets, which is more powerful." Liu Tao waited for Rashid to calm down and introduced with a smile Three special bullets.

Unless it is a main battle tank like the T72, those relatively backward tanks will be in danger in front of this heavy machine gun at relatively close range.

After all, not all tanks have thick defensive armor.

Rashid's heart, which was already shocked, almost jumped when he heard Liu Tao's words.

This is simply outrageous.

Rashid could no longer think of any other heavy machine gun in the international market that could compare with the heavy machine gun in his hand.

He could even imagine the scene of a heavy machine gun blowing up an armored vehicle.

"In 'The Roar of the Red Dragon', this heavy machine gun smashed the armored reconnaissance vehicle into sieves!" Liu Tao said without blushing.

In fact, this heavy machine gun has not yet been tested on the battlefield.

But it does not prevent Liu Tao from saying this. After all, Rashid and others are not on the battlefield, so how would they know.

Isn't it the duty of a qualified salesperson to exaggerate the performance of the product as much as possible, so as to strengthen the customer's determination to buy the product?

Rashid and others took a breath of cold air.

Because the Iraqi army is also equipped with Soviet-made armored personnel carriers and reconnaissance vehicles, whether it can penetrate the armored vehicles will be known after a test.

Liu Tao naturally couldn't arrange an armored vehicle for the test. He didn't feel sorry for the bullets, but for armored vehicles, even abandoned armored vehicles, it would be difficult to find. If it was a new armored vehicle, it would be enough for him to feel sorry, and he couldn't bear to part with it.

The last one to try was the 'Type 78' heavy sniper rifle.

The top aiming lens, the shape is very beautiful, and the bullet is thick.

This time, it was Rashid who tested the gun.

The target at the beginning was 1,800 meters.

The sniper rifles on the market now have an effective range of less than 1,000 meters, and almost no effective range exceeds 1,000 meters.

Advanced sniper rifles are not allowed to be exported to other countries at all.

The most advanced sniper rifles in the United States are only equipped to the US military, and other sniper rifles are not even equipped to NATO forces.

Rashid used such an advanced heavy sniper rifle for the first time.


A huge sound sounded as Rashid's finger pressed.

The target at 1,800 meters fell to the ground with a bang.

Al, who was looking through the telescope, shouted: "Hit the target, great!"

"Rashid, you are so amazing, 1,800 meters, accurate hit! This is your first shot!" Al felt incredible.

When he thought of the enemy general inspecting the front line nearly two kilometers away on the battlefield, and then being hunted down silently. Thinking of this possibility, Al felt horrified.

Sniper rifles are the ghosts of the battlefield and the weapons that commanders at all levels fear the most. The deterrent power of this weapon is even much greater than that of large-caliber cannons.

After all, sniper rifles are specially used to hunt officers, and their value is not reflected in hunting soldiers.

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