Chapter 47 Promotion

 Mainly because I only got up when it was almost dawn.

But at this time, Jiang Zhiluo had almost made breakfast, so Mrs. Cui was naturally a little worried.

Jiang Zhiluo didn't say much to Mrs. Cui because she was afraid that Mrs. Cui would be worried and anxious.

Jiang Zhiluo said: "Mom, I thought about it, it would be better to sell maltose at the morning market in the town."

Mrs. Cui was stunned for a moment and didn't understand. She said, "Why don't you go to the pier? To the market?"

Jiang Zhiluo explained softly: "The dock is usually crowded from mid-noon to mid-afternoon, and there are not many people running boats there. Most of the people at the market are people who live nearby, and everyone buys groceries on weekdays. many."

“Many people will take their children to the market to buy vegetables, so it is better to sell maltose there.”

Before Jiang Zhiluo sold brown sugar, she walked around the town and inspected it.

 Be familiar with some places in the town.

 Maltose is usually bought for children.

 So in places with many children, maltose is easy to sell.

 As for the people setting up stalls at the market, when they see the maltose, they will probably want to buy some for their children to take home.

Mrs. Cui really didn’t understand this. When she heard Zhiluo say it, she immediately understood, “I didn’t expect that there are so many things to pay attention to wherever you sell things.”

“Zhiluo, you know better. Let’s go to the market in a while.”

Jiang Zhiluo said: "Mom, I can go by myself."

"How can that be done? You are so tired alone. Mom has nothing to do anyway. If I stay with you, I can feel more relaxed."

Mrs. Cui doesn’t want the burden of the family to fall on Jiang Zhiluo.

Jiang Zhiluo said: "Mom, I'm thinking that we can steam cornmeal buns at noon. Just when I go to the market, you can make the dough at home."

 “I’ll be back soon.”

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Cui thought that Zhiluo might want to eat steamed buns.

She hesitated for a moment and nodded: "Well, don't be tired. It doesn't matter if you can't sell out. Come back early."

Jiang Zhiluo nodded, "Mom, my husband drank medicine last night and it had a sleeping effect. Let him sleep more."

Jiang Zhiluo knew that Cui Hejin was used to getting up early, so he couldn't rest well at all, so she added a little sleeping medicine to the medicine she gave him so that he could sleep deeper and better.

Mrs. Cui was moved and felt that her daughter-in-law was really thoughtful.

 Since being exiled, her son has not been able to rest well. She knows it but can't help it.

 The daughter-in-law still has a way.

Jiang Zhiluo had a simple breakfast to fill her belly, put the maltose in a basket on her back, and went out with the basket in her hand.

  At this time, it was just dawn.

She calculated the time, and when she arrived at the market in the town, it was just dawn, just in time for the morning market to open, and it was also the time when there were many people.

Jiang Zhiluo went to the market and saw that everyone's stalls were set up. Many women and old ladies were shopping in the morning market with baskets on their hands.

  I even talk and bargain with people from time to time.

“This cabbage doesn’t look fresh anymore, please give it a cheaper price.”

“I’ll peel the outside for you to make sure it’s fresh inside…”

“This mountain product looks good. I often come here to buy food. I am a regular customer. Please give me more...”

Most people are bargaining, and many people always have to bargain for a while. Even if they get a penny cheaper, it will take a long time.

Of course there are those who are in charge of shopping for wealthy families. They don’t bargain much and buy things in a hurry before going back. Jiang Zhiluo was not in a hurry to sell maltose and observed it first.

However, when Jiang Zhiluo came to the market, there were no stalls left.

 She had to sigh that it was so early for everyone to set up their stalls.

Perhaps they come here before dawn to set up stalls, and everyone comes just to grab a good seat.

Jiang Zhiluo looked at it for a while and found a seat at the very end.

  She just sells some maltose anyway, not much, just a small corner.

Jiang Zhiluo took out some oil paper and a charcoal pen from the space and wrote down the prize.

 Some wrote one maltose, some wrote a piece of brown sugar, and another piece of paper wrote five maltose.

 There are not many prizes, mainly to help with promotion.

Jiang Zhiluo shouted loudly: "Selling maltose. The maltose made with the exclusive secret recipe tastes absolutely delicious. You can try it for free. As long as you buy more than ten yuan at a time, you can win a lottery. The prizes include brown sugar and maltose."

“The maltose made with the exclusive secret recipe is appetizing to both adults and children. Children will not be picky after eating it and will love to eat more..."

"The brown sugar in the prize is good for your health if you eat it. You can get brown sugar in the lottery..."

The morning market was bustling with people. Jiang Zhiluo's voice was clear and sweet, with a gentle and clean aura, which was incompatible with the noisy voice. Because of her beautiful and unique voice, it penetrated the entire morning market at once.

The people who were bargaining were startled and couldn't help but follow the sound and look over.

I saw a girl standing in the innermost corner of the morning market. She looked about fourteen or fifteen years old.

Although she was wearing coarse linen clothes, her eyebrows were clean and fresh, with the aura of orchid in the empty valley.

Her figure is slender and her skin is as white as snow. The morning sun shines on her body, giving her a soft luster.

 Looking at it, it looks like a camellia in full bloom, so beautiful and moving.

 What a bright girl.

 Many people were surprised by her.

 Women and old ladies all like to see such pretty little girls, especially the little girl’s sweet smile, which reminds everyone of glutinous rice candy.

An old woman standing nearby thought that her grandson liked to eat sweets but was picky about eating. She walked over quickly and said, "Little girl, is this maltose really so magical? Is it appetizing?"

The old woman is from a good family, and she doesn’t want to win a lottery or anything like that. She just cares about whether she really eats well and has an appetite.

Her grandson is really miserable when he eats. Everyone takes turns feeding him and he barely eats.

Even though he is seven years old, he is very thin. His son and daughter-in-law tried many methods and changed several chefs, but to no avail.

Jiang Zhiluo smiled sweetly and explained in a warm voice: "Mom, my maltose is made with a secret recipe passed down from our family. It tastes good and is really appetizing for children. If you don't believe it, you can buy a few pieces and try them at home. ”

 The maltose contains a little more spiritual spring water, so Jiang Zhiluo is confident about this.

 Because she knew that most of the people who eat maltose are children.

   I am worried that some children may not have enough nutritious food, so adding more spiritual spring water is also good for their health.

 She is not so kind, but if she does something meaningful while taking good care of her family, she can also help upgrade the space.

 Furthermore, if everyone eats usefully and well, the next time she sells something, everyone will be willing to come and buy from her stall.

While Jiang Zhiluo was speaking, she opened the clean cloth on the basket so that everyone could see the maltose in the basket.

The old woman took a look and said, "Oh, this looks good. Every one of them is wrapped."

 (End of this chapter)

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