Driving long distances at extreme speeds made U-Olga Marie very tired. After seeing the tragic situation in the golden city of Chichen Itza, this fatigue became much worse.

Painful, she couldn't breathe, felt guilty about it, and hadn't apologized to Wakqian yet....

Now even these honorary cosmic beings cannot be saved.

"Thank you... thank you...!! These children have just been born. They can't even open their eyes, and they haven't even seen the world yet..."

"The reason why they didn't die in the dark, knowing nothing but pain, is all thanks to you!!!"

Dinos, who looked like a stegosaurus, had tears in his eyes and gratefully thanked U-Olga Marie.

Surrounding her were four or five Stegosaurus cubs with their eyes closed, leaning against their mother. These young Dinos had no idea what was happening in the outside world.

But the sound of explosions and hail of bullets made the young Dinos children feel very uncomfortable, but fortunately these uncomfortable feelings disappeared with the warm company of their mother.

No matter what race you are, maternal love is still so great and more effective than any elixir. Even on the battlefield where cannonballs are flying, the child can still sleep soundly in the mother's arms.

"...That's it. That's great. But I'm not here to save you, so no need to thank you. ...And I still hate lizards."

U-Olga Marie pretended to be indifferent and spoke, but the last words were very soft, so soft that only she could hear them.

She is still so arrogant and kind.

He habitually tilted his head, embarrassed to look at Dinos' grateful expression, and habitually scratched his cheek with his fingers, "I just can't stand those guys who try to kill defenseless people."

"It's just a whim. There is no next time. Run away to the sea of ​​trees, don't hide in this sacrificial site. It is very unpleasant to continue to witness the mournful colors."

With that said, U-Olga Marie completely annihilated all the Ocelotels near the Saka Altar before leaving.


This was the only word that came out of Wakqian who had been speechless for a long time.

"I'm sorry, I don't care about the questions at all. Compared to these, although I don't need to say anything about it now...my bride (Hope), so handsome——!——!!"


The thick tail kept beating the ground, Wakqian smiled happily, and all the unpleasant and uncomfortable negative emotions were swept away.

He didn't like the wrong person, and he never missed it from the beginning to the end.

That is the most handsome and beautiful bride with the most handsome horns and everything! !




Lelouch of the Rebellion the Movie, Apostasy.

"When everything is lost, when everything you care about is lost, what's the point of having only one Mictlan?"

Suzaku felt that Ukubu was pitiful, just like most people, who didn't know the truth of the world and was manipulated until the last moment.

It was as if I could see another self in Ukubu, who had become unscrupulous and would do anything to avenge Yuffie.

The light of dusk penetrated the huge floor-to-ceiling windows and fell on Suzaku sitting on the chair. Behind Suzaku was a huge Euphemia mural 20 meters high.

Euphemia's body has not yet been cremated, and there is still hope and hope of resurrection. Suzaku places part of his bet on the world restart plan of the human civilization organization in another world.

fgo golden tree sea strange zone.

The golden city of Chichen Itza.

"It's so, so powerful. Passive protection is immune to all kinetic attacks...it's different from Tepeu's active defense magic.

I don't understand why only Wacker Money is so powerful among Dinos. "

"Although Dinos of other fighter classes can block bullets, they are not immune to the latest weapons used by Tezcatlipoca on Ocelotel, anti-tank missiles, and the use of Tezcatlipoca Kai tanks. of anti-Dinostatized artillery shells.”

Da Vinci wore glasses and his eyes were sparkling. A golden light flashed on Wakqian before. What is this! ?

She really wanted to touch Wakqian's whole body carefully now and give Wakqian a thorough physical examination.

"Hehe, our president is really handsome~~~ So handsome and cute, people really can't help but want to hug her!"

Kukulkan followed the sailors and shouted U-President Olga Marie with a joking look on his face.

She likes this change in U-Olga Marie.

Even if you are hurt, you still won't change your original intention of action, which is good.

