This is not a BUG, this is a game feature

Chapter 310 Old horse, old horse!

"Abba" is so popular.

Originally, Chen Ba had no hope of making money from this game. The reason why he made such wild claims and announced that he would donate half of the revenue from this game was because there was a high probability that this game would not make any money.

But the result...

In just half a month, "Abba" sold 8 million copies across all platforms, yes, a full 8 million copies!

According to Chen Ba's original statement, half of the proceeds would be donated to establish a special charity fund, and the remaining half of the profits, after deducting various miscellaneous expenses, would be the money he could really get.

Based on the current game sales of 8.34 million copies and the price of the official version of the game of 198 yuan, Tianba Studio can still recover the production cost of the game "Abba" even if it fulfills its promise.

It’s more than just a return on investment.

Because the pricing of games in different regions is different, for example, the price of "Abba" in China is only 198 yuan, while in Japan and South Korea it is as high as 50 US dollars, so overall, they even made a profit.

Chen Ba's heart was filled with regret.

Damn it!

No one told him that a crappy game like "Abba" could sell so many copies?

If he had known that this game could hit tens of millions of sales, and it was still priced at 198 yuan, he would never have agreed to donate half of the proceeds from the game.

Assuming that the final global cumulative sales of "Abba" across all platforms are fixed at 15 million to 20 million copies, then Chen Ba will lose at least US$200-300 million because of that unintentional remark.

It hurts, it hurts so much!

When a reporter asked him how he felt about the sales of "Abba" being about to exceed 10 million copies, the feeling of having to force a smile even though his heart was bleeding was really terrible.

But then again.

Although the company suffered heavy losses due to a momentary decision-making error, the ultimate goal of the game "Abba" has achieved initial results due to Chen Ba's efforts.

According to foreign media reports, this year’s global game awards, The Game Awards, have begun the final media voting, professional voting and online voting.

In the past year, a total of four games were nominated for the most acclaimed and most popular games among gamers.

The Chinese name "Abba's legendary life" and the English name "Abba's legendary life" are one of them!

Of course, as soon as this list was announced, it immediately aroused controversy and criticism from many players.

The most controversial among them is the game "Abba".

In the eyes of many people, Abba is not a "game" at all. Yes, they think it is a virtual currency calculation software with a very strong purpose.

Why do you say that?

Of course, this is because, although "Abba" has a high sales volume, it is also highly discussed and topical on the Internet, and its popularity is not low in all aspects.

But... do you want to see what the players of "Abba" are doing?

Are they playing a game? No no no! They are mining, they are panning for gold, they are working...

How could a game like this be nominated for the TGA Annual Awards?

Although the selection of "Abba" puzzled the majority of players, the opinions of netizens could not sway the decision of the jury.

At least in the eyes of professionals, "Abba" is worthy of selection just based on the first-hand game title selection and final completion quality.

As for netizens complaining that this is not a game but a professional mining software... In fact, the jury is also very difficult to judge.

But it’s hard to find a way to win. Among the games nominated by this year’s TGA, none of them are better than “Abba”.


Although "Abba" suffered a lot of points loss due to the exposure of vicious bugs, Tianba Studio had publicized it in advance and no one would deliberately mention it.


"The nomination has been won. Then isn't Brother Ba a sure winner for this year's annual award?"

Xiao Lu was so excited that he was even ready to open champagne in advance to celebrate Brother Ba.

But Chen Ba was very opposed to the idea of ​​popping champagne halfway through, saying that before the final result came out, it was better not to be too happy to avoid getting slapped in the face later.

"As for the awards, Brother Dong just needs to continue to maintain public relations efforts. Our meeting today is mainly to talk about the "Aba Coin"..."

Clearing his throat, Chen Ba turned on the big screen behind him and projected a set of shocking data on the computer screen.

"As of today, more than 4 million players around the world have experienced the game bug of "Abba" once or multiple times."

"Due to well-known reasons, the stuck game bug will cause the game algorithm to be abnormal, thereby obtaining a certain number of NPC Abba characters."

