"Also, there is another thing. When we were in the Forbidden Forest, Violet told me that she smelled a strange... um, smell near the two people, like the smell of fireplace smoke and paper. Mixed together, she said that smell made her... um..." Mu En blushed slightly and turned her head slightly, "It reminded her of me."

"Love potion..." Snape narrowed his eyes, his tone mixed with ridicule and contempt, but Moon could clearly sense that it was not directed at him.

In comparison, Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall were more like a pair of gossip readers, both looking at Moon with ridicule.

It wasn't until Moon was about to get angry when being stared at by two people (mainly Dumbledore) that Professor Dumbledore quickly said: "So, Moon, do you have any ideas? You know, the silver basswood wand not only means You have the talent of Legilimency, which also means that you are likely to make some achievements in prophecy. Besides, we are really at a loss now, and your opinion may be very useful to us."

Moon's eyes lit up, and he suddenly thought of a way, but he still had to wait until he returned to the common room before trying it.

"Well, Professor, I think I don't have any other ideas for the time being, but I can think about it after I go back." He restrained himself and said to the three professors.

"Okay, then go back quickly." Professor Dumbledore smiled and waved his hand, "Don't worry, just like your question, why didn't they kill you and Violet?"

This wise old man was very proud, but it was extremely interesting. He shrugged and said in a relaxed tone: "Because I am still alive, they dare to do some small things under my eyes, but they kill my students." They would never want to try this kind of thing casually.”

"So, you can rest assured and enjoy your weekend first."


[Note 1] "King of Serpents", "basilisk" - "Basilisk", the word Basilisk comes from the Greek word "basilískos", which directly means "little king" or "prince", so Basilisk Also known as the Snake King.As for why the basilisk is referred to by the word "basilískos", it is probably because in mythology, the basilisk is often depicted as a "snake wearing a crown" or "a snake with special markings and decorations on its head similar to a crown." snake".Yes, the basilisk is not JK ​​Rowling’s original creation, but a magical creature that has appeared in mythological works and many literary works.

Chapter 84 Happy New Year’s Eve

"Enjoy your weekend time" means sitting in the school newspaper office to finish homework and write articles.

Moon slumped in the chair, his face showing a sense of exhaustion that was completely inconsistent with his age, looking like a social animal that had been 007 for three days.

He is still a child!

No one knew where the other people had gone, and each one of them said that something was wrong with him. As a result, he didn't have to rest after revising his two manuscripts, so he could only continue to help them read the manuscripts.The second issue of the newspaper will be published next Monday, and he must hurry up.

Damn it, he just fought a battle with a dark wizard last night, was "tied and imprisoned" for several hours, and had several broken ribs. Even though he had recovered with the help of Madam Pomfrey, he still had to take advantage of the situation. On a Friday afternoon when there is no class, going out to the lake to bask in the sun and read a book is always a reasonable request, right?But who would have known that he would hear such bad news just after he came out of Professor Dumbledore's office.

Garr, Arling and Cedric seemed to have received an urgent request from Hagrid, and they didn't know what Hagrid needed the help of three first-grade children; Tonks went missing directly and was not shown from the beginning to the end. After the meeting, most likely she was detained by some professor again; Violet ran out of painting materials and had to go to the Owl Cottage to send letters and mail orders; needless to say, Gemma, as a prefect of Slytherin , he is also very busy on weekdays; Nash was so frightened last night that he could only follow Angelina and Doreen to the Quidditch field for filming today, and could not help him with the script.

Busy, busy, please be busy...

While Moon was mentally complaining about these bastards using the public service announcements from his previous life, he helplessly picked up another manuscript.

"Who screened this out... It can't be Doreen again..." Moon glanced at it twice and complained: "How could such a manuscript be published in the school newspaper? The Chinese New Year is approaching... Hogwart It’s not just for the Lunar New Year.”

