"This is the origin and end of all life on this planet. The second apostle, Lilith."

There is a human figure on the huge bright red cross, and the apostle whose upper body was crucified appears in the picture.

The second apostle Lilith is all white, has no legs, and her broken waist is like the roots of a tree, densely packed and creepy.

"Yes, it is the trigger of the third impact. We must protect Lilith and fight with EVA. Only you can do this. We entrust the future of all mankind to you and EVA."

"Such a heavy burden...why should I bear it?" Shinji Ikari asked depressedly.

"There is no reason, it is fate that chooses you. However, Shinji, you are not the only one risking your life to fight."

Misato Katsuragi looked at Shinji Ikari with a smile, "Everyone is the same as you."

"I will drive again..." Shinji Ikari said.

Misato Katsuragi felt complicated and held Shinji Ikari's hand guiltily. She knew that as long as she said this to Shinji Ikari...

This kind-hearted young man will definitely be willing to drive EVA, even if he suffered such a painful trauma not long ago.

But what she doesn't know is that Shinji Ikari also wants to protect the friend he just met, squad leader Hikaru Toki, and the friends Suzuhara Touji and Aida Kensuke he just met.

"Then, I will convey to you our respective missions in this battle! Shinji!" Misato Katsuragi stood on the ground with her hands on her hips and looked at the Unit [-] and Unit [-] that had been debugged.

"Drive Unit [-] and be responsible for shooting."


"Zero pilots Unit Zero and is in charge of defense."


"This operation requires extreme precision, so even the unrepaired Unit [-] is more advantageous than the unadjusted Unit [-]."

Ritsuko Akagi looked at Shinji Ikari and said seriously: "Positrons are affected by the earth's rotation, magnetic field, and gravity.

Will not fire straight, please don't forget to correct for these errors.Hit the apostle right to the core. "

"I don't know where the core is." Shinji Ikari said.

"Don't worry, the inside of the target will materialize in attack mode. We speculate that the core is there. Sniper position selection, shooting parameters, etc.

It's all input from our end, and you just shoot like you did in practice.Wait until the center is aimed at the core and then pull the trigger.The machine will take care of the rest.

However, there is only one final concentration point for sniper power, so Unit [-] cannot leave the sniper point. "

"Can't you escape?" Shinji Ikari said.


"Then, what if the shot misses and the enemy attacks?" Shinji Ikari hesitated.

He was not confident that he could kill the apostle with one blow. If he messed up, everyone's efforts would be in vain.

This responsibility is really too heavy, too heavy. It's so heavy that he wants to escape, but he can't.

"Don't think too much now! Just think - just hit the enemy with the gun."

"Otherwise, we will be in crisis, right?" Shinji Ikari said helplessly.

"I'll do it. I just need to protect Unit [-], right?" Ayanami Rei looked at Ritsuko Akagi seriously and asked again what her mission was.

Ritsuko Akagi said: "That's right."


"The time is up, you two quickly change into battle uniforms!" Misato Katsuragi said.

In the locker room, Shinji Ikari said to Ayanami Rei uneasily: "This time... I might really die this time."

"No, you won't die." Ayanami Rei calmly wore her combat uniform and said firmly, "I will protect you."

Listening to the sound of the automatic door closing, Shinji Ikari whispered to himself with humiliation: "I don't deserve to be protected by others."

He also hates himself for always escaping, he also hates himself for being immature and irresponsible...

He also wants to be someone who is needed by everyone.

At this moment, Misato Katsuragi handed Shinji Ikari an electronic encrypted phone.

The classmates sent warm wishes to Shinji Ikari.

"Shinji, it's up to you!"

"I'm Mukata, Shinji, come on!"

"Come on, Shinji! Don't lose to that monster!"

"It's okay, it doesn't matter, we believe in you, that kind of thing can't be Shinji's opponent at all!"

"We are very afraid of failure, very afraid of that monster, but... when we think that Shinji-san is now in the most dangerous place, fighting to protect us, we are no longer afraid.

So...Shinji-san, you must not lose to that monster! "

Word after word of cheers warmed Shinji Ikari's somewhat cold hands and feet.

He felt bound, felt that he was needed, and felt what he should do now.

In the old TV, those classmates who had formed a friendship with Shinji Ikari on campus were watching the No. [-] unit driven by Shinji Ikari at a nearby facility and cheering for Shinji Ikari.

I think the theatrical version is better. Language has powerful power and can change people's hearts.




Fairy Lostbelt, Lao Cui's timeline.

Tristan stared at Shinji Ikari, even though this was a boy who had nothing to do with him.

But he saw some shadows of Artoria Caster in Shinji Ikari.

Artoria Caster and Shinji Ikari are actually very similar.

He knew that the king here didn't like fighting, had no sense of fighting, and had no sense of his own responsibilities.

These responsibilities were imposed on her by him, the goblins, and the paradise, just like the responsibility of driving the EVA to protect the world.

This is the pain caused by people trying to impose their own selfish desires and desires that they cannot fulfill on others.

But even so, he still hopes that the king can become more energetic and Arturia Caster can become happier...

I hope that the courage of this young man can inspire Wang to cheer up a little, and I hope that I can make up for the mistakes I made in the past here...

Artoria Caster looked at Shinji Ikari with complicated eyes.

She had been telling herself that if Shinji Ikari ran away, then she would... also want to escape.

But she was very entangled, she escaped, she failed, what should Fujimaru Ritsuka do, what should the Fairy Country do...

