This is not a BUG, this is a game feature

Chapter 14 Questionnaire Survey

Before deciding to develop a new game, Chen Ba did not forget to conduct a "player questionnaire".

This is actually a commonly used method.

Mainly through questionnaires, we can find out the market trends and players' preferences and tastes, so as to help game producers make key decisions.

The questionnaire was distributed through the game community of [Hanchuang Kudu Simulator], mainly for core players.

Qian Xin naturally received it.

As the biggest promoter of the popularity of [Hanchuang Kudu Simulator], and also the first player to discover the "Cow Herding Bug", anyone can be missed in the questionnaire, but he cannot be missed.

Coincidentally, Qian Xin had just released the latest video and had nothing to do, so he filled out the questionnaire with the idea of ​​killing time.

[What is your gender? 】




The first few questions were easy to answer. It was nothing more than collecting some basic information. At the speed of one question per second, Qian Xin quickly saw the first question worth thinking about.

[When playing, what aspect of the game do you pay more attention to? (Multiple choice)】

【1.I am a plot party】

【2.I care about gameplay】

【3.I am a scenery party...】

This was a multiple-choice question. Following his inner feelings, Qian Xin chose the gameplay and plot.

The gameplay is definitely the most critical.

The key to determining the playability of a game lies in the gameplay mechanism of the game. If the gameplay is not good, no matter how good the graphics are, it is still a defense.

Of course, the plot is very well done, and the gameplay mechanics are a little bit tolerable.

After all, for those excellent "visual novel" games, Galgame is a beautiful girl game, their gameplay is really not that high, the main selling point is the plot.

As for picture quality...

Qian Xin scratched his head and thought for a while. He really didn't care about the art style of the game. No matter how rough the picture was, everything was fine as long as it was fun.

However, there are indeed a group of "landscape party" players in the gaming circle who are in love with game graphics and cannot accept the eye-catching style of painting.

Thousands of people and thousands of faces!

There is nothing to say. Next question...

[If you were to rate the plot of "Hanchuang Kudu Simulator", how would you rate it on a scale of 1-10? 】

"Let's go to five past eight!"

To be honest, the plot of Hanchuang Kudu Simulator is quite interesting. At least Qian Xin was really moved by the protagonist when he played it for the first time.

But after playing for a long time, he also found that the plot had certain flaws, and many places were suspected of being "deliberately sensational."

But the flaws do not hide the virtues.

Although there are certain flaws and some events are not arranged reasonably enough, overall, the plot of "Hanchuang Kudu Simulator" is really good and far exceeded his expectations, so he gave it an 8.5 score.

The points deducted were mainly because he felt that there was room for improvement and filling, especially the high school narration was too sloppy...

[If "Han Chuang Kudu Simulator" gets a sequel, what changes would you like to see? 】

"Oh? Is this going to be a sequel?"

When Qian Xin saw this question, he immediately saw the questioner's thoughts. This was a questionnaire survey, implying that Han Chuang's hard study would lead to a sequel.

Will the sequel be set in high school?

Qian Xin's interest was immediately aroused and he turned his attention to this question. His expectations for the sequel should be due to the style of painting!

With the plot and gameplay guaranteed by the previous game, he believed that the sequel would not be any worse.

But the art style really needs to be changed. The game characters, the game cutscenes, and the UI graphics of Hanchuang Kudu Simulator... are too abstract!

Qian Xin rarely criticizes independent games for their shortcomings in art resources, because he knows that it is indeed difficult for a small team or small workshop to produce good game art design.

But this is not an abstract reason.

Take a look at the protagonist of the game. How is his face distorted? Those who didn’t know thought that this was an alien raised by someone else!

And that old scalper...

As the creature that players come into contact with the most in the game [Hanchuang Kudu Simulator], the sticker of the old scalper can only be described in one sentence: Is your cow’s tail shaped like a cattail leaf?

Let’s not talk about whether it is ugly or not. The guy who drew this old scalper just had a bad taste and did all the bad things that make people look bad.

Since there's going to be a sequel, let's change the art style and stop using this set of abstract stream-of-consciousness textures.

It took about half an hour for Qian Xin to carefully answer the questionnaire and leave his contact information at the end.

I heard that for players who answer the questions seriously, the game official will select 10 people to give away the [Hanchuang Kudu Simulator] old scalper keychain?

All right!

Although he despised the old scalper and felt that herding cattle delayed his schooling, since there were prizes, he had to participate when he should, and the main goal was to lower the winning rate.

Qian Xin was not the only player to participate in the survey. In addition to him, about 150 people participated in answering the questions.

Chen Ba roughly scanned the 150 questionnaires.

Except for some questions of little significance, he saw the distribution of players in the selection and answers to key questions.

For example, female players are more likely to be touched by the plot during the game, especially the plot of "Hanchuang Kudu Simulator", which makes them extremely moved.

Male gamers are different.

Although they were involved in the plot, they rarely shed tears. They were more moved by the protagonist and found him inspiring, that's all.

There is another point that is also crucial.

Regarding the ending of the game, most players expressed that they hope that the game can have several endings with different routes instead of one line from beginning to end.

This made Chen Ba very confident.

He originally wanted to have multiple endings, but he was worried that the players would object, so he was still hesitant. After reading the results of the questionnaire, he immediately made a decision.

The ending of "The Living Simulator" does not need to be as formulaic as the "Hanchuang Hard Study Simulator", it can be more diverse.

simply put.

There are only two endings in the "normal" sense of the Han Chuang Kudu simulator, either getting admitted to the high school of your choice or not getting admitted to the high school of your choice.

It seems that there are many small endings, but in fact they are all included in these two big endings.

In this new game, we can have a few more endings with completely different routes. It may not necessarily be either success or failure, but it may also be half success and half failure?

This is difficult to understand.

In human terms, there can be many solutions to one thing, and they all lead to two endings: "success" or "failure."

But is there a possibility that there is neither success nor failure, that nothing changes after working hard for a long time?

The protagonist, who was dependent on others, tried his best to change this situation. In the end, he successfully got rid of his aunt's family and ushered in a new life.

But unfortunately, the new life was not as beautiful as he thought. He was still dependent on others, as if he was back where he was...

[New achievement "Rich Woman Hungry" has been unlocked! 】

I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and please support me in reading the new book!

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