In the distant future, there is only war in the galaxy.

——Ancient Terra proverb

The icy void has existed for many ages, long before the first living thing breathed, long before the terrifying enemies hidden in the dark galaxy were born.

Between the universe, between countless planets and the sun, this ancient fortress floats in the void. Its cold steel exterior flashes with luster under the same cold light of the Milky Way. It is the reflection of countless suns and stars. Light, in that light.

Countless steel cannons were erected from the fortresses. The cannons pointed at the endless dark galaxy. Angel statues were located between the cannons and countless weapons. The sword blades pointed directly at the distant dark galaxy, pointing at the depths. Terrible enemy.

Under the huge Gothic spire, under the huge colorful painting depicting the Lord of Mankind, the Emperor and his angel of death, the old man stood there at the end of the colorful glazed window, using his old age but piercing spirit. His eyes stared into the darkness, and the light of stars twinkling in the distance was reflected in his eyes. In this huge hall, there was only silence like the void.

The light of the Milky Way shone on his black robe, without reflecting a trace of luster, as if it were the same as the darkness itself. Only the silver pendant hanging on his chest reflected the cold light, a letter I

The echo of footsteps sounded at the far end of the hall, gradually getting closer and closer. Like the void of darkness itself, it got closer and closer, and its sound began to change from mere footsteps to the clearer click of studded combat boots. Click sound.

The man appeared at the edge of darkness, his left eye flashing with a faint dark red light. The man wearing a silver breastplate came to the old man's side and stared with him into the deep silent night.

The bolter was hung on the belt, and the weapon was exposed without any concealment. The thick muzzle once belonged only to the Astartes, the Emperor's Angel of Death, but now, it can also be used by the Adeptus Mechanicus. Blessed, and used by reformed inquisitors.

Composed of steel machinery, the right arm also flashed under the light of the Milky Way, silently chanting the blessing and authority of the God of All Machines.

"Grand Inquisitor Highgate." The man greeted. The old man glanced at the man and said, "Inquisitor Grace, tell me if there is anything you need to tell me."

"A star language traveled through the icy void, coming from the other side of the star sea, from the Victoria galaxy in the extreme star field. Some ominous things were discovered there."

"What is it, Grace, what is it?" "We don't know yet, Grand Inquisitor, Star Language is hesitant and wavering, and the head of the legal department of Lavialia Prime seeks the help of the Inquisition. He is convinced that there is a problem locally. And it cannot be solved by local efforts, my lord." "He seeks the help of the Emperor's agents."

As Heggart said, he walked slowly to the side and walked to the emperor's shrine. He looked up at the emperor's icon lit by countless candlelights. The Lord of Mankind stared at them as if he was really here.

Grace took a few steps towards the shrine, but soon stopped again, "Your order, Your Majesty the Grand Inquisitor."

Highgate looked up into the emperor's eyes, then lowered his eyes. He turned slightly to look at Grace, "I think among the many loyal servants of the emperor, one of us is there, right?"

"Yes, my lord." "Name." "Vito Constantine, my lord."

"Ah, our Vito, tell me, how is young Constantine doing now?" The old man seemed to be interested, and his words broke the dead silence, giving this empty fortress church a little life.

Grace nodded slightly, "Judge Vito just helped the Iron Legion eliminate an orc invasion in the Armageddon sector. I heard that he was highly praised by political commissar Yaric. The local military department seems to want to Give him a medal."

"But I think he should have left the Armageddon sector now. According to my impression of him, he would probably say please allow me to say this, sir."

"Instead of staying among the engine oil and bomb dust, listening to the nonsense of the bureaucrats, it is better to go to the district governor's lady, or a certain gorgeous female pirate to talk about philosophical issues, sir."

Highgate laughed, and his aging laughter echoed lowly in the church. He looked at the burning candle, which was the only light in the darkness. It illuminated part of the dark church, but it was still far away. Not nearly enough.

"Yes, that's him." Highgate smiled.

The light of the shrine where the Emperor is located cannot illuminate this huge hall. Darkness still exists in many places, shrouding everything, but the Emperor's loyal servants can bring light into this darkness and illuminate more places.

Highgate picked up a candle and held the candle with his old, dry fingers. The firelight shone on his face. He turned around and handed the candle to Grace, who naturally caught it.

"Tell Vito to take the Emperor's Light of Truth to the Victoria System. If the Emperor is willing, he may find something of interest there."

Grace nodded slightly, then turned around and retreated into the darkness. Highgate watched the candlelight gradually disappear into the darkness. The Inquisitor raised his head slightly and turned to look at the Emperor's icon.

He stood in the light, the only light in this endless darkness.

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