"Very well, you are?"

Cedric stood up and introduced himself: "Cedric Diggory, Professor."

"Well, Mr. Diggory, please speak."

Cedric moved his gaze from Professor Greengrass to the glass box. "Hinkpunk is a monster that likes to hide in fog and darkness. It will use its own light like a lamp to lure travelers into danger. , such as swamps, cliffs, or vicious beasts' nests."

"Excellent." Professor Greengrass pressed his palm, motioning for Cedric to sit down, and then tapped the glass box beside him with his wand, so the box swayed in front of him and remained hidden. The Xinkpunks in the box finally revealed their true appearance - these little monsters only have one leg, and they don't have any sharp teeth or claws at first glance, and their bodies are not solid, but more like they are made of smoke. The most eye-catching thing about the whole body is the lamp hanging at its feet.

"Why did the first class for you choose hinkpunk? First of all, because they are not very dangerous. According to my previous understanding, it seems that you have learned more about theory in the previous two years. Knowledge and no experience of facing dark creatures. Then, this little thing that usually doesn’t hurt people directly is very suitable.”

"Secondly, I also want to use this class to see how well each student has mastered basic magic spells, as well as their psychological quality. This will determine what we will have in the second class."

Professor Greengrass put his hand on the glass box, and the Hinkpunk inside suddenly grinned and jumped forward, then hit the glass wall with his head - the glass was fine, but the Hinkpunk almost hit him He was knocked apart.

"Now, I have one last question before I officially start speaking. Is there anyone who can think of a good way to deal with Xinkpunk right now?"

The professor's eyes swept over the faces of the little wizards, and then he said with a smile: "It seems that several students have the answer in their minds, including Mr. Fox, Mr. Digory, and several gentlemen and ladies here. . Let’s choose from the students who raised their hands. Miss, what’s your name?”

Kelly Woodman stood up and blinked, "My name is Kelly, Kelly Woodman."

"Okay, Miss Woodman, what do you think?"

"Well, I think the lighting spell is probably good." Kelly replied without hesitation: "Since they like to seduce others, as long as they learn the lighting spell and can create their own light source, they don't need to be tempted by it. Even if you are abducted by them, maybe you can at least use the lighting spell to make yourself aware of the danger."

"Indeed." Professor Greengrass snapped his fingers and nodded approvingly at Kelly, "But - please note, even if I say that Xinkpunk is not dangerous, don't think that they are It’s really that easy to deal with. The lighting spell is indeed a good way to deal with the temptation of hinkpunk, but what you need to know is that you can’t always distinguish the dangers of hinkpunk.”

"The so-called confusion and temptation seem to be just a few simple sentences in books. But in reality, they are always accompanied by complicated situations. When you are anxiously looking for companions, ways out, and shops... Wait, wait, when you have just experienced a war, when you hear the call of a friend not far away, the lighting spell can help you light up the darkness in front of you, but it cannot clear the fog in your mind."

"The most dangerous thing about Xinkpunk is not actually the light on their body, but that they can always take advantage of the environment and your thoughts. The more urgent you are, the more beneficial it is to it. Therefore, in fact, The best way to deal with Hinkpunk is not the lighting spell, but calmness - calmness is an invincible magic weapon when you face many things, such as dark creatures, dark wizards...or the sudden darkness."

Professor Greengrass waved his wand again, and the glass box automatically returned to the shelf that had appeared on the podium at some point, and was firmly covered by a piece of cloth.At the same time, the darkness shrouding the classroom was cleared away.

"Hufflepuff adds 15 points and gives them to Mr. Fox, Mr. Diggory and Miss Woodman respectively in recognition of their excellent performance in class."

"Okay, everyone, let's officially start the first lesson of our Defense Against the Dark Arts class. It is also what I hope to teach you most in this school year, calmness."


The third-year Hufflepuff badgers never felt that the Defense Against the Dark Arts class could end so quickly - in comparison, Professor Kump and Professor Quirrell's class was simply a torture.Although Professor Lu Ping's lectures were very good, last semester because he was only a substitute professor, all he taught was theoretical knowledge, textbook knowledge and some short stories, which were far inferior to what Professor Greengrass taught today. The class is so vivid.

The main thing is that the pace of Professor Greengrass's class is simply wonderful.

Until after class, everyone was still discussing the content of the previous class non-stop. When they met students from other grades and other colleges on the road, they were always worried, as if they were afraid that no one knew Professor Greengrass’s class. Just like how great it is.

