The first thing that man did when he got out was not to escape from the equipment coverage area and immediately go offline, but to kneel and crawl forward directly.

He kept kowtowing in the direction of Liu Qingqing on the stage and kept mumbling something. At this time, his body was covered with black ash, his hair was burned into a partial bald spot by the high temperature of the explosion, and his clothes were also damaged. It was blown to pieces.

Tsk tsk tsk, you look so pitiful! You asked for it, didn't you?

Liu Qingqing watched the scene below with great interest. She felt nothing in her heart. She didn't feel pity for him or feel happy. She just felt like she was watching a drama.

Mi Kun looked at the man below and couldn't help shaking his head and sighing. Alas, he had to offend his apprentice. He knew very well how cold his apprentice's heart was.

Just like this person below, no matter how miserable he is now, Mi Kun knows that Liu Qingqing must not have any troubles in her heart, because that man is not someone who can affect Liu Qingqing's emotions.

People who are not accepted by Liu Qingqing will never be able to affect her emotions. Mi Kun actually doubts whether there is anyone in the world that Liu Qingqing would risk her life to protect.

Others looked at the scene below and had different reactions. Some people who knew nothing about what happened before were scratching their heads and couldn't figure out why this man suddenly kowtowed.

Some of them guessed the man's identity and were extremely excited. It seems that this potion is really useful and they want to buy it. Don't stop them!

There were also the troublemakers represented by Mo Yao and the people who spoke for them. Now they were frightened and scared, fearing that Liu Qingqing would think of setting a position for them and then slowly torture them in the future.

Thinking of this, they couldn't help but slap themselves twice. Why would they go out to seek abuse when they had nothing to do? Can't you keep your mouth shut? If you have to say those few words, will you die if you don’t?

The more I thought about it, the more I regretted it, and I secretly decided to control my mouth in the future. This time they only dealt with this man, and it might be their turn next time.

Among them, Mo Yao was particularly out of control. She suddenly stood up and put her hands on the table. The veins on her forehead were bulging and her eyes were split, making her beautiful face look particularly terrifying.

"How could this happen? How is it possible?"

Mo Yao shouted regardless of the occasion, full of disbelief. She couldn't figure out why a disciple like Mi Kun could be so powerful? He can actually invent things that neither the Empire nor the Alliance can develop.

Mi Kun has already overpowered her, is Liu Qingqing going to overpower her apprentice again? Now she is questioning her soul, that is, can her apprentice really win over Mi Kun's apprentice?

Mo Yao's apprentice also thought about this problem. She kept telling herself that it was impossible. Yao Lao must have researched this and asked his apprentice to come up with it. Yao Lao must be paving the way for his apprentice.

She straightened her back as if she had convinced herself, and put a confident smile on her face, but only she knew how much this confidence contained.

Mo Yao naturally thought of this. She didn't believe how capable a little girl could be, so it must be Mi Kun who wanted to pave the way for his apprentice to start such a big battle. But she was still very jealous, jealous that Mi Kun could research such a thing.

The Space Marines responsible for security on the side also came on stage and tried to pull the man away, so the man's voice changed from a small muttering to a loud shout:

Then everyone heard a hoarse voice:

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault. Please forgive me. I will definitely keep my mouth shut in the future. Please forgive me!"

While shouting, he continued to use his hands and feet to resist, not wanting to leave. But in the end, it was still difficult for him to fight with two fists, and he was dragged away by the Space Marines.

The scene was so ugly that many people who knew about it turned their heads to see Liu Qingqing's reaction, only to find that she was still smiling. This can't help but give these people goosebumps, wondering what kind of little witch is this?

The host rushed over to calm everyone down. Liu Qingqing touched Mi Kun with her arm and communicated with him privately via optical brain:

【Want to be famous? 】

【In no mood】

[As long as you stand up now and give them another chance to compete, you will definitely gain the gratitude of many people]

[Why should I gain their gratitude? Do I look idle? 】

[Old man, you are one of the four chief pharmacists in the alliance. You have the responsibility to deal with this farce! 】


Mi Kun looked embarrassed. Suddenly, as if he thought of something, he turned to look at Sheng Yuan next to him. Because the two of them are the highest-ranking in the empire and the alliance respectively, they also sit next to each other.

So Mi Kun moved closer to Sheng Yuan, and also imitated Liu Qingqing and touched Sheng Yuan with his arm.

Sheng Yuan, who had been paying attention to Mi Kun and Liu Qingqing just now, looked at this scene with some amusement. He looked at Mi Kun gently and asked in a low voice:

"What's wrong?"

Mi Kun had a straight face and a serious expression:

"Want to be famous?"

Sheng Yuan tried his best not to let him laugh out loud, pretending to be puzzled and humming.

"Now there is a chance to make a name for yourself. You just need to stand up now and give these people below a chance to compete again and you can gain... gain..."

While talking, Mi Kun forgot the words. He took another look at his eyes and continued:

"Then you can gain the gratitude of many people, and your influence will definitely increase by then!"

Liu Qingqing on the side looked at Mi Kun like this and was speechless. He really read her words according to her words without any changes!

Sheng Yuan was also amused by Mi Kun's appearance. He pretended to think, and after a while he nodded again.

After receiving a positive answer, Mi Kun finally sat up straight again, done! !

So Sheng Yuan raised his hand to the host, then stood up and said:

"Since this accident was all caused by individuals, the other people are innocent, so I suggest that these people go down to rest first and prepare for the final resumption of the competition."

Sure enough, after he said this, everyone below looked at him gratefully, and even the audience was a little moved. This pharmacist from the empire is really a good person!

The pharmacist from the alliance didn't look so good. Mi Kun was clearly from their alliance, but he decided to give this opportunity to someone from the empire. What was in his head? Paste? Even if he is not willing to stand up, he can ask other pharmacists in the alliance to stand up!

What a great opportunity to gain prestige, but it was wasted by Mi Kun. It would be fine if their alliance wasted this opportunity, but Mi Kun was given to the Empire.

traitor! ! !

Mi Kun glanced at the ugly-looking alliance pharmacists on the side, and his mouth dropped. Haha, a bunch of weaklings, they were so powerful when fighting among themselves, but now they are all pointing their fingers at him.

This is what his apprentice reminded him, and whoever he wants to speak can speak. Why don't these people think about why they would rather let Sheng Yuan speak without reminding them?

Why don't they reflect on the fact that they don't have an empire yet? The Holy Yuan looks pleasing to the eye!

However, the pharmacists in the alliance were not in the mood to reflect on themselves. They all decided that this time they must let Mi Kun and his apprentices lose the game and lose their reputation, and then report to the head of the alliance.

The crime was punishable as treason, but they wanted to see who else could protect him.

Thinking this way, they felt even more comfortable. They all picked up the tea cups in their hands and took a sip of tea. However, when they tasted the increasingly weak tea in their mouths, their bodies froze.

Damn, it’s tasteless!

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