"The writing is not bad, making dumplings, pasting Spring Festival couplets, paper cutting, setting off firecrackers... what is pianbao? If you don't know pinyin, you can use English well. It's not like there is no word for firecracker."

"New Year's money? Hmm..."

"Let me see, the date is... January 1... Huh?" Mu En was taken aback, feeling that he had discovered a blind spot.

At this moment, the door of the school newspaper office was suddenly pushed open, two people, Gal and Arlin, walked in carrying a square wooden board, followed by Cedric and Hagrid, Hagrid was still holding A big bag, bulging with stuff inside.

What made Moon even more confused was the few people who followed. Violet was holding a large roll of red paper in her hand, which looked like it could be spread out as a carpet; Tonks was holding a large box, which was full of I don’t know where the fireworks and firecrackers came from; Nash, Angelina, and Doreen probably had nothing to take, so each of them made an ugly horse head [Note 1] and held it in their hands. , those who didn’t know thought they had pulled BoJack Horseman’s head over.

The only one who looked normal was Gemma. She didn't take anything, but the corners of her robe were exposed...

Isn't it a red envelope?

"You are..." Mu En blinked, forgetting to put down the manuscript in his hand.

"Happy Zhuxi!" A group of people laughed and said in unison, and immediately started to move. Cedric quickly took away the things on the table. Gal and Yaerin put the wooden board on the table. Hagrid Then he placed the bag next to the table. It was not until the bag was unfolded that Moon saw that it was actually filled with flour.

Happy?Zhu Xi?ha?

It's New Year's Eve!

Mu En was half moved and half embarrassed, he never thought that this group of people could be so embarrassing, they all made excuses that they had something to do, and ended up pulling Hagrid to toss a lot of things, just to find a way to give him Have a Lunar New Year?

That's right, January 1 is the New Year's Eve in 26. In fact, in the past, they also celebrated New Year's Eve at home. Mu En's mother An, led by her husband, has gradually developed this habit , Moon naturally participated in it.But I have been extremely busy these days this year. In addition to attending classes, I am also busy with school registration matters, and there is no corresponding atmosphere around me.An unexpected incident last night caused him to enter the school doctor's office, which disrupted all his arrangements. Otherwise, when he woke up this morning, he should have received New Year's cards and red envelopes from his family.

The question is, how did these people know?

Before Munn could ask, Cedric guessed his doubts, and explained with a smile: "We saw your big mail package in the dormitory this morning, wrapped in a red cloth, but give the two owls who came to deliver the mail to you." I'm exhausted. The package may not be tightly wrapped, and the contents fell out, there are a few red envelopes and greeting cards—" He took out the red envelopes and greeting cards from his pocket as he spoke, and handed them to Mu En "It's all from your family. We saw the content on the greeting card, so we asked everyone for help, and decided to celebrate the New Year together for you. Later, Milton, Greg, Gabriel and Larien Come and join us, they are preparing gifts."

"By the way, the manuscript in your hand was written by Gemma. We talked to her in the morning when we had breakfast in the auditorium. She took time to write such a manuscript in the first class, and put it at the end of the manuscript. It’s waiting for you to see up there.”

Seeing everyone busy clumsily on the side, discussing how to wrap the dumplings based on the small piece of paper they copied from somewhere, Moon's embarrassment was gone at this moment, and all that was left was that he was moved.

It's broken, it's broken, if you can't help crying, something will happen.

Just when Munn was at a loss, Tonks noticed this keenly. She secretly took out a cylindrical paper tube from the box, walked quietly behind Munn, and pulled the back of the paper tube hard. The ring was followed by an explosion, and countless golden and red confetti spewed out from it, scattering all over Munn.

"Happy New Year!"

Moon was startled, and all the tears that had just brewed disappeared.

"Fuck! Tonks!" Munn turned around and was about to fight, but Tonks turned around and ran away laughing, walking around Hagrid, who was like a low wall, and gave Munn a slap in the face, so as to scare Munn. Angrily, he pulled out his wand.