Even Moon has to admit that Professor Greengrass is indeed better than Professor Lupine in terms of teaching methods and teaching rhythm, whether it is from Professor Lupin’s rhythm control in class last semester or the original work Judging from Professor Lu Ping's teaching methods, this is the case.Although Professor Lupine is already quite good compared to other Defense Against the Dark Arts professors, there is nothing he can do about it, Jiang is still too old.

The only drawback is that after Defense Against the Dark Arts, their last class on Monday is History of Magic.After seeing Professor Binns' portrait, within a few minutes, everyone couldn't hold back the sleepiness and fell asleep on the table.

The joy of the History of Magic class belongs only to Professor Binns, and the young wizards will probably not be able to enjoy it until graduation.

Chapter 26 New members of the school newspaper office

On Monday night, after dinner, everyone in the school newspaper office held the first meeting of the new semester - the atmosphere was quite serious, but this was mainly because today we had to welcome newcomers and explain the work.

Almost all the old faces were present, except Tonks (×), well, except Gemma who was busy with something and couldn't get away.In addition, there are some new, not-so-new faces here, all of whom will be joining this year.

Hesper ran over as expected, and Quaid came with her, but Quaid himself knew that he had no talent for manuscripts or photography, so he just came to make up the money and do odd jobs.Qiu Zhang also came, thanks to Nash and Garforth, who were both Ravenclaw students, otherwise they might not have been able to find her.

In addition to the three people who were already expected to join last night, Angelina brought her friend Aaliyah Spinnett, and Gal brought Gabrielle and Larian - unlike Gemma , Gabriel was not elected as the president of the male student union, so the seventh grade was a little more leisurely, so he dragged Laryn and joined the school newspaper office, claiming that he would contribute his last effort to Hogwarts before graduation. .

Violet also brought over one of her roommates, Demi Noel, who matched up with Gal at last year's Halloween dinner.To be honest, Moon and Violet both felt that she and Gal had a little bit in common...

How to put it, happy enemies?That's probably what it feels like, and it's been building since last year's Halloween dinner.

Finally, there were two new people that no one expected. One was a Gryffindor student in the same school year as Moon and a friend of Fred and George. Lee Jordan was the one who recommended him. Fred and George.The other is Slytherin's Seeker, this year's fourth-year Terrence Higgs.Unlike other people who are about to join the school newspaper office, he came here on his own.What's even more surprising is that Oliver actually has a good feeling for Terrence. It wasn't until Ashley explained it to everyone that everyone realized that Terrence was always a very kind boy, whether in life or on the field. The change in the Slytherin Academy team's style of play was also first proposed by Terrence and several other players.

The addition of nine people made Moon, who was in distress last night, instantly relax. As a result, the number of school newspaper members increased to 23. Even though many people were busy with their own affairs, the work was carried out You won’t feel too exhausted when you wake up.

After arranging the content and division of labor for the first issue of the school newspaper of this semester, which will be released next week, everyone shared the uneaten bag of toffee from Garner, the large bucket of apple juice brought by Gabriel and Lillian, and the Cedric took out a large bucket of ice cream from the kitchen and talked about this year's topical figure - not Harry. After all, those who were interested in Harry at the dinner yesterday had basically talked too much, and now compared to "Talk" about Harry Potter, everyone still wants to "meet" Harry Potter.

What's more, Harry Potter is by no means the only topical figure this year.

"Hey, have you all taken the Defense Against the Dark Arts class today?" Gal said excitedly while putting ice cream on Demi's plate: "If you ask me, Professor Greengrass is really great, I really hope I can continue to take his classes in the future, so I don’t have to worry about failing my Defense Against the Dark Arts class anymore.”

"We had Assistant Lupine's class today, and there were no surprises." Garforth gently wiped the edge of his robe twice, trying to clean up the apple juice dripping on it. "It's still as good as last year, at least compared to Quirrell." Much better than a professor.”

"So, has anyone taken Assistant Black's class?" Angelina asked curiously.

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you. They all shook their heads. Only Quaid thought about it for a moment and said, "I met Ron when I was going to the toilet on the second floor today. It seems that Assistant Teacher Black gave some students to the first grade students today." Gryffindor class."

"I guess he should also be very powerful." Aria said happily: "He is handsome, and he should have very rich experience in dealing with dark magical creatures. I read in the Daily Prophet that he once worked in Azka Ben spent nearly ten years in a place full of dementors."

"Photo-what?" Gal held his ice cream scoop in his mouth, with confusion written all over his face.

"Dementors are a very... disgusting monster." Gabriel curled his lips as he explained, "But I haven't seen a real dementor yet, I mean seeing it with my own eyes. That kind of thing.”

