Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Chapter 76 The Final Era: Warmaster

In the corridor, the firelight flickering from the surface of the huge planet on one side shines in the corridor of the ship. Behind the wide floor-to-ceiling windows, the firelight shines on the running crew members, and those wearing white armor with a black wolf branded on their chests. The Astartes, tall giants, walked in the corridor, each of them facing the seriousness of the battle.

Below the battleship, the crimson planet was flashing with countless orbital bombardment artillery fire. The entire planet was being besieged by a huge imperial fleet, but it was obvious that the situation was still serious.

The fire from the macro cannon was projected onto the silver combat boots. The silver pieces on the studded boots shone in the firelight. Its owner was walking on this busy corridor wearing a purple robe, but no matter what, Busy, everyone who passes by him will stand at attention and salute him, even the tall Astartes.

The giants in white armor moved in front of him to both sides, so that he did not need to squeeze through the gaps between the tall bodies of the Astartes like the other sailors, but walked directly through them. The giants Stand and salute to pay respect to the man.

Vito's eyes looked at the planet outside the floor-to-ceiling window. The entire planet was almost covered in artillery fire. The Imperial warships parked in orbit were from different legions, as evidenced by the legion emblems on their bows.

The purple robe fell to the ground, and the golden epaulettes and honor ribbons decorated his gorgeous military uniform. The epaulettes had a striking imperial spread-winged eagle, and the glorious mark of the Star of Terra, showing his identity. That glorious and supreme identity.

Vito nodded in response to the Space Marines who saluted him along the way. They walked through the corridor one by one to the end of the passage. The broadcast was calling them, summoning the warriors of the 10th Company.

"Tenth Company, please note that all soldiers of the 10th Company must gather at the sixth apron immediately. We will attack in twenty minutes." A powerful and deep voice said on the radio. Obviously it did not come from a servitor, but from a machine. A Space Marine, said by an experienced veteran.

The Roman numeral Logo warrior.

He held his helmet under his arm and looked at Vito in front of him with a joking smile, "Hello, Generalissimo."

"Hello, Togaton, where is Loken?" Vito responded with the same smile, while Togaton pointed out the window with a sincere smile as always, "Gavel is gathering his boys in the hangar, you know, he I have just been promoted to captain of the 10th company and I really want to prove myself.”

"He doesn't need to be like this. He has already proven that he is an excellent officer." Vito said. He had no doubts about his friend at all. He also believed that no one in the entire legion would doubt him.

Togaton smiled and patted his arm armor. He looked at the Space Marines walking quickly around him. "Indeed, the Primarch is also confident about appointing him to take over the 10th Company. We are all."

"That's why he gave him the first wave of landing missions. This is a glorious duty. He will arrive on the ground as the first force of the empire, even earlier than the Imperial Army."

Vito laughed, his face was illuminated by the gunfire again, and his black eyes were illuminated by the firelight with a golden light. Vito Constantine walked to the floor-to-ceiling window and looked at a giant ship not far away.

The ship did not have any legion logo, but a simple Imperial Skyhawk logo. The magnificent Glory Queen-class battleship sailed slowly on the equator of the planet, and orbital bombardment shells were fired from the hull around it. There were also dozens of warships of various models surrounding them, and together they rained down the fire of destruction.

Vito looked at the cannon fire that continued to project firelight into the ship's hull. He turned around and smiled and put a hand on his chest, "Good luck to you, Togaton. I'll see you in the beast's palace."

"I wish you good luck, too, Vito. Oh, by the way, he is waiting for you. Don't let him wait too long. You know his patience is always limited." "Ha, I know."

Vito walked past Togaton and patted his arm, then walked to the end of the corridor. The commander of the seventh company, Togaton, smiled and put on his helmet and walked towards the apron, where his company was ready Ok action.

Vito walked through the marble hall with countless colonnades and magnificent statues. He passed through the halls on the lower side of the huge ship, passed through the mortal soldiers and space marines busy preparing for battle, and finally came to his destination.

He turned between the colonnades outside the hall and came around the corner to the observation deck at the end of the quiet ship. He almost ran into a tall giant who was coming out of it.

The giant was far taller and burlier than the average Space Marine. The power grip on his right arm fell by his side, and his hair was tied up in a trademark way and hung high above his head. This was an obvious symbol of his status.

He smiled and leaned down and half-knelt in front of Vito, "Be careful, Grand Marshal, you will hurt yourself." "You will hurt yourself, Abaddon."

They both laughed, their smiles that only friends can show. Abaddon stood up and towered over Vito like a mountain. He slightly raised his power claws, his long razor fingers in the air. He raised his head slightly, "Lorken is ready, right?"

"Yes, his company is preparing to land. What about you? First company commander, how are you preparing?" Vito asked with a smile, "Don't you feel comfortable having your glory taken away?"

Abaddon burst into laughter and shook his head slightly, "Leave it to him this time. Our young wolf cub needs glory and merit. Only in this way can he prove that he can take on this important responsibility."