“Ahhhhhhh——!——!——!——I really don’t want to, I don’t want to care about the mission.

I also hate being the child of prophecy. I don’t have such a strong power. I am just like Shinji Ikari. I don’t even know why I was the chosen one!

Morgan is so powerful, her magic is so powerful, she has ruled the Fairy Kingdom for so long...how could I possibly defeat her. "

The second floor of Leprechaun Mike's Tavern.

Artoria Caster closed the door and lay on the bed, complaining endlessly, pitifully and pitifully.


"Hahaha! I don't care whether humans will be destroyed anyway, humans are such annoying things anyway.

On the contrary, I hope that the blue, beautiful apostle can win! "

Bawan Xi hugged Morgan Le Fay with her fair and slender arms, not caring about the humans who were struggling.

She hates humans, hates those people and goblins who secretly speak ill of her behind her back.

But she didn't have that much dislike for Shinji Ikari. She was just unhappy and happy that he listened to these people so obediently.

Atlantic Lost Belt.

"Wow... is this thing an apostle...? Why is it in a place like this, looking like it's pregnant? It's so... so disgusting." Reese was quite disgusted and looked at the seemingly dead Apostle Lilith in the basement with fear.

"Lilith... Adam's first wife, wasn't she Lilith? She later hated Adam and turned into a female demon-like existence after leaving Adam... Symbolizing the night, dreams, storms, Death, the presence of the moon.

That bright red spear, could it be...

No, no, I've seen the original version of that gun, it doesn't look like this.

Ah...mysterious supernatural creatures, this is definitely not a native life on the planet, this is a life from the universe! "

Da Vinci's eyes sparkled with countless little stars, looking at the second apostle Lilith on the cross with great longing.

"With such a big body, can you give me a little bit, a little bit, a little bit of organization?"

This thing might have life responses. If it was a dead thing, those apostles wouldn't even think of getting it. "

"But...why did the contact between the apostles and Lilith trigger a third impact...?

Already half of the humans on this planet are dead?Is it so terrible? "Paris looked at the second apostle in fear, pulled Fujimaru Ritsuka's sleeve, and stared at the picture weakly.

"Since it is such a dangerous thing, why not destroy it quickly...!? Are you all idiots, idiots, idiots???

If you destroy this thing, you can attack the apostles at will!

Even I know how terrible, painful and passive it is to fall into a passive position in a battle and let the enemy take the initiative. "

"Mr. Paris is right...but since these humans will stay in Lilith, it means that this thing is also very important to humans.

It has become so important that it is important to preserve it even at the risk of being triggered by the apostle for a third time. "Apollo lay on top of Paris and said:

"The importance of this thing is definitely beyond our imagination. Greedy desire, the temptation to control the mysterious power, all these factors will lead these humans to want to speculate and keep Lilith.

Anyway, they have prepared the last resort to save their lives, which is to self-destruct! "

"Well...materials, specimens, huge value, biological weapons EVA, and the old voices of those mysterious people who communicated with Ikari Yuantang."

Holmes held his pipe and thought, linking the clues together in his mind.

"First of all, humans know that the apostles will definitely come to Lilith. In the eyes of the apostles, Lilith has extremely great value.

Therefore, the apostles will not attack here together. The relationship between the apostles is not monolithic.

The plan 14 years ago, Ikari Gendo's confident smile towards Unit [-] and Shinji Ikari's confident smile when he completed Unit [-].

First of all, Unit [-] needs energy to drive, but here comes the problem. Biological weapons will explode with powerful force when they go berserk.

So to drive a biological weapon like EVA, you don't need to connect energy all the time, and it can't only last a few minutes of fighting, right?

With the energy that Unit [-] had previously exploded, it would be no problem even if it continued to fight for several years.

Based on those restraints, those safety measures, and a few minutes of combat time, analyze it combined with the importance of Lilith.

I judge that Machine No. [-] is not a tool to fight against the apostles, but a prop used to accomplish a certain purpose!

As a key prop, it must be in your hands to prevent unexpected risks. That's why we developed a puppet system and a short-term energy maintenance system.

Those people were not afraid of the apostles coming to attack, but they were afraid that the power of Unit [-] would destroy their plans.

It is very likely that EVA, which has great vitality, is produced through the cells of the apostles.

You still remember the First Emperor you met in the Great Qin Lost World, right?The First Emperor relied on the cells in the fairy Yu Ji and the secrets in the Fusang tree.

He created for himself the body of an immortal with the power of a crowned servant...

It is also very possible that the purpose of these rulers with extremely high power is to live forever and continue to have great power.

Therefore, Lilith is something that cannot be given up or abandoned, and will never be abandoned unless absolutely necessary. "

"To put it bluntly, some greedy fools created the NERV organization and created weapons to fight against the apostles for their own selfish desires.

oops!Then all this becomes reasonable, the motivation comes from eternal life after all!

If these people were allowed to see the First Emperor who had ruled the Lostbelt for more than 2000 years, they would definitely become even more crazy. Bartholomew smiled and said, "Yeah, that's great. Beautiful boys and girls of the concealment department, you will definitely be able to defeat the enemies standing in front of you."

Because you are cuter and more beautiful than the apostles! "

One Piece World, General Zefa's timeline.

Navy Headquarters.

"Hey, Zefa... Is this really okay? Let that boy stay at the Navy Headquarters.

You guy...how could you make such a decision so casually? What should we do in the world over there? "

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