"I've seen it." Ashley was obviously very disgusted with Dementors. When she mentioned this thing, she didn't even want to stuff the toffee she had just unpacked into her mouth. "There was a dark wizard in my family. I remember that I told you I said it before. On the day of his trial, I once saw a dementor from a distance. Believe me, that feeling is really... people don't want to experience it again, it's like - I don't know what to do. To describe it, it’s terrible anyway.”

"It's like all your happiness has been sucked away." Moon explained at the right time: "Although I have never seen the real thing, I have read descriptions about them in books. Dementors are such things that specialize in human happiness. Feeding on positive emotions such as happiness and joy, even if you are not attacked by them, you will still feel very uncomfortable and emotionally affected just by being close to them.”

"Oh my god Moon, what kind of books do you read every day?" Yaerlin complained: "Read some positive books, otherwise I'm really afraid that you will become a dark wizard one day."

After hearing this, Cedric stopped biting his spoon and said with emotion: "If Moon becomes a dark wizard, I don't dare to think about what will happen then."

"With Moon's level of excellence, there's nothing he dares not to think about. He will definitely be the next Dark Lord." As soon as Gabriel finished speaking, Lerien grabbed his waist, and he immediately begged for mercy.

Moon himself didn't have any objections to this, but said in a dumbfounded voice: "You still have the nerve to let me read some serious books, so at least you should hope for something good from me."

At this time, everyone stopped and laughed together.

"So, Moon, do we really not want to write an article about Harry?" Doreen thought for a while and then asked, "I guess there must be readers who want to read it. After all, his topic is too high."

"About this..." Moon took a piece of toffee and shrugged: "It's precisely because he is so popular. He is the savior and the Boy Who Lived. But the problem is that he is only in the first grade this year. Everyone in the school The look in his eyes is enough to put him under pressure. There is no need for us to write another article to double his pressure. Let’s treat him as an ordinary classmate first. When he has his own new achievements in the future, he will be like us in the past. Like those people I have interviewed, it will not be too late to write an exclusive interview with him at that time.”

Chapter 27 The official start of the black magic course

The first class on Tuesday was Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration. As soon as they entered the classroom, everyone noticed that this lady, who had always been strict and rigid, seemed to be in an unusually bad mood today.

Of course, no one is curious, but they all take it for granted - in the first few days of the first week of every year, when the freshmen are always late collectively, Professor McGonagall's mood is not very high. .

In the first class, they reviewed some of the content they had learned last year. Everyone was given a fluffy rabbit. All they had to do was turn these rabbits into slippers.Moon and Cedric lived up to expectations and were the first to complete the task, followed closely by Violet and the others.Some people have tried several times, but they still have a pair of moving long ears on their slippers. If this is a bit cute, then when you see some people's slippers with moving bunny eyes on them, you probably won't. It doesn't feel cute at all.

As expected, Professor McGonagall got furious and reprimanded all those who couldn't finish it completely or who couldn't finish it at all.

After finally surviving the first Transfiguration class, before the little wizards could breathe a sigh of relief, they had to walk into the Potions class with fear again.

Well, Professor Snape's face is uglier than Professor McGonagall's - the difference is not very big, just about a hundred times...

Well, not much difference.

Everyone became Professor Snape's punching bag. He made everyone in the third-year classes of Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw worthless in class, even without making any mistakes in the operation. Neither Moon nor Cedric escaped his clutches.Fortunately for the little wizards of Hufflepuff, under Moon's unremitting teachings over the past two years, everyone's defense against Professor Snape has improved to a higher level, and at least they know how to endure it.But when faced with Professor Snape's particularly terrifying verbal attack today, several of the young wizards in Ravenclaw broke their guard and spoke back.

As you can imagine, Ravenclaw was deducted a full thirty points in one class.

Oh yeah, Hufflepuff also got ten points because Milton burned his cauldron again.


"If you ask me, Snape...well, Professor Snape definitely thinks that he will never get the position of Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts in this life, so that's why he scolded him so harshly as if he was menopausal. Milton said through gritted teeth, and fiercely cut off a piece of steak with his dining knife, as if this knife could fall on Professor Snape.

"No." Orsino Sluston, a fifth-year student, quietly approached everyone. "The latest news is that Professor Snape has a grudge against the new assistant Black - don't look at me. I don't know the details." I know, but someone heard them arguing in the corridor on the third floor last night."

"What's the quarrel?" Everyone nearby who heard it was filled with blazing gossip, and they all turned to look at Sluston, which made Slaston even more embarrassed.

