The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 96 Dance and Lake Tour (please follow up)

"Senior Liu Tao, it's you! When did you come back!?"

A boy said in surprise.

"Hey, Tang Qiang, shouldn't you have graduated? Why are you still in the academy?" Liu Tao looked at the boy and was surprised when relevant memories came to his mind.

Tang Qiang, majoring in firearms, is one year younger than him.

Like Liu Tao, Tang Qiang was also a disciple of the Great Courtyard. His father was in the Fifth Machinery Department, but he died of illness two years ago.

"I'm staying in school!" Tang Qiang said, and then loudly introduced Liu Tao to everyone. With Tang Qiang's introduction, everyone's eyes focused on Liu Tao, and everyone felt incredible.

This is a legend of the college. He won the title of National Advanced Scientific and Technological Worker one year after graduation.

Everyone was even more excited. They didn't expect that even a big shot like Liu Tao would come to participate in the college's weekend dance.

Soon, the music started.

"Beautiful Miss Zhu Lin, I invite you to dance with me!" Liu Tao smiled and extended his hand like a gentleman.

Zhu Lin handed his hand to Liu Tao, and the two walked to the middle of the auditorium and danced gracefully.

Liu Tao held Zhu Lin's slender waist and felt that she was a little nervous and tensed her body: "Are you a little nervous?"

"No!" Zhu Lin whispered quickly, but the roots of his ears were already red.

Liu Tao chuckled and said: "Don't be nervous, relax, you are my girlfriend and I am your boyfriend."

Zhu Lin's face turned redder, which was really cute.

Liu Tao smiled. During the dance, he was very honest and did not make any strange moves.

Don't go too far and arouse Zhu Lin's rebellious spirit, which will be unsightly.

But just at this moment, when the dance was about to end, the lights in the auditorium suddenly went out.

The girls screamed.

At the same time, Liu Tao felt Wen Yu in his arms.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'm by your side!" Liu Tao patted the beauty's back gently, showing his gentleness.

"Is there a power outage?" Zhu Lin asked with some fear.

Normal girls would scream and feel scared when they suddenly encounter this kind of situation.

Zhu Lin is no exception.

Liu Tao could even feel that her body was shaking uncontrollably.

"Maybe, don't worry!" Liu Tao said softly.

Under Liu Tao's comfort, Zhu Lin gradually relaxed, but at this time she realized that something was wrong with her. Liu Tao's strong heartbeat sounded in her ears, and the man's breath made her a little upset.

Liu Tao's eyesight was very good. Even at this time, he could still see his surroundings clearly.

He found that some of the men and women who were dancing in the auditorium were already kissing secretly.

Liu Tao protected Zhu Lin and kept moving forward, leaving the auditorium.

As for their coats, they are found in a place near the gate.

Although they just danced once, the relationship between the two suddenly became much closer.

When they parted, they made an appointment to visit Shichahai tomorrow.

The next morning, Liu Tao brushed his teeth, washed his face, and put on a set of clean clothes.

After making good preparations, I went out.

When I arrived at Shichahai Park, I saw Zhu Lin standing there. She was still wearing a simple skirt and an ordinary hairpin, but it always gave people the feeling of being out of mud but not stained.

When Zhu Lin saw Liu Tao, his heartbeat accelerated inexplicably.

She didn't sleep well last night. The more she thought about it, the more she felt that the two of them were developing too fast.

We've only known each other for a few hours, so why did we become partners?

The two were walking and chatting.

After walking for a while, the two of them got on a small boat and sat on the boat, leisurely on the lake.

"If you want to compare the West Lake to the West, it is better to wear heavy makeup and light makeup. Unfortunately, this is not the West Lake. When we have a chance, let's go to the West Lake to play." Liu Tao said with a smile while sitting on the boat.

The breeze was gentle and the beautiful woman was with him, and he was in a very good mood.

Zhu Lin was also attracted by the scenery in front of him at this time. "I have been here with my classmates before. I don't know why, but the scenery here today is more beautiful than every time I come here before!"

"The people around me are different, so my feelings will naturally be different too!" Liu Tao said with a smile.

Zhu Lin's face turned slightly red, but she felt that what Liu Tao said made sense.

"It's not easy to go to the West Lake." Zhu Lin said.

Liu Tao said, "Next time I return to Beijing, we will take a plane there. It only takes two or three hours to get to Hangzhou!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Can you just sit on the plane?" Zhu Lin rolled his eyes at Liu Tao.

It's so difficult to fly. Without a letter of introduction from your employer, you can't fly even if you have money.

She has never flown on a plane in her entire life.

Liu Tao did not explain much. Facts speak louder than words, and talking more is useless.

After the lake tour, Liu Tao found a restaurant to have lunch together.

Although Shichahai is not as lively as in later generations, there are still some people doing small businesses. Luxury hotels are no longer possible, but there are still one or two small workshops.

The real luxury hotels are now concentrated in the foreign hotels, and those gringos have money to spend.

After ordering three dishes and one soup, the two of them ate slowly.

The shop only serves homemade stir-fries, but the taste is good and the portions are plentiful.

Liu Tao eats as he pleases, while Zhu Lin eats elegantly.

While eating, we were chatting, either about Zhu Lin's workplace or Panshan Machinery Factory.

Liu Tao didn't talk much about military factories, but about hospitals, shopping malls and the like.

The two wrote down each other's work phone numbers and contact addresses.

After dinner, we went to the department store. The department store is located in Wangfujing. It was built in 1954 and opened the following year, with an area of ​​18,000 square meters. On the first day of its opening that year, the passenger flow reached an astonishing 164,000 people. It is now the largest store in Beijing. It can accommodate tens of thousands of customers and one thousand salespeople at the same time.

The department store was packed with people, and the salespersons all had their nostrils turned upward. Salespersons at this time had good jobs, high incomes and various benefits, and were more popular than many government agencies.

Liu Tao bought Zhu Lin two sweaters, two coats, and some spring clothes. Zhu Lin didn't want them at first.

"If you don't want it, I will kiss you right here." Liu Tao whispered in Zhu Lin's ear.

Zhu Lin's ears turned red, she rolled her eyes at Liu Tao, and had no choice but to accept Liu Tao's gift.

The two of them walked out of the department store carrying their bags.

"How can you save money for such a big spender?" Zhu Lin said in a low voice, "I know you have a high salary, but you have to be able to save money even if you have a high salary. You can't spend as much as you earn. The great man said that only when you have savings at home can you be careful. Don’t panic.”

Liu Tao smiled and said, "Don't worry, I have no problem marrying a wife with my savings now. Even the wedding room is ready, right in Shichahai. It will be convenient for you to return to your parents' home in the future."

"Bah, who said I wanted to be your wife!" Zhu Lin's face turned red with embarrassment.

Liu Tao laughed and said: "Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, I will take you to see our wedding room. It is very beautiful there. It used to be a prince's palace."

"You're talking nonsense again, how could it be the palace!" Zhu Lin rolled his eyes at Liu Tao and didn't believe it at all.

The palace occupies a large area and is either a government unit or a place where celebrities live. How could Liu Tao live there?

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