"U is the most handsome and powerful——!——!——I already knew that U would definitely catch up!! The way U looked when he just flew from the first underworld to the third level was more beautiful than any fish in the sea. It should be graceful, as if it were jumping out of the water and activating the Nautilus of the Noble Phantasm!"

Sailor Nemo No. [-] cheered happily.

"Well, Director U-Olga Marie is the most handsome!! As reliable as ever, right, senior!"

Mashu proudly said that this was the director of the First Generation whom she respected, and he was a friend who helped her and her seniors many times at Singularity Point F.

"Long live the Great President! I am very much looking forward to Mr. Kotomine Kirei's face becoming ashen."

Fujimaru Ritsuka said with a smile and raised his palm to Gaoyanskaya.

"Haha, I love hearing this. The fake priest must be feeling very uncomfortable now~~~ He failed to trick the lost girl into carrying out a plan that only he knew about.

Having concealed the true purpose of a business partner for so long, it seems that the mastermind behind the scenes values ​​Kotomine Kirei. "

Gaoyanskaya happily reached out and gave Fujimaru Ritsuka a high-five. Both of them were in a very happy mood now.

She forgave Mirai Fujimaru Ritsuka for speaking ill of her behind her back.





The wind whistled in my ears, and the surrounding scenery passed by quickly. Fujimaru Ritsuka, Mash, Nitocris, and Da Vinci flew across the sky at a speed of 600 kilometers per hour.

"Hurry, we're almost there! Mash Kyrielight starts to slow down, everyone hold on to the rope!!"

The shield of Galahad materialized in Mashu's hand, and layers of defensive positions rippled on the shield. These expanded positions increased the wind resistance area of ​​the huge arrows flying at high speed, causing the speed to drop rapidly.

This is the same principle as the speed brake that is activated when a fighter jet needs to slow down.

"Beautiful, Matthew, you can land now at 60 kilometers per hour!" Leonardo da Vinci looked at the speedometer on his watch and said.


Everyone fell to the ground and saw the golden city of Chichén Itza filled with smoke and rich in blood.

"The hostile reaction in Chichén Itza...observed! Ocelotel in the city, 1200...no, reduced to 1080!"

"Since it is decreasing, it means that the Dinos are not sitting still and waiting for death! What we must protect is the Border.

And the personal safety of the dinosaur king who rules Dinos! What should we do, Fujimaru-kun!?”

Leonardo da Vinci Kankan Bo and Fujimaru Ritsuka, waiting for the decision.

"Let's divide the troops into two groups!

Nitocris and Leonardo da Vinci go to StormBorder.Iskali will definitely want to destroy StormBorder. You may have to face a god-level servant, so be careful! "

Fujimaru Rika said.

Now it is really the last resort to divide the troops, but there is nothing we can do.

"Understood, Nitocris and I will go back to the Border first! You, Mash, and Kukulkan will go to the altar! Habetlot, I'll leave this to you!"

"Although it is a battle in an urban area, there is nothing you can do about using a black gun body depending on the situation! After confirming that it will not cause any casualties, you can use it on the enemy!"

Da Vinci said.

"That means you have to use it against very dangerous enemies! Leave it to me!"

Habetrot patted his chest and promised, I will definitely protect my bride!

Fujimaru Ritsuka and Mashu successfully entered the streets of the golden city of Chichen Itza and looked at the city that was in ruins, like a purgatory.

Both of them were very angry. There was Dinos who everyone knew, Dinos who helped repair StormBorder, Dinos who had helped everyone in their work, and Dinos who had a good relationship with everyone.

"Ma Xiu, use all your firepower!!"


"We have suppressed Ocelotel deployed on the street! Let's go directly to the altar, Master!"

A few minutes later, Mashu wiped out hundreds of Ocelotels on the main road. Galahad's Shield, like a death scythe, would harvest a bunch of lives every time it flew out.

There was no chance of using the black cannon body. Habertrot looked at his handsome bride happily and said, "What, there is no need for me to take action at all. Matthew is quite motivated."