After laughing and making a fuss for a while, everyone finally calmed down a bit, and they all gathered around the chopping board and tried to make dumplings. Fortunately, Munn knew how to make dumplings himself, and Gal was quite talented in cooking. , after listening to Munn’s words, he thought about it, and finally the scene was not turned into a disaster.


[Note 1] After New Year's Eve in 1990, the New Year was the Year of the Gengwu and the Year of the Horse.

Chapter 85 Just dumplings

"Do you think that if Professor Snape knew that we were cooking dumplings in the potion cauldron here, would he put us all into the cauldron and cook them?" Nash swallowed, mainly because of the smell of the dumplings in the cauldron. It does have a bit of fragrance [Note 1].

Gemma glanced at him and shook her head, "Then you might as well worry about what to do if the crucible is not cleaned and there are still potion residues in it."

"It's okay, this extra-large crucible belongs to Moon. He rarely uses it, and all his crucibles will be cleaned after use, and they will be as good as new." Gal said to reassure Gemma. The words shocked everyone.

"Yes, it's a good thing I didn't take Yaerlin's crucible. I'm afraid the medicine residue in it wouldn't be clean even if it was cleaned ten times." Cedric said, while secretly poking away from Yaerlin. .

Sure enough, upon hearing Cedric's words, Yarlin immediately turned dark and raised his arms to pinch Cedric's neck. Unfortunately, Cedric was aware of the situation and had already left his attack range in advance.

In fact, they originally wanted to use Hagrid's pot, but it was too big, and it would be very troublesome to move it in and out at that time, so it was better to just use the crucible.

"We're back!" The door to the school newspaper office was opened again, and Gabriel and Laryn returned as kings, holding several food boxes in their hands filled with food they had just kidnapped from the school kitchen. of gourmet food.

New Year's Eve dinner can't just be dumplings. In fact, everyone didn't make too many dumplings at all. After all, the main thing when eating was to have a taste, and they couldn't stay up until the early morning to really have a serious New Year's Eve dinner.

Besides, with Hagrid's appetite and the dozen or so people there, the cauldron alone couldn't even cook the food.

"Okay! Then should we take action?" Tonks walked to the window eagerly.

"Isn't it good for us to be like this..." Gemma frowned, Doreen and Violet were also a little worried, and Gabriel, who had just come back, looked confused and didn't know what everyone was talking about.

"It's okay, there will be no problem. Tomorrow Moon will polish Gemma's manuscript and post some photos from today. Everyone will only find it interesting when they see it, and the professors won't say anything." He came up with a good idea. "Besides, it's not even six o'clock yet, and it won't affect anyone's rest. The library is also on the other side of the castle."

"Okay, let's let it go." Gemma made up her mind. Anyway, it wasn't a principled error. Even Hagrid didn't say anything, and she didn't want to ruin everyone's interest like this.

Tonks smiled with satisfaction, opened the office window, and pulled out several oversized firecrackers and small fireworks from the box. "Come on, come on, let's do it together."

Except for Hagrid, a group of children ran to the box and broke out fireworks. All the windows in the school newspaper office were opened.

The next moment, the Hogwarts campus began to echo with the sound of "cracking".Many children who heard this sound on the playground turned their heads and looked here - what caught their eyes were a dozen smiling faces at the window of a classroom on the second floor, and there were two children holding the largest Gemma and Tonks, a pair of fireworks, are rivals.

Many people don't know what this group of people are doing, but as long as there is excitement, there will be people cheering. More and more young wizards gathered here and began to appreciate them setting off fireworks and firecrackers. Moon even I saw several young couples secretly kissing down there.

Such behavior inevitably alarmed the professors in the end. Half an hour later, Professor McGonagall, led by Mr. Filch, rushed over in a hurry and knocked hard on the door of the school newspaper office. Before he could say anything, he was knocked out by He stuffed a small plate of dumplings into his hands, Filch also had a plate, and even Mrs. Norris got a portion of the delicious dumpling filling.