"Ah...I'm not very sure. The person who heard it was Hewlett, a fifth-year Ravenclaw. He didn't have time to hear clearly before he was caught by Professor Snape."

"Then he must have died miserably." Milton said with some sympathy and continued to eat the steak.

In the afternoon Charms class, everyone learned about the Happy Charm with Professor Flitwick. However, because this magic was slightly complicated, Professor Flitwick did not try to lead everyone to try the spell together, but spent almost the entire class Talking about theoretical knowledge - including the invention and application of the Happy Spell, the origin and variations of the Spell, etc.

Despite this, everyone is still full of expectations for the Happy Charm. The reason is simple. According to Professor Flitwick, this spell called the Happy Charm can actually make people feel high, satisfied and happy.Therefore, although Professor Flitwick has repeatedly emphasized that the feeling brought by this spell is false and can even confuse people with their true emotions, everyone still wants to experience it for themselves.

Therefore, as soon as get out of class ended, a large group of Hufflepuff wizards crowded around Munn.

"Hey, Moon, have you learned it yet?"

"Moon Moon, can you try a happy spell?"

"Moon, I know you can do it!"

Moon looked at the students surrounding him with a big head, raised a hand with difficulty, and said loudly: "Stop! I have something to do tonight, tomorrow night, tomorrow night okay."

Everyone cheered with great interest, startling other students passing by. Moon laughed helplessly. Looking at the cheerful expressions on everyone's faces, there was no need for any happy spells. They had enough for now. Happy.

In fact, he could just say that he has not mastered the Happy Spell and cannot cast spells for everyone.But the fact is that one or two happy spells will not have any side effects, as long as it is not addictive, just use it once a day.Since everyone is really so curious, it would be good to satisfy their curiosity. Anyway, Professor Flitwick will also let everyone try the feeling of the Happy Charm for themselves later in the class. There is no need for such lies.

But speaking of happiness...

Moon took a deep breath.

Now he wants to cast a happy spell on the people he is going to meet later, so that he might be able to spend the "little stove" time tonight more comfortably.

Yes, it was Tuesday, and he had to go to Professor Snape's office after dinner.

Thinking of Professor Snape's full-throated appearance in class, Moon felt that he might die miserably tonight.

However, what he didn't expect was that when he actually arrived at Professor Snape's office, the professor returned to his normal state of mind, with a cold face as usual and no cynicism towards him at all.

"Have you read all the books and notes that the principal gave you before the summer vacation?" Professor Snape, wearing a large black cloak, looked at Moon quietly and said, "Tell me your thoughts."

"Impressions..." Moon recalled the contents of those books and notes for a few seconds, and then said: "If I really have any thoughts, it is probably that black magic is indeed too dangerous. I found in those notes, Even some powerful dark wizards who were once in danger will be killed in the process of learning, researching and controlling spells. Black magic is not a weapon, but more like raising wild beasts. Weapons are completely controlled by people. Both good and evil come from the human heart, but black magic...is not controlled by people. Of course, you have mentioned this before."

"Very well, starting from this year, I will take you to really start to understand the actual black magic - not the simple curses you can find in standard spells, but such things as the Phantasmal Insect Curse and the Fire Curse. A type of black magic that is quite dangerous even to the caster."

With a quick turn, Professor Snape held the wand and wrote a spell on the familiar board.

Chapter 28 Divination

[Supplementary Note] I suddenly realized that I had not mentioned this before, and perhaps most book friends would have misunderstood this - although curses are the most dangerous of the three categories of black magic, in fact, the scope of curses is the same as that of evil. Curses and poison spells are very common, and students at Hogwarts also learn curses in dark magic, but they only learn some of the simpler ones.For example, the Exploding Curse - Thunderbolt Explosion, the Whole Body Binding Curse - Petrify Everything, the Crushing Curse - Shattered into Bones, etc. These are all spells that are on the list of curses like the three unforgivable curses, but they can all be used in Hogwart. ci learned.

This is mainly because not all curses are dangerous to the caster and require great malice to be cast. Even the boundaries of many spells are relatively flexible. This does not mean that "curses" are necessarily of the same level as the Unforgivable Curse. mantra.

When Professor Snape discussed dark magic with Moon, including what he called "the dark magic that Professor Dumbledore wants you to stay away from", they were all those that would burden the caster and were highly dangerous and should never be used. Dark magic that will appear in "Standard Spells" and the Hogwarts teaching system.The previous comment in Volume 65 and Chapter 65 that "the use of black magic will cause a certain degree of invasion to the caster" also refers to this type of more dangerous black magic.This supplementary note will be simultaneously added to Chapter [-] of the second volume to avoid causing more misunderstandings.


