Unserious Beast Tamer

Chapter 62 Take notes in a small notebook

"Who is this second one?"

Xu Ran asked with interest.

"The second one is the white wolf girl." Tian Futao said firmly, "If there is any new generation of beast masters in Qingzhou City who can compete with Lu Huang, it must be her."

"White Wolf Girl?" Xu Ran secretly wrote down the title in his mind, "This shouldn't be her name, right?"

"Yes, her real name is Xu Jiujiu. The reason why she is called the White Wolf Girl is because the pet beast she contracted with is the ice pet beast Frost Dust Wolf, which is completely white in appearance."

"Frost Wolf?" Xu Ran had never heard of this race and was a little curious.

"It is a huge extraordinary race that walks on the ice fields." Tian Futao briefly introduced, "Xu Jiujiu's frost wolf is more than five meters long, and it looks particularly powerful."

"So big?" Xu Ran was a little surprised.

The price of caring for a large pet animal suddenly popped into his mind.

Hmm... I have to find an opportunity to let the other party wash and care for me in my store.

"That frost wolf is not just huge." Tian Futao chuckled, "Do you know why the white wolf girl is famous?"

"She once left the city alone and with a wolf, and then returned safely!" There was a hint of yearning on his face. "It is said that the extraordinary creatures outside the city are so fierce that even elite beast masters have to form a team to look after each other."

"Indeed." Xu Ran's face turned serious.

He has a deep understanding of the dangers outside the city, having experienced them once under the escort of a tiger hunting team.

The white wolf girl was able to come back safely, and there was a high probability that she did not encounter the beast tide. It was a certain amount of luck, but her courage was worthy of admiration.

As for the two thousand-point contestants that Tian Futao doesn’t know about…

Apart from Xu Ran himself, he could actually guess the other person.

If nothing else, it should be the girl named Gu Ling.

The opponent came from another city, so not many people know about it yet. At the same time, the Dark Scale Dragon has all the skills of the Star Glory level, and its strength is not much worse than Ziyun.

In this way, the identities of the four thousand-point contestants are clear.

"By the way, I haven't asked yet!" Tian Futao looked at Xu Ran, "What score did you get in the preliminary screening?"

Zhuang He, who was silently listening to the conversation between the two, sat up straight, raised his ears and pretended to be casually approaching.

"My score?" Xu Ran blinked and said vaguely, "My score is actually..."

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

With the sound of war drums resounding throughout the venue one after another, the audition kicked off at this moment.

The host ascended from the elevator to the venue and waved to everyone.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the auditions for the New Beastmaster Challenge!"

What responded to him was a tsunami of applause and cheers from the audience.

Seeing Tian Futao and Zhuang He on the side whose attention was instantly attracted by the host, Xu Ran silently closed his mouth.

The opening couldn't have come at a better time.

In this way, he could get along with these two people as an ordinary person.

After introducing the rules of the audition, the host left, and then ten beast masters wearing the uniforms of the Beast Master Association came on stage and summoned their respective pet beasts amidst the cheers of the audience.

Ten six-pointed star arrays flashed at the same time, which looked quite spectacular.

The ten pet beasts that came out had different shapes, each possessing one of the ten attributes.

Although they are only at the extraordinary level, their appearance is really impressive.

And their races are common races in Qingzhou City. Players can identify them one by one without much introduction.

"It's begun!" Tian Futao took a deep breath, "These ten opponents all look very strong. It's not easy to defeat any of them!"

"But if you look carefully, you can still find some restraint relationships." Zhuang He analyzed calmly on the side, "The organizer arranged for ten beast masters with different attributes to appear so that we can choose the attributes that we restrain ourselves."

"That makes sense!" Tian Futao glanced at Zhuang He in surprise, "Old Zhuang, you talk too much!"

Zhuang He rolled his eyes and then said, "Not only is there a restraint relationship in attributes, but there is also a restraint relationship in attack methods."

"Some of these pet beasts are good at melee combat, some are good at long-range attacks, some can fly, and some can only move on the ground..."

"This can also be used as a basis for selecting opponents."

"In this way, I can choose my flame pig..." Tian Futao thought about it in his mind. He had just chosen the most suitable opponent for him, and then his face fell. "I almost forgot, I failed the first screening."

"I have already chosen my opponent, but let's take a look at the performance of the others first." Zhuang He crossed his arms and leaned back slightly on his seat.

After a small commotion, the first contestant to volunteer had jumped from the audience onto the fighting stage.

"Xu Ran, you..." Tian Futao turned to look at Xu Ran on the other side. He was about to ask him if he had chosen his opponent, but he became confused after seeing Xu Ran's actions, "What are you doing?"

"I'm taking notes." Xu Ran took out a pen and a notebook from his bag, with a serious expression and his eyes fixed on the players preparing to fight on the field.

"That's not true..." Tian Futao's mouth twitched slightly.

Taking notes on the spot to record what's going on with your competitors?

The battle for the first contestant ended quickly.

He volunteered to choose the opponent who was most restrained by him, but was defeated after just a few rounds.

These beast masters sent by the Beast Master Association were indeed not weak in strength. The other players who were preparing to take the stage after him were a little hesitant.

Should I... take another look?

"Mainai, I can do it too."

Tian Futao, who had high hopes for the first contestant, complained. He turned around and saw Xu Ran writing quickly, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

Does such a good opponent need to be recorded so seriously?

This brother Xu Ran doesn't look very strong, right?

Originally, he wanted to ask Xu Ran about his preliminary screening score later, but now he felt that there was no need to ask.

Xu Ran didn't notice Tian Futao's strange eyes.

After carefully writing down "Pang Ziyang, medium-sized pet beast, fire attribute, no suitable skills for Ziyun" in his notebook, he raised his head again.

If Xu Ran knew what Tian Futao was thinking, he would probably cry out for injustice.

opponent? Where are the opponents?

These are all his lovely customers!

It was a rare opportunity to see all kinds of powerful pet beasts. Of course, he had to mark his target customers, especially those whose skills were suitable for Ziyun to learn.

Ziyun hadn't learned a new skill for a long time, and Xu Ran felt a little embarrassed when he saw the expectant look in his customer's pet's eyes every time he washed it.

There was no chance before, but now there is.

He has to write down all the thunder beasts that appeared today. They are all targets for his hair growth!

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