Ah this...

Professor McGonagall was immediately dumbfounded.

Of course she couldn't join the little wizards celebrating the festival, but now that the matter was over, she couldn't really mess up the matter. What's more, everyone didn't make any mistakes, they were just doing it without class. There were some fireworks before dinner, but she just gave a few warnings, "reluctantly" tasted three or five dumplings, and then left quickly.

The dumplings that Professor McGonagall tasted were all made by Moon and Garr, not because of anything else, but mainly because the dumplings made by others were too weird and not very beautiful to look at.

For example, in Ya'erlin's work, he made a total of seven or eight dumplings. Each one looked squarer than the last, and the pleats were all hidden underneath. If Munn hadn't seen with his own eyes, the dumplings would have floated out of the pot. , he would think that Yaerlin ran into MC [Note 2] and stole a bunch of cubes called "dumplings".

"Ha! I ate a Yinxico! Does this mean I have...what happened this year?" Yaerlin spat out the Yinxico on the table and looked at Munn.

Before making dumplings, Moon gave everyone a silver siko and three copper nuts to make into the dumplings. The silver siko in Arlin was eaten from the spherical dumplings made by Cedric. .

"Good luck and wealth, maybe you will find money tomorrow." Moon said, suddenly looking at Hagrid worriedly.

Hagrid made himself some extra-large dumplings, and made the skins very thick to prevent them from breaking.At this moment, he was eating so much that Munn inevitably began to worry that he would chew up the Yinxico and Copper Nut in the big dumpling and swallow it.

But the next moment, Hagrid took out a shiny silver coin from his beard (actually from his mouth), and his smiling eyes almost disappeared.

Well, Moon glanced around everyone and found that until now, he was the only one who had not received any money.

Do I have such an eyebrow pencil?

Unconvinced, Moon put another dumpling on the plate. Yes, he made a pair of chopsticks for everyone, but in the end only Gemma, Violet and Gabriel learned it, and the others were They are all eaten with chopsticks.

Before the dumplings could be eaten, Violet bumped his arm and secretly picked a dumpling from her plate and gave it to Moon.

Tonks and Lyraine, who had watched the whole scene, shrank aside and snickered, making Munn and Violet blush from embarrassment.


[Note 1] It is not completely impossible to cook dumplings in a crucible. According to different models, materials, and uses, the sizes of crucibles are also completely different. Some are large and some are small. The small one is similar to a tea cup, and the upper ones are all kinds of different. All the same.

[Note 2] MC is the well-known game "Minecraft". Due to the painting style and game design, all objects and characters in it are represented by large and small squares.

Chapter 86 Annoying brat

The New Year's Eve dinner ended with everyone being stuffed except Hagrid.

The time has come to eight o'clock, and everyone has tidied up everything, returning the school newspaper office to its usual neat and orderly appearance. Unfortunately, the aroma of dumplings wafting throughout the room may not dissipate until tomorrow morning.

Everyone left the school newspaper office together. Brother and sister Greg, Doreen, Angelina, and Nash were the first to say goodbye and walked toward the eighth floor together.After arriving at the entrance of the auditorium, Hagrid also left the castle. The remaining large group of Hufflepuff badgers and Gemma walked down to the underground floor. As a result, they met Professor Camp with a straight face. Behind him were a pair of red-haired twins, their heads hanging down like defeated roosters, listlessly.

"What are you..." Professor Compo looked at the little wizards with a strange expression. Gabriel quickly explained: "We just went to the school newspaper office and got something there. Professor, what are you... …”

There was a trace of helplessness in Professor Kang Pu's eyes, "These two little guys ran to a classroom underground and had a big fight with Peeves. If I hadn't arrived in time, they would have been beaten to death by Peeves. My head is full."

A group of little Hufflepuff badgers laughed out loud, and Fred and George murmured rather unconvinced: "How is it possible, we are about to win..."