As a large mass of ice gradually formed in the bottle filled with blood in front of him, Professor Snape gently nodded to Moon and said at the same time: "Okay, tonight's class ends here."

Moon did not leave immediately, but sat back in his chair.It's not that he doesn't want to leave, it's mainly that his face is pale and his condition is a bit bad now. Instead of leaving in a hurry, it's better to rest here for a while.

In addition, he also had some questions he wanted to ask Professor Snape.

"Ahem, Professor? Well, I thought you would probably only introduce me to some specific spells, tell me about their characteristics and so on..."

Upon hearing this, Professor Snape put down what he was holding impatiently, turned around and looked at Munn with a frown, "The Freezing Blood Curse is not an overly dangerous black magic, although your progress and the power of the spell are indeed I was a little surprised, but this does not change the fact that the spell itself is not powerful enough. What's more, I don't think that rhetoric on paper can really bring you closer to the world of black magic. Of course, the most important thing is that this is Professor Dumbledore’s request, if you don’t want to learn, you can go talk to him.”

"Sorry, Professor, it's my fault." Moon admitted decisively.

Professor Snape snorted and said nothing.It wasn't until 2 minutes later that Moon's expression softened slightly and he stood up to leave before he finally spoke again, "I said last semester that you are not qualified to get involved in Li Huo, but obviously, You still stubbornly chose to go your own way. I am not going to comment on this, but until you finish my course, I don’t want this to happen again.”

"Okay, Professor." Moon responded decisively, then walked to the door and quietly left Professor Snape's office.

The reason why he agreed so simply is actually very simple. Firstly, except for Li Huo, he had no intention of learning any other powerful curses in private in recent years; secondly, during the practice just now, he also discovered that There were some questions - logically speaking, it was impossible for him who could master even Li Huo to feel uncomfortable from learning the blood-freezing spell, but the fact was that in the few spells he just cast, he felt something strange. An awkward feeling, as if something in the body was resisting the blood-freezing spell.

Considering what Professor Snape said at the end, how could he not know that the problem was probably due to his learning of the Fire Curse?

Thinking about it, these powerful and twisted black magics are often corrosive to the users themselves.In this case, it is not surprising that the two different spells conflict for some reason.

Moreover, judging from the discomfort just now, Moon very much suspected that the reason why many dark wizards who practiced black magic suffered powerful magical backlash was most likely because they were eager to advance and learned a lot about each other in a short period of time. There are mixed and conflicting black magics in the room, which makes it increasingly difficult to control these spells, and even problems with one's own soul and magic power.

He rubbed his cheeks, took two more deep breaths, and then strode back towards the Hufflepuff common room.


The Divination classroom looks slightly different from most classrooms in Hogwarts. To be precise, it is more like an old-fashioned afternoon teahouse in the attic than a classroom. :

More than a dozen small round tables and armchairs and small cushions surrounding the tables made this small bedroom tightly packed, and the curtains were all tightly closed together, as if trying to Don't let any light penetrate.There was a crimson lampshade attached to the lamp, so the light in the classroom turned into a strange and inexplicable red dim light.The only thing that can emit different light is the fireplace in the classroom - at this moment, an unknown amount of firewood has been stuffed inside, making people worry that the entire fireplace will be blocked.

Munn, who started to feel a little stuffy as soon as he came in, couldn't help but take a deep breath. As a result, a dull and cloying aroma instantly poured into his nose, almost making him vomit.

"Welcome, classmates, welcome to my little world." Professor Trelawney's voice suddenly sounded, soft, erratic, but somehow unnatural.It was only at this moment that the little wizards, who were startled by the sudden voice, realized that Professor Trelawney was actually sitting in the shadow of the corner of the classroom.

Fortunately, after talking, she finally walked under a lamp, which allowed everyone to see her appearance clearly - messy hair, dark red robe, and wearing a lot of beads and bracelets. If it were any other professor, these items would have been very eye-catching, but for Professor Trelawney, none of these were as exaggerated as her weird pair of glasses.Because her lenses are not only thick and round, but also probably because of the high prescription or some other reason. If you look at her eyes through the lenses, you will find that her eyes are almost filling the entire lens. .

Before everyone could take a complete look at Professor Trelawney from head to toe, she spoke again, "I am Professor Trelawney, your Divination Professor - of course, I know, Most of you may have never seen me, because walking around the school and interacting with you all day may make my third eye blurry.”

Chapter 29 Professor Trelawney’s Prophecy

"What is the Third Eye?"

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