The wizard in Hogwarts is unscientific

Chapter 21 Pandora’s Magic Theory

"Modern Theory of Spells?"

Andy has a copy of "Basic Spell Theory" at home, but the author of the two books is not the same person. newᴄᴏᴍ

Andy glanced at the author's name.

Pandora Lovegood!

Surprisingly, he is Andy's neighbor.

When Andy was eight years old, Pandora Lovegood died accidentally during a spell experiment, and Andy attended her funeral with his parents.

Andy flipped through it casually, "Then I'll read this one first. What about you, have you chosen the book you want to read?"

Hermione took out a large book from the bookshelf, "I'm going to take History of Magic this afternoon, and I want to learn about the famous wizards in history first."

Andy glanced at it. It was a book that introduced all the famous wizards over the millennium. It was also the type of book that Andy would never glance at.

"Let's go!" Hermione tilted her head.

Perhaps because school had just started, there were almost no people in the library. The two of them found a quiet place and sat down to read quietly.

After flipping through a few pages, Andy discovered that the Hogwarts library is really a treasure.

There are many books on the market that introduce the theory of magic. Different authors naturally have different views on magic, and their emphasis in explaining magic is also different.

The book "Modern Charms Theory" can be regarded as a general outline of modern spells. It does not explain a specific type of spells, but explains based on the things involved in casting spells. new

The book opens with an account of the impact of emotions on the power of spells.

The use of magic spells not only requires chanting spells and specific gestures, but also requires the cooperation of the caster's emotions.

In many cases, extreme emotions can even greatly increase the power of a spell.

The Obscurus mentioned in the book "Research on the Development of Ancient Witchcraft" that Andy had read before was the product of the fusion of the young wizard's negative emotions and magic power.

"It seems that it is necessary to improve the [Psychic] attribute." Andy thought to himself.

Many people say that Voldemort is the most powerful dark wizard in hundreds of years, and some even call him the most powerful dark wizard in history.

Of course, the statement 'all time' is somewhat exaggerated, but there is no doubt about Voldemort's power.

"Is his dark magic so powerful because his mind is completely evil?"

Andy guessed, "An evil mind combined with black magic can make the power of black magic stronger."

I'm afraid it's more than that.

So far, Andy only knows that Dumbledore and Voldemort are the ceiling of the wizarding world, but what is the secret of their power, Andy still has no clue.

But there is no doubt that the answer to their powerful secrets can be found in the forbidden book area. new

Maybe those secrets are hidden somewhere in the book.

Andy calmed down and continued reading. An hour and a half passed in a blink of an eye.

"Andy, class starts in fifteen minutes!" Hermione reminded.

"Got it." Andy closed the book.

If possible, Andy would even skip this History of Magic lesson. Unfortunately, this is a required course, and skipping class on the first day of school will leave a bad impression on the professors.

After completing the borrowing procedures with the librarian Mrs. Pince, Andy and Hermione left the library.

The History of Magic classroom is also on the second floor, so you don't have to deal with those restless stairs.

Ravenclaw's History of Magic is taken together with Slytherin.


Slytherin has a bit of a bad reputation, and it all has to do with Gryffindor.

Not only the Voldemort incident, but also in many major events in the history of the wizarding world, Slytherin played the role of the villain, while Gryffindor was the representative of justice.

This leads to students from the two colleges often tearing up B's.

Black Slytherin is the daily life of all Gryffindors.

In Gryffindor's values, if you get points deducted for fighting with a Slytherin student, then you are the hero of the entire house - provided you win.

The result of this conflict is that Slytherin generally does not offend Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff students.

Because being targeted by one college is enough, they don't want to be targeted by two colleges.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, a pearly white, translucent ghost floated out of the wall.

Professor Binns is a ghost and he looks very old. According to the official version: When Professor Binns was still alive, he went to class one day and accidentally left his body in the staff room.

Andy was extremely disappointed with this class.

Many of the ghosts in the castle are actually quite interesting, but that's certainly not the case with Professor Binns.

His voice was dry, and he read the contents of the book in a low and monotonous tone. Everyone in the class was drowsy. Occasionally, they came back to their senses, copied down a date or a person's name, and then fell into a semi-sleep state again.

Even Hermione, who usually loved learning, could only work hard in Professor Binns' class - Andy had already seen her pinching his thigh.

There really is a bit of the spirit of cantilevering the head and stabbing the buttocks.

Andy decided to drop the course.

The history of magic! Give me a pen and I can make history.

This course has no impact on magic. Reading the book before the exam and passing the exam is enough.

Andy took out "Modern Theory of Spells" borrowed from the library and looked through it.

In addition to mentioning the impact of emotions on the power of spells, the book also mentions a refreshing point of view.

Modern spells are magic invented based on modern languages, but what about ancient magic?

Not only that, each country has its own different languages, but different languages ​​can use the same magic spell.

Does this mean that neither words nor gestures are necessary for spellcasting?

The magic power of little wizards is unstable, but they can make their wishes come true when the magic power breaks out - they don't even need a wand.

Many powerful wizards can cast spells without spells, and can even use some simple magic without a wand.

Does this mean that learning magic, or even being proficient in using magic, is just getting back our spell-casting instincts?

Of course, the book only mentions this theory, and even the author of this book cannot cast spells without a wand.

Andy unexpectedly discovered that the author of this book had many ideas similar to his own, but it was a pity that the author of this book was dead.


Andy had heard the story of Pandora's Box.

"Is this a reminder not to try too easily?"

There are many things in the magical world that are destined to happen, and even many predictions are unexpectedly accurate.

Andy decided to believe in the guidance of fate and never try dangerous magic experiments until his magic level reached a certain level.

"But when it comes to Christmas, we can visit Lovegood's house!" Andy thought.

"Uh... let's forget it!"

After all, it is somewhat impolite to mention someone else's dead wife or mother rashly.

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