Professor Compo sighed, "We're almost winning. Do you mean you were covered in slug slime and had a bunch of chalk bits in your hair just now?"

The two little Weasley boys were choked to death by one sentence, and their heads that had just been raised lowered again.

"Okay, you guys should go back to the common room quickly. I'm taking them to see Professor McGonagall." Professor Camp nodded to the young wizards and continued walking forward with the Weasley twins.

At this moment, Mu En suddenly froze for a moment.

Not right.

So wrong.

Why is Professor Kamp's mood...

Jumping, cheering, joy, and when his eyes passed over him and Violet before leaving, anger and murderous intent suddenly appeared...

He even sighed just now?

Professor Camp, sigh?

Are you kidding me? Professor Kang still sighs?That guy acted like a robot in class, and even more like a robot in private. How could he sigh over such a trivial matter and retort to the Weasley twins?

Moon kicked Gar and whispered to him, "Cooperate with me." Then he quickly turned around and called out to Professor Compu who was still walking forward. "Ahem, Professor Compu?"

Professor Camp turned around and looked at Moon in confusion, "What? What's the matter?"

Moon looked at Gal, who was still a little confused, but turned around with him. He breathed a sigh of relief and said, "The sofa you ordered from Gal last time, a new sofa produced by his family, seems to be ready. Yes, we just talked about this today."

Gal didn't know what Moon wanted to do or what Moon meant, but he knew that Moon must have his own reasons, so he quickly found out, "Ah, yes, Professor Kamp, I want to mail the sofa Will it come to your home? Or will it be mailed to the school?"

"Well, then just send it to the school." Professor Compo simply replied, "Is there anything else?"

"No, professor, walk slowly." Moon smiled and pulled Gal, who was suddenly enlightened, to turn around, for fear that he would leak the information.

As soon as he heard Professor Kang's answer, Garr reacted almost immediately - Professor Kang had never ordered a sofa from him. Fortunately, Moon quickly turned him around, otherwise his expression might have made this "Kang "Professor Pu" saw something.

The group of little wizards walked forward again. After Moon confirmed that Professor Kump had turned around the corridor, he took out the metal plate that his mother An gave him for Christmas from his velvet bag and wrote on it with his mind. Next "Gemma and Tonks, come with me quickly. For the rest of you, follow Gabriel and Larian and take a detour to find professors, preferably Professor Sprout. If you meet For other professors, tell them that I am in danger and may be kidnapped, and ask them to find the principal quickly. The Professor Kang just now is a fake!!! Be careful with him!!!" Then hand the metal plate to others. circulate.

Although everyone except Garr has doubts in their hearts, most of the people here have enough trust in Munn. Firstly, Munn himself is good enough. Secondly, although what happened last night did not come out, everyone present Almost everyone knows that Moon went through a dangerous situation last night, but he still rescued Violet and escaped from the danger together.After all, although Nash and Violet, who are informed, cannot tell everything, they will inevitably reveal some things that have nothing to do with Ian Madden and the black-robed wizard.

Gabriel wanted to say something more, but Tonks quickly pulled him aside. Larian also patted his shoulder and shook her head at him.

Knowing that this was definitely not the time to ask any more questions, Gabriel gritted his teeth, nodded to Munn, then waved to the other little wizards and walked towards the other side of the corridor.

Moon's mind was racing, and he quickly conceived several plans in his mind. Finally, he decided to take a desperate risk and directly entangle Professor Kang with his body.

This is the safest thing to do. Anyway, with Tonks and Gemma on the side to protect him, even if the fake Professor Compton suddenly attacks, Moon should not be harmed.

He quickly erased the writing on the metal plate and re-wrote "Protect me, beware of Professor Compu's attack" on it. He glanced at the two of them, then led them back the way they came, and caught up with Compu again. professor.

"Professor! Professor!"

Professor Camp turned around again, with a hint of impatience on his face, but it only passed by in a flash. "What's wrong? Is there anything else? I'm still in a hurry to take them to Professor McGonagall."

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