There are 4 million players around the world. No matter what their thoughts are, whether they are stuck in a bug or stuck in multiple bugs, there are so many people involved in the mining activities of "Abacoin".

So how many Appa are there in the end?

The answer is 1.27 million!

This number is lower than everyone thinks, but it is understandable. After all, there is a bug in the game at the beginning, and one or two Abba can be produced casually. However, as time goes by, the difficulty of producing NPC Abba becomes more and more difficult. Gradually improved.

There are more than one million NPC Abba. Due to its characteristics of "being independent of the game", being able to be traded freely, and being stored in any device, it has cultivated a considerable market.

It is also commonly known as the "Aba Black Market"!

Abba Black Market is a website, the full name is Abba market. As far as Chen Ba knows, in the environment where Tianba Studio officially banned and cracked down on "Abba Coin" transactions, the vast majority of Abba Coin trading activities are through The website is conducted.

“Who is behind this website?”

If it were an ordinary website, everyone would think that Brother Ba would not have such a solemn expression, let alone talk about it in work meetings.

Therefore, there must be something special about this website, and it is very likely that there is some terrible background or secret, otherwise Brother Ba would not be like this.

“According to the information I know, Abba market was originally a website established by several Abba players, but a week ago, the website received a private investment of approximately US$18 million from Lao Ma.”

"Old horse?"

When everyone heard this name, the first thing that everyone thought of was the Ahri guy, or Mr. Ma from Pengcheng Penguin.

They couldn't understand how these two people managed to invest in a website that mainly deals in "Abacoin"?

"It's not those two horse managers. The old horse I'm talking about is the one on the other side of the ocean who is engaged in electric cars and rockets!"

"It turns out it's him!"

Everyone suddenly realized that the old horse that Brother Ba was talking about was not the two horse managers in China, but the horse manager who built the rocket tram on the other side of the ocean.

Then this is right.

This Mr. Ma has a "criminal record". He once personally speculated on an animal-based cryptocurrency, raised the price and then suddenly cashed out and ran away, making a lot of investors who followed the trend cry.

Why, is this person planning to repeat his old tricks and target the newly released "Aba Coin" to deceive another wave of people?

"I think so too."

Chen Ba nodded, then posted a picture and said, "Look, this is a tweet he sent last night. The content is a photo and a paragraph."

The photo is very simple. It is nothing more than a picture of Lao Ma, a rich man, sitting on the sofa and playing "Abba" with a DSE elite controller in his hand.

This shooting angle is definitely intentional, because from this photo you can clearly see the game screen of "Abba", and there are "two Abba" in the screen.

As for his accompanying text, it is also quite concise and clear.

Bottom line: "This is probably my favorite video game and I think you all should try it!"

Lao Ma has bad intentions!

Looking at this tweet alone, there may not be any problem, but combined with the special environment of the game "Abba" and his private investment in the Abba market website, it is worth pondering.

"Does he want to end up speculating on AbaCoin? It doesn't feel necessary. He is already worth this, so he still cares about such a small amount of money?"

Liu Jinfu was puzzled. No matter how you say it, Lao Ma is one of the richest men in the world, with a net worth worth as much as a hundred tyrants. Is it necessary for him to come here to engage in such a thing?

Others have similar views.

However, Huang Qing, CEO of Tianba Games, said that no one would mind having too much money, and Lao Ma’s behavior should not be treated as ordinary people.

"No one can accurately judge the prospects and future of Abacoin. At least for now, this thing still lacks a little hype potential compared with mainstream cryptocurrencies."

"Maybe Lao Ma saw something, so he wanted to join the game himself. My suggestion is to stay put and see what medicine he is selling in his gourd first!"

If Lao Ma is really uneasy and well-intentioned, and comes in just to speculate on the price of Abacoin, and then waits for high prices to cash out, and deceives a bunch of investors or players who are "chasing the rise and killing the fall", then that's fine.

Why do you say it's okay?

Because of this situation, to be honest, it has basically no big impact on Tianba Studio, because Tianba officially does not support "Aba Coin" transactions and does not recognize this thing.

