hollywood melon man

Chapter 45 Midnight Box Office

Chapter 45 Midnight Box Office

Ren Ye Xiaoyi couldn't even imagine that the little Gilbert who spread the word was actually a Chinese soul and belonged to Huang Xin.

If Ye Xiaoyi is a banana with yellow skin and a white heart, she is trying to integrate into the mainstream society in North America.

That little Gilbert is a cantaloupe person. There is a variety of cantaloupe with white skin and yellow heart, which just represents him.

Little Gilbert, who lives in the mainstream society in North America, is in the Cao camp but his heart is in the Han Dynasty!
  Bing Bing, Mi Mi, Shi Shi, Yan Yan, Yuan Yuan, Tian Tian and other beauties, he missed them so much.

It's a pity that he can't go back now, and he won't be one of his own when he goes back. Little Gilbert can only sleep with Yangma...

After a long period of publicity, "Death is Coming" is finally approaching its release date.

The closest film to the release of "Dead Man" is "No Mercy" released by Warner Pictures. It was released on August 7 and has already taken in more than 70 million US dollars at the box office, which is a very good performance.

The rest are basically low-budget films with investments ranging from several million to hundreds of thousands. It is difficult to compete with "The God of Death" with an investment of 10 million US dollars.

The summer season has ended, and the remaining films to be released will basically be released in November.

For example, Disney’s own animated film “Aladdin” produced and distributed, and Twentieth Century Fox’s “Home Alone 2”.

In other words, with a schedule of almost two to three months from the end of August to October, "Death Comes" can be released without any pressure and there is no need to worry about strong competitors.

Another thing, according to data from a survey commissioned by Disney, 15% of the 1,500 viewers surveyed who have watched "Shark Tank" are willing to go to the theater again to support Gilbert Jr.'s new work.

The rest tend to decide whether to go to the theater to watch the movie based on word-of-mouth, box office, etc.

Only a very small number of people, less than 5%, said they would not go to the cinema to watch Gilbert Jr.'s new film.

This survey data can be said to be excellent and gives Disney reassurance.

At twelve o'clock at midnight on August 28, "Death is Coming" opened at midnight screenings in 500 theaters across the United States.

Horror movies must be watched at midnight to be enjoyable.

Naomi Watts came to Little Gilbert's apartment as a guest and had just left. Little Gilbert had no intention of sleeping and stayed by the phone, waiting for the call to come.

He said hello to Touchstone Pictures and called him as soon as the midnight screening data came out.

Cameron Diaz didn't sleep either. She was the heroine after all, and she was nervously waiting for the news with little Gilbert.

At a movie theater near the University of California, Berkeley, Ye Xiaoyi and Megan bought tickets to watch "Death is Coming" together.

Originally, Ye Xiaoyi didn't want to come. After all, she wanted to study hard and stay here.

But I couldn't resist Megan's invitation, and I was curious about this damn director, so I came along.

After checking in and sitting down, Ye Xiaoyi watched a movie in a North American cinema for the first time.

Looking at the luxurious facilities, Ye Xiaoyi couldn't help but nod. It was indeed a North American cinema. The facilities were really luxurious, much better than in China.

"Would you like some popcorn?" Megan handed over a bucket of popcorn.

"I want..." Ye Xiaoyi took the popcorn bucket and threw two popcorns into his mouth. It was so delicious.

The popcorn here is so sweet...

The movie started quickly. Gilbert Jr. didn't have much appeal, starring Matt Damon and Cameron Diaz, and Jared Leto was not well-known.

Therefore, the attendance rate at the midnight venue was not high. Looking at the number of people, Ye Xiaoyi seemed to only have a dozen or so people.

It seems that this little director Gilbert is not good either, and thanks to Megan, he still boasted about it.

But soon, Ye Xiaoyi stopped thinking that way. There was a scene where a plane exploded at the beginning of the film, and Ye Xiaoyi and Megan were so scared that they hugged each other.

Unexpectedly, it turned out that this was just a dream of the male protagonist.

After being frightened out of his dream, the male protagonist clamored to get off the plane, so several people got off the plane.

The male protagonist Alex was arguing with the school bully, but the plane taking off actually exploded, scaring everyone half to death.

"So this male protagonist has the ability to predict and know when disaster is coming?" Ye Xiaoyi guessed, she was already immersed in the movie.

The film is beautiful, engaging, and exciting. As the plot progressed, more than a dozen viewers dared not even breathe. From time to time, some viewers were frightened and exclaimed.

The whole film can be said to be completed in one go, without any sloppiness, which made Ye Xiaoyi, who was watching a Hollywood movie in the cinema for the first time, instantly obsessed.

After watching the movie, Meghan suggested: “Ye, can we watch it again tomorrow?”

If it was before, Ye Xiaoyi would definitely refuse, but now Ye Xiaoyi won't.

"Okay, let's call a few more classmates and let's watch together."

Megan was very satisfied with Ye Xiaoyi's proposal: "Okay, it's better if there are more people. If there are more people, you won't be afraid."

Ye Xiaoyi was led into the trap by Megan, and Lewis, who had watched the Little Gilbert movie last time, was looking forward to the Little Gilbert movie.

As soon as the film was released, he led a large group of people to buy a midnight screening and watch "Death Is Coming" together.

After the film ended, everyone was still discussing the plot.

Salati Merton said: "God, I just can't imagine what Director Gilbert Jr. would have imagined.

How did he come up with the idea for this film? "

Lewis laughed on the sidelines and said: "If we could know how he conceived the idea, I would have shot it myself."

The classmate on the side laughed and said: "Lewis, stop dreaming. Even if you can think of this story, you can't film it."

Lewis wasn't angry either: "Indeed, director Gilbert Jr.'s talent is unparalleled."

He has completely become a fan of Little Gilbert, and Little Gilbert did not disappoint him and contributed another quite outstanding thriller and horror film.

Lewis suggested: "Shall we see it again tomorrow?"

"Okay, such a wonderful film, of course I have to come."

"Anyone who doesn't come is a fool."


So, the proposal to watch the movie again was unanimously approved.

In the apartment, little Gilbert received a call from Robert Egger and was relieved to hear the news about the midnight show.

"Thank you, Bob, for informing me so late." Little Gilbert said politely.

"You're welcome," said Robert Egger excitedly on the other end of the phone: "I should be the one to thank you, little Gilbert, for doing such a great job.

I can have a good sleep tonight..."

"Haha, then I wish you a good dream!"

"the same as you……"

When little Gilbert hung up the phone, he saw Cameron Diaz looking at him eagerly, seemingly impatient for the news.

Little Gilbert didn't play it off, and said directly: "It opened on a thousand screens in 32.4 theaters, with an attendance rate of %, and a midnight box office of ."

Cameron Diaz was stunned. It was not that this result was too bad, but that it was too good.

It was previously expected that a box office of 100,000 yuan would be great at the midnight show, but I did not expect that the box office would be more than 300,000 yuan, which created a surprise.

Cameron Diaz reacted and shouted excitedly: "Yeah, we succeeded..."

Little Gilbert said calmly: "Don't panic yet, we still have to wait and see how the box office is on the first day and the first week."

"That must be good!" Cameron Diaz jumped into little Gilbert's arms, wrapped his legs around his waist, and gave him a sweet kiss.

She had a hunch that she was not far away from becoming famous.

Her dream position as a Hollywood star has opened the door to her.

(End of this chapter)

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