"Do you doubt that he can't? Abaddon." Vito asked, and Abaddon smiled slightly. "He needs to prove himself to everyone. It has nothing to do with whether I approve it, my friend."

Vito nodded slightly, with a smile on his lips, "Where's Horus?" "He's right there, waiting for you."

Abaddon walked past Vito, and the heavy Terminator power armor rumbled away in the hall. It was obvious that he was going to prepare. Vito knew that Abaddon was used to preparing his own weapons every time before attacking. , never an exception.

Vito straightened his collar and then walked into the hall. It was an empty observation hall. A beautiful small fountain was located in the corner of this small room, and its main body was made up of a large viewing window that presented an almost 260° view. Made up of windows, the steel structure glass can visually overlook the planet below, and you can also see the Imperial fleet being bombed below.

In the dim hall, the halo and firelight of the planet itself shone in, illuminating the giant standing in front of the window. He overlooked the planet below, and the Eye of Terra gemstone was shining brightly on his white armor.

He turned his head and looked at Vito, who was approaching, with a sincere smile. "My old friend, you are here." "Are you impatient? Horus, as the commander of the imperial fleet, you don't have such a temper."

Vito walked to Horus. He and the Primarch and Supreme Commander of the Luna Wolf Legion were overlooking the surface of the planet, the planet named Ullanor. Horus smiled and gently placed his big hand on the planet. On the shoulder.

"Patience and wrangling with those annoying Imperial bureaucrats is your job, my old friend. You know if it were me, I'd rather load them into a macro cannon and shoot them into the sun."

Vito was amused by Horus's joke and scratched his head helplessly. Indeed, Malcador's officials were too annoying. Since the first meeting with them, Horus never wanted to see them again. But the Thirteenth Expeditionary Fleet needed their support and supplies, so this troublesome task was left to Vito.

In fact, Vito had just finished a meeting with the accompanying officers on the Bucephalos, and he always had the urge to sweep them into the cannon and shoot them into the sun.

"Our task is difficult, old friend, and I hope your Imperial Army is ready." Horus looked at Vito and said, who nodded slightly and looked at the planet's orbit, "They are ready, the Emperor sends Shadow Moon The Imperial Army and Navy fleets under the Imperial Fists, the Blood Angels, the Imperial Fists and the Thousand Sons, as well as the Titan Legion of the Adeptus Mechanicus are all under my command. That old bastard really seems to think I'm not busy enough."

Horus smiled and looked at his friends beside him, "The Emperor wants to step onto the battlefield himself. He will lead the Imperial Guard Legion into the battlefield together with Waldo, so the trouble will depend on you."

Vito cursed secretly. To be honest, Vito didn't want to care about these things. He also wanted to go directly to the surface of Ullanor and fight side by side with his friends there instead of staying on the ship. Command troops.

Horus seemed to see the thoughts of his old friend. He smiled and looked at the surface of the planet, "Although I don't want to do this work, I must admit, Vito, this is an important job for all of us. My life is all in your hands."

Indeed, this is an important mission. Vito needs to respond to the requests for help from various legions and provide support and supplements. The entire huge imperial army must be at his disposal, with millions of mortal army artillery, tanks and armored groups, and the majestic navy. Battleships and the orbital support firepower they can bring to bear, along with those Titans of Mechanicus glory.

But Vito still didn't like this job, not at all. It was too annoying and tiring. If Guilliman were here, he would definitely be happy to accept the mission.

But the deal was already done, and he had no choice but to accept the mission.

"I will do my best to provide support, what about you Horus? What are you going to do?" Vito asked, Horus raised his head slightly and pointed to the surface, "Torgadon and Aceimand will be in charge of command. In a frontal attack, the Luna Wolves will defeat the greenskin's frontal defense, and I will look for opportunities with Abaddon to lead the first company to attack the orc leader at the right time and behead him."

"I have ordered Loken to be responsible for supporting our operations. That boy looks very frightened." Horus smiled jokingly, and Vito also smiled and crossed his arms. "That boy will adapt."

"Valdor and the Emperor will land from the western plains of Ullanor with ten companies of shield guards, and the Imperial Army will gather together to fight. This is a rare sight," Vito said.

"Then I will be lucky enough to witness this scene." Horus said, clenching his fists, "We will take this planet, and my legion and I will take the glory!"

Horus turned around and looked down at his old friend in front of him. He looked at his friend with a smile on his face, "I wish you good luck, my friend." "I also wish you good luck, Horus, don't die down there. ”

"Ha! Nothing that can hurt me has been built yet! Come on, Vito, we will win the glory together." Horus said as he walked towards the exit of the observation deck with heavy steps. Vito looked at his last Good friends smiled.

He knew he would be the one chosen by the old bastard to be given the honorable post after the Battle of Ullanor.

He will be awarded the title of Warmaster.

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