If you speculate in private and then lose money, then why are you scolding the banker for being a bastard? Why are you here scolding Brother Ba? Brother Ba has been advising everyone not to get involved in this kind of stuff and just play the game honestly!

The worst outcome is that Lao Ma enters the game not only to make a fortune, but also for other reasons.

"What other plans can he have?"

"I really don't understand. If he didn't want to be a banker and buy low and sell high, what else would he think about ABBA?"

"Who knows!"

Chen Ba felt that it was necessary to be on guard against others. Don’t worry about Lao Ma’s plans. In short, just pay close attention to the troubles in the Abacoin market.

"Oh yes!"

As if thinking of something, Chen Ba added: "After Lao Ma's tweet was released, in just a few hours, the transaction price of Abba Coin in Abba market increased from 200 US dollars to 400 US dollars, which doubled. Nearly twice as much.”

This is the influence of Lao Ma.

So perverted!

He is worthy of being the most capable technology tycoon, and his every move can attract global attention. His tweet directly made "Abacoin" the top trending search in the world.

It seems that there are still many smart people.

When Lao Ma posted this tweet, he seemed to be praising the game "Abba True Story" for being fun, but in fact he was naming "Abba Coin".

No, not long after the tweet was posted, a group of Wall Street elites and speculators who sensed business opportunities poured into this small pool, raising the black market transaction price of ABBA Coin by 100%!

At $400/Aba, this price makes countless people excited.

Because judging from past experience, there is still a lot of room for speculation at this price. A mere US$400 is not enough. If you continue to speculate, it is impossible to stop until it reaches US$4,000.


At the end of the meeting, Huang Qing seemed to have thought of something, so he turned to Yang Dong and asked, "Do we also have some Aba coins?"

"Well, there is indeed a batch!"

Yang Dong thought for a while, and in order to test and fix the game bug on the spot, the studio made many attempts to reproduce the bug.

In other words.

They were the first batch of miners, and they dug the first-hand rich ore, so the Aba coins they saved were quite a lot.

Of course, at that time, no one realized that the NPC Abba, which was created due to game bugs, would have special value, so they did not pay attention to it.

It's different now.

Because this thing has become extremely special now, Yang Dong plans to sort out and summarize it after the meeting to see how many Abbas the studio produced during the test to reproduce the bug.

"You should do some statistics first, and then store them all in the company's server. Don't worry about it for now."

Chen Ba waved his hand.

He estimated that the total number of Aba coins produced by Tianba Studio due to a test recurrence bug was quite large. After all, it was the first batch of mines, but he just didn't notice it at the time.

Then these NPC Abba must be taken good care of.

Whether it's 400 US dollars or 800 US dollars, Tianba officials will definitely not do anything with this batch of Aba coins, but keeping this thing in hand may work wonders if there is a shortage of money one day.

However, there is a high probability that this will not be used.

Even if one day in the future, the price of Abacoin is similar to that of Bitcoin, Chen Ba will most likely look down on it.

Don't ask why, just ask that he is in the upper reaches of the industry chain.

Do you understand that Mirage Electronics’ new “Batian” graphics card series has annual cumulative sales exceeding 20 billion?


"Abba" is only sold for 198 yuan, and half of the proceeds are donated. This is just a joke to the players and does not make any money at all.

The place to make money is Xianyu Digital and Mirage Electronics. It is a productivity tool that everyone must buy!

What does this situation look like?

Chen Ba discovered a gold mine, so he advertised it widely, attracting millions of people to come and dig. What was he doing next?

He opened a shop next to it, specializing in selling tools such as picks, shovels, and hammers for mining. He also sold fried rice, stir-fried vegetables, and mineral water drinks, melon seeds and peanut instant noodles.

Oh, right!

There are so many people coming to mine for gold. Regardless of whether you find gold or not, if you want to enter, you have to buy a "mining ticket" worth 198 yuan from Chen Ba.

After doing business to this point, who would be so stupid as to go mining and panning for gold? You guys can make a lot of money selling egg fried rice at the door!

By the way, the source code of the game is in the hands of Tianba Studio. If they can produce Aba coins, do you think they can produce Aniu coins, Arkham coins and Axi coins?

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