From this point of view, Kukulkan should also go to the Border..."

"Hey - Mashu, Habei, get down!!" Fujimaru Ritsuka saw a figure flying very fast in front of him, and he quickly got down on the ground.


What flew over and fell in front of Fujimaru Ritsuka was Takayanskaya, who had blood on her head and a look of being beaten.

"..." Gaoyangskaya fainted in front of Fujimaru Ritsuka. She had persisted long enough, using the power of a clone to persist until Fujimaru Ritsuka and Mashu arrived.

Matthew stared blankly holding Gaoyanskaya, who was covered in blood and seriously injured, "Miss Gaoyanskaya!?"

"Heal, heal, heal -" Fujimaru Ritsuka began to cast healing magic for free without hesitation, and a healing scroll ejected from her waist and stuck to Gaoyanskaya's body.

"Why, you are here. We value human lives more than ships. Are you this kind of man?"

"Then, I will accept the side you cherish. Those who long for life must sacrifice their lives. This is my world. This is my world."

"Tezcatlipoca..." Fujimaru Ritsuka stood up and stared at Tezcatlipoca, one of the culprits who destroyed the golden city of Chichen Itza.

At the same time, the situation at StormBorder is extremely critical.

Tlaloc was attacking StormBorder crazily, and the star chains crackled, beating the defensive shield like high-speed flashes.

StormBorder's huge ship kept shaking.

"The enemy servant's attack directly hit the port side! The shield output has been reduced by another 5%!"

"It won't last 30 minutes if it continues like this~~~! Border finally repaired to this point~~!"

The sailors reported to the captain with tears in their eyes.

"No more frustration! Use attack prediction to focus the barrier on one point and reduce power consumption!",

Captain Nemo frowned and quickly came up with a temporary plan.

"Ah, this trick works! But if the prediction fails, the armor will be ripped apart with one shot!"

Hearing this, Captain Nemo looked at the sailors kindly, "If the prediction fails, the sailors will mobilize to repair the armor! In other words - you understand, right? You don't want to repair the armor plate either, right?"

"Wow wow wow wow! Don't————It means you will die if you miss, right~~~!? Okay~, I will try my best to predict!!"

Hearing this, the sailors immediately paid full attention to ensure that Tlaloc's attack could not damage the armor plate.

"Okay. Professor, how are the preparations for the divine warhead going!?"

"Well, it's still a little short. It's being urgently produced with the Xion family." Professor Nemo said.

"The power of Quetzalcoatl is being restored through the spiritual icon of Chaldea and is being coated."

"After all, in Aztec mythology, Tlaloc was killed once by Quetzalcoatl. No matter how strong she is, this move will definitely touch the spiritual core!"

Xion was concentrating on constructing the core of the spiral warhead against the gods.

Dozens of magic transport tubes are connected to the precious Anti-Tlaloc special warhead.

"Understood, it's up to me to create the opportunity. Xion concentrates on completing the processing. Kadoc! I want to guide the servant to the starboard side of the bow of our ship!"

"Cornering prey is the domain of your anti-animal magic! I need your advice!" Captain Nemo said.

"I see, you want to give her a torpedo, right? The direction of the torpedo launch...is this the angle. I understand."

"Please open the hangar door quietly. I'll go out and challenge Tlaloc."

Kadok took a deep breath and didn't think too much. This was the simplest and most effective method now.

"Wow, are you crazy!? That god is wreaking havoc with the thunder whip!?" Goldruff was shocked and looked at Kadok's death behavior. "If you go out, you will be burned in an instant. !Can’t you use the radio to provoke her here!?”

Kadok spread his hands helplessly, "If it was possible, I would have done it long ago. But the opponent is a god. Who knows if he will listen to others.

I have here a lightning protection amulet made by Leonardo da Vinci.One or two times should be enough to get through it.However, how many servants do I need that can defeat Tlaloc in two moves? "

"I know I'm trying to force someone to do something difficult. Nemo, can I ask you for a favor?"

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