Taking into account products in the civilian field?

Wang Baoguo was stunned.

It took him a while to come back to his senses and looked at Liu Tao with strange eyes.

Other military factories are eager to have as many military products production indicators as possible. They are all thinking about developing military industry. There is absolutely no military factory that is willing to convert the military into civilians.

Fortunately for Liu Tao, he actually wanted to take care of the civilian field as well.

What is going on in this head?

"Panshan Machinery Factory only produces firearms and bullets. I wouldn't be surprised if it produces mortars and cannons in the future. Why are you producing civilian products? Can you do it?" Wang Baoguo looked at Liu Tao in confusion.

He knew the situation of Panshan Machinery Factory well.

From the establishment of the factory to the present, it has not produced civilian products.

"If it doesn't work now, it doesn't mean it won't work in the future!" Liu Tao said matter-of-factly: "TVs, refrigerators, air conditioners, cars, and motorcycles may all be produced in the future."

Liu Tao is very excited!

For example, he wanted to produce a military vehicle to improve troop transport capabilities and transport materials.

It's just that I'm busy developing firearms now and don't have time to do it!

"When the military is converted to civilians, it does not say that military factories cannot produce civilian products, but the confidentiality regulations must be implemented well!" Wang Baoguo pointed out.

Liu Tao understood immediately.

As for confidentiality regulations, any military factory must follow them.

Panshan Machinery Factory used to be a level three security unit. Later, after Liu Tao developed advanced firearms, it was promoted to a level one security unit.

In other words, in order to keep confidentiality, if Panshan Machinery Factory wants to produce civilian products, it will have to build another factory and separate it!

Liu Tao naturally has no objection to this.

In addition to the current plot of land, Panshan Machinery Factory has three other plots. These were owned by Panshan Machinery Factory after the previous three military factories were merged into Panshan Machinery Factory.

Liu Tao is now applying to draw larger areas for these sites, especially those he wants to use as a military factory production base. They are all circled in large areas.

After staying for half an hour, Liu Tao left.

Wang Baoguo has to deal with a lot of things every day, so it's good to have half an hour.

The higher the level of a leader, the more valuable his time is and the less likely he is to do meaningless things.

In the afternoon, Liu Tao came to No. 2, Ritan East Road, Beijing, which is the Egyptian Embassy.

Egypt is a country that established diplomatic relations with China very early. The two sides established diplomatic relations on May 30, 1956.

In the past, China provided Egypt with free assistance for aircraft-related equipment, and Egypt would also donate some well-equipped weapons to China for China's research.

This is a back-and-forth, and the two sides have established a friendly cooperative relationship.

A delegation from the Ministry of Aviation went to Egypt for detailed inspections and negotiations on the pretext of repairing aircraft. They overcame many difficulties and obtained an order for aircraft and engines worth US$176 million.

Liu Tao will naturally not give up Egypt as a potential target.

Egypt is poor, but mosquito meat is still meat no matter how small it is.

Last year Egypt's GDP reached 14.8 billion US dollars, but its annual military expenditure was as high as 5.5 billion US dollars, accounting for 37.16% of GDP!

After showing his letter of introduction and explaining his intention, the guard made a phone call.

About ten minutes later, a staff member came to take Liu Tao in.

"Sir, this is the embassy. Please don't wander around. Please understand." The staff reminded in English.

Liu Tao nodded slightly to express his understanding.

The embassy is an extraordinary place and can be said to be highly confidential.

If he wanders around and sees something he shouldn't see or hears something he shouldn't hear, he will most likely not be able to get out.

The staff led Liu Tao to the ambassador's office.

This is a very steady old man with gray hair, wearing a pair of glasses, a white shirt, and a watch on his left hand.

"Young gentleman, why do you want to see me?" Osama looked at Liu Tao with interest.

In normal times, in addition to dealing with people from the Chinese Foreign Affairs Department, they also deal with other embassy personnel. As for ordinary Chinese, they will not come to the embassy at all.

"Hello, sir!" Liu Tao said with a smile, "I am the person in charge of a large military factory in China. I am here to visit to discuss business."

Osama looked at Liu Tao thoughtfully.

But he was thinking in his heart whether Liu Tao's words were true or false.

Liu Tao talked eloquently: "I have heard about Nasser's deeds, and I admire him very much. The current situation in Egypt makes me feel very sad. Having lost the hero Nasser, Egypt's situation is not good. Polar bears are eyeing it and they need to get the Suez Canal." control”

Nasser is the hero of Egypt, and can even be said to be the hero of the Muslims in the Middle East. In 1953, he and a group of free officers overthrew the Farouk dynasty. In 1956, he took charge of Egypt. When he was a child, Nasser announced the nationalization of the Suez Canal. In October, he fought against the British and French With coalition forces.

It can be said that this man is a macho man born from heaven. Times make heroes, and heroes make times!

Nasser enjoys high prestige among Muslims in Egypt and the Middle East. He is also the founder of the Non-Aligned Movement.

Osama was surprised that a young Chinese man could know Nasser so well. He showed nostalgia and talked about Nasser with Liu Tao with some sadness.

Osama is Nasser's comrade-in-arms!

The two sides seemed to have a common language, and the awkward atmosphere suddenly dissipated, and the two seemed much more harmonious.

"If Nasser was still here, the situation in Egypt would not be so bad now!" Osama seemed unwilling to do so.

When the Fourth Middle East War broke out, Egypt signed a peace treaty with Israel in order to take back the Sinai Peninsula. This is not without cost. The cost is that Egypt has suddenly changed from a leader in the Middle East to being despised and ignored by many white robes in the Middle East. The Soviet Union is also watching covetously outside, putting Egypt under tremendous pressure.

Egypt's location is really important. It straddles the two continents of Asia and Africa. It occupies an important strategic position as the world's transportation hub, world trade channel and world military route. It is the center of three concentric circles: Africa, the Arab world and the Islamic world.

This has attracted the attention of wolves in Egypt. Everyone wants to control Egypt and the Suez Canal!

Back then, with the support of the United States and the Soviet Union, they joined forces to make the British lose control of the Suez Canal.

But that's not to say that the two good people are good people. They just don't want the former overlord to control the Suez Canal anymore. They want to control it themselves, thereby strengthening their influence on the surrounding areas.

Liu Tao couldn't help but sympathize with Osama. Osama thought that Nasser would not be in this situation. In fact, under the general trend, this kind of situation cannot be avoided. China has been trapped under the two powers for so many years.

The combined national power of the two superpowers is so powerful that it far exceeds that of other countries. It can even be said that their military force far exceeds that of the empire on which the sun never sets.

The competition between the two sides is all-round. Military, economic, cultural, technological, etc. are all competing.

The exploration of space by both parties is also far ahead of other countries and has created countless first records.

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