Chapter 38: Get the medicine

Although Cui Hejin teaches in the school, he comes back to rest every night.

Jiang Zhiluo is busy making and selling brown sugar every day, but she doesn’t care about anything else.

But that night, when Jiang Zhiluo fell asleep in the middle of the night, she heard Cui Hejin's violent coughing.

 Even though he tried hard to suppress his cough, his physical discomfort became more and more intense.

Hearing the sound of coughing, Jiang Zhiluo quickly got up to see Cui Hejin.

 “Cui Hejin~”

 “Cui Hejin~”

 “Wake up, what’s wrong with you?”

Jiang Zhiluo felt that something was not right with Cui Hejin. She only felt that he was coughing badly, but when she called him, he seemed unconscious and not awake enough.

Jiang Zhiluo stretched out her hand and touched it gently, and found that Cui Hejin had a fever.

 “So hot!”

Jiang Zhiluo hurriedly lit the pine oil candle, only to feel that under the candlelight, Cui Hejin's face was scarlet, and under the night, it had an evil color.

 But she knew that he had a severe fever.

 “It was fine during dinner at night.”

Jiang Zhiluo hurriedly checked Cui Hejin's pulse and found that the situation was serious.

Jiang Zhiluo hurriedly went to pour a glass of water.

 Spiritual spring water is added to it.

"Cui Hejin, wake up, wake up..."

Jiang Zhiluo couldn't let him fall asleep with a fever like this.

After shouting for a while, Cui Hejin slowly opened his eyes. Those eyes were as quiet as picturesque, thin and enchanting, cold but seductive.

Jiang Zhiluo’s heart almost jumped uncontrollably.

But she couldn't care about anything else at this time, "Cui Hejin, you have a fever. Drink the water first. You will feel better."

 She supported Cui Hejin and let him drink water.

 Cui Hejin had a headache. He looked into Jiang Zhiluo's clear and worried eyes in a daze. He calmed down and drank the water in the bowl.


Jiang Zhiluo put her hands on his back, integrating the wood healing power into his body while helping him lie down.

Her current supernatural power is still very weak and can only help him slightly relieve his fever symptoms.

Jiang Zhiluo quickly found another handkerchief, soaked it in water, and placed it on Cui Hejin's forehead.

“You should rest first and I’ll get you some medicine.”

Before Cui Hejin could say anything, Jiang Zhiluo quickly dressed and came out of the house, then knocked on Mrs. Cui's door.

Mrs. Cui woke up and hurried to the ground, "Zhiluo, what's wrong? What happened?"

If nothing happened, Zhiluo would not call her in the middle of the night.

“Mom, Hexin is sick and has a fever. Please help take care of him while I go to town to get medicine.”

Mrs. Cui's face changed, "It's so late, and the medical clinics in town are not open, so I can't get medicine."

“But there is a doctor in Wutong Village, I will go find him.”

Mrs. Cui felt that it was too late to let Zhiluo mess around in the middle of the night, so she went to find the doctor.

Jiang Zhiluo frowned and said, "Mom, Wutong Village is too far away. I'll go to the town hospital."

Jiang Zhiluo didn't care to say anything else to Mrs. Cui and hurried into the night.

Mrs. Cui hurriedly ran to the door, but Jiang Zhiluo was no longer there.

 She said helplessly: "This child!"

Mrs. Cui could only go into the house and take care of Cui Hejin.

Finding that Cui Hejin had a fever, Mrs. Cui's eyes were red.

"Is it because you are tired from teaching in the school these days? Why did you suddenly have a fever?"

Mrs. Cui's heart ached badly when she saw Cui Hejin's weak appearance.

Cui Hejin used to be a man of both civil and martial arts, and his health was very good. Even in cold weather, he rarely had a fever or cold. But since the Cui family committed a crime, Cui Hejin was tortured and lost his martial arts skills. In addition, he was exiled and suffered hardships, and his body became weaker and weaker.

Cui Hejin felt better after drinking water, but her body was still weak and her head hurt badly.

 He said weakly: "Mom, I'm fine, don't worry."

“You’re already like this, how can you still say you’re fine? If Zhiluo hadn’t discovered that you had a fever, I don’t know what would have happened.”

The medical skills of rural doctors are incomparable to those of imperial doctors in the capital.

If anyone in the village has a headache or fever, it may kill someone.

Mrs. Cui is also afraid.

“Zhiluo is a good kid. She ran out in the middle of the night and said she was going to the town hospital...”

“It’s so dark and all the medical clinics in town are closed. I don’t know if she can find a doctor.”

“The most important thing is that she is a little girl. I am very worried about her..."

Mrs. Cui felt uncomfortable and couldn't help but babble a few words.

Hearing these words, Cui Hejin couldn't help coughing again, "Ahem..."


Jiang Zhiluo left the village and ran quickly towards the town.

 Fortunately, these days, I am familiar with the roads in town every day, even if the night is dark, it does not affect me.

By the time they ran to the town, Jiang Zhiluo was sweating a little on her forehead.

When she arrived at the hospital, the door was indeed closed.

Jiang Zhiluo stepped forward and kept banging on the door, "Is there anyone there? Is there anyone there?"

She knew that hospitals have backyards. Normally, there should be guards in the backyard rooms.

 She doesn't worry about whether there is a doctor, she knows medical skills herself, she comes mainly to get medicine.

The medicine boy was woken up in the middle of the night. He came out of the back room and opened the door and said, "Girl, we are doing the work at the medical center in the evening and the doctors are not here. They won't come until the morning."

 Obviously, the medicine boy is no longer surprised by this situation. Sometimes there are always people knocking on the door in the middle of the night looking for the doctor.

Jiang Zhiluo calmed her breathing: "I'm not here to see the doctor, I'm here to get medicine."

“Brother, please help me. Someone at home is in urgent need.”

 The medicine boy nodded, opened the door and said, "Then you come in first."

 The medicine boy lit the oil lamp and asked, "What medicine should I take?"

Jiang Zhiluo borrowed the pen and paper from the medical clinic and wrote down all the medicines she needed on the paper.

After the medicine boy grabbed the medicine and wrapped it, he handed it to Jiang Zhiluo and said, "These are one tael of silver and two hundred and fifteen cents in total."

Jiang Zhiluo quickly took out the money and gave it to the medicine boy.

 I have been busy selling brown sugar every day for seven or eight days, and made a total of more than four taels of silver.

 Unexpectedly, just three doses of medicine cost more than one tael of silver.

However, some of the medicinal herbs she prescribed are indeed relatively expensive.

Jiang Zhiluo is also deeply aware that the medical level in this era is backward and doctors are even more scarce.

The doctor in Wutong Village that my mother mentioned is the doctor in Shiliba Village. Anyone who has something to do in the middle of the night will go to this doctor.

 But this doctor mainly treats people with minor illnesses. His medical skills are average and the medicinal materials are not complete.

 To really get medicine, you still have to come to a medical clinic to get medicine.

“Brother, do you have acupuncture needles used by doctors?”

The medicine boy frowned and said: "Yes, there is, but it is temporarily placed here by our young master's family. During the day, our young master's family also needs it to treat people."

Jiang Zhiluo said: "Can I borrow it? Don't worry, I will send it back early tomorrow morning."

"If you are worried, I can pledge something here and take it when the silver needle is delivered tomorrow."

The medicine boy hesitated for a while and said: "That day, the young lady saved someone, and our young master also saw it. I believe the girl."

“If the young master knows this, he probably won’t blame me.”

 (End of this chapter)

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