hollywood melon man

Chapter 46 Barbecue Party and First Day Box Office

Chapter 46 Barbecue Party and First Day Box Office

All the preliminary publicity work has been done, and according to Disney's arrangements, the road show will start next weekend.

In other words, Disney needs to look at the box office performance of the film in the first week, word-of-mouth factors, etc. before deciding whether to invest more.

Therefore, during the first weekend of the release of "Death", little Gilbert rarely had free time, so he and his team members held a barbecue party.

These are all my future team members, and the relationship must be maintained well.

Robert Egger heard that little Gilbert was going to hold a barbecue party, which was more private, so he proposed to lend his villa to little Gilbert, but little Gilbert refused.

After all, the film is still in theaters, so it’s not certain whether it will be successful.

This barbecue party is also a way to make up for the hard work of the team in the past few months, to connect with each other, and to continue working together next time.

Agent Sheena Boone contacted a vacant villa and rented it directly to host a barbecue party.

Friend Matt Damon also brought Ben Affleck with him, and Jared Leto brought his new girlfriend to the scene.

Assistant Anna Singer, assistant director Anne Burton, director of photography Doyle Randolph, art director Serena Hafey and others all arrived at the scene with their respective partners and temporary partners.

Little Gilbert started grilling the meat himself, and Naomi Watts was invited to participate and also came to help.

"Michelle, do you see the black pepper sauce?" Little Gilbert asked while flipping the ribs and brushing them with olive oil.

Cameron Diaz brought beer to everyone and replied without raising his head: "It seems to be on the shelf, you can look for it yourself."

Little Gilbert searched for it, finally found it, and then brushed black pepper sauce on the ribs.

"Wow, it looks delicious." Matt Damon's greed was aroused, and he couldn't wait to pick up a piece of ribs that was almost grilled with his hands and eat it in several bites.

After eating, he didn't forget to lick his fingers and give a thumbs up to little Gilbert: "The craftsmanship is really good."

"That's right, if I don't become a director, it would be good to be a chef." Little Gilbert said proudly.

"No, there is no shortage of people like you in the chef world, but Hollywood needs you." Naomi Watts took a spoonful of the mixed fruit salad and fed it to little Gilbert's mouth: "How is the taste?"

"Hmm~" Little Gilbert raised his eyebrows and praised: "It's sour and sweet, it's quite delicious, let's serve it!"

Naomi Watts was very happy to hear little Gilbert's praise and couldn't wait to share the fruit salad she made with everyone.

The first person to try it was Cameron Diaz. After taking a bite, his brows relaxed.

I can't tell, but this little guy does have some skills, Cameron Diaz thought.

For Cameron Diaz, who is 1.75 meters tall, Naomi Watts, who is 1.65 meters tall, is indeed short.

"Little Gilbert, come here and eat together!" Cameron Diaz shouted.

"Okay, come right over." Little Gilbert put the ribs on a plate, put it on the table, and then sat at the head seat of the table.

"Pray before eating, Duer, the eldest, please come and pray!" said little Gilbert.

Duer Randolph did not shirk, and everyone at the table joined hands and began to pray.

Gilbert Jr. is on the left with Cameron Diaz and on the right with Naomi Watts.

Everyone has a tacit understanding to leave these two positions to these two women. Everyone knows that Cameron Diaz is the public girlfriend of Gilbert Jr., and it seems that Naomi Watts and Gilbert Jr. have an unusual relationship. .

However, in this circle, everyone is accustomed to it, and they even think that little Gilbert is living too puritanically.

In addition to his real wife, Jerry Bruckheimer, a well-known Hollywood producer, is also rumored to have close relationships with more than a dozen actresses.

When Gilbert Jr.'s father, Gilbert Sr., was young, it was said that he dated more than 20 girlfriends at the same time, and was rumored to have relationships with Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe.

Little Gilbert is only known to the outside world by two or three people, and he is still far behind his father. He still needs to work hard.

Little Gilbert and his gang enjoyed a barbecue party, eating the barbecue made by Little Gilbert himself.

And "Death Comes" is experiencing its first weekend in theaters, and its results are getting better and better.

Zoe and Doug have temporarily become Little Gilbert fans since watching "Shark Tank" twice.

After watching "Shark Beach", the two of them went back and bought a lot of videotapes of horror movies to watch, but unfortunately they didn't find the excitement of "Shark Beach". Therefore, when Gilbert's new film was released, the two of them immediately went to the cinema to watch the movie.

After reading it, the two young lovers were very excited.

I originally thought that "Shark Tank" was the peak of little Gilbert. It would take a lot of effort to make a better thriller and horror film.

But unexpectedly, little Gilbert would move out of "Death is Coming" the next year.

The setting is amazing. The main characters die in different ways. They are walking on thin ice under the pursuit of death, which is frightening to watch.

After watching the midnight show, Zoe and Doug were still not satisfied, so they brought a group of friends to watch the show on Friday when it premiered.

"I'm telling you, this movie is absolutely beautiful..." Zoe gushed to her friend Amway Movies.

My friend was dubious: "Really? But I don't think there are many people watching!"

Doug explained: "The director of this film is relatively well-known, and the leading actors are all unknown newcomers. It is normal that no one came to watch the premiere.

But trust me, after reading it, you will never regret it. "

"Really?" A friend still questioned: "If it doesn't look good, you pay for the bar tonight."

"Don't worry, Mark, I'll pay for it..." Doug vowed.

Seeing how highly recommended Zoe and Doug were, most of their friends believed it.

After entering the theater and watching the opening scene of the plane exploding, everyone believed it.

This is how word of mouth spreads bit by bit, and more and more movie fans are attracted by the people around them and enter the theater.

After watching "Death Comes", most people thought it was good, and some of them would also recommend the film to people around them.

In an era when Internet publicity was not yet developed, in addition to spending large sums of money on advertising on TV and in newspapers, the most effective way of publicity was to conquer the audience with the quality of the film.

To sum it up in a sentence from the previous life, it is to turn movie fans into tap water.

Of course, as a large media group, Disney controls a lot of media and has good relations with many big media.

As publicity funds were spent, the media began to work hard to build momentum for the film.

On the day of the premiere, all comments from film critics who had seen the test screening were also unblocked.

Robert Iger knows the art of hype very well. He arranged for some film critics to praise the film and other film critics to criticize the film to attract attention.

As little Gilbert said, it doesn't matter whether you are good or bad, what matters is that people talk about you.

This is a good method for media promotion, and the trick is very effective.

In addition to the horror elements of the film, there is another element that has been ignored, and that is teenagers.

Matt Damon and Cameron Diaz play both high school students. The film is also a terrifying story about high school students being chased by death, which immediately captured the hearts of many teenagers.

Capturing the hearts of teenagers is equivalent to capturing the pockets of Hades in Greek mythology.

Hades is the King of Hades, also known as the God of Death, and is also in charge of underground treasures of gold, gems, etc.

While chasing high school students while taking money from their pockets, "Death is Coming" can also be said to be "Hades is Coming".

No matter how ingenious the plot is, no matter how wonderful the performances are, no matter how high the reviews are, in the end, they are not as powerful as the box office.

On its premiere day on Friday, August 257.2, "Death" relied on word-of-mouth and extensive publicity to take in a box office of US$ million.

Including the midnight screening, the film grossed US$289.6 million on its first day.

This achievement is incomparable to those big productions that often cost tens of millions on the first day.

But "Death" is just a B-level movie, and this result is enough to satisfy Disney.

(End of this chapter)

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