hollywood melon man

Chapter 65 The Sorrow of Genius

Chapter 65 The Sorrow of Genius
  At the end of the meeting, the public relations manager told Keanu Reeves some things to pay attention to and asked him to follow them.

In the face of Disney and Warner, although Keanu Reeves is now slightly famous, he is just a star and an actor.

He must cooperate with the film company's requirements.

Seeing that little Gilbert didn't say a word, Robert Egger asked: "Little Gilbert, if you have any ideas, please tell me."

All the executives looked at little Gilbert, knowing that he was very good at marketing movies for the Super Bowl advertising plan he proposed.

So on similar crisis public relations, everyone wants to hear what little Gilbert has to say.

Little Gilbert looked at the keywords of the black material compiled by the public security department in the document, and said: "I don't think these black materials are anything special. Isn't everyone doing these things?

Since they use this to attack us, then we should also use this to attack them. "

"What do you mean?" an executive asked.

Little Gilbert closed the file, patted the table, stood up, and said loudly: "Now that everything has been done, no one is innocent anymore.

In terms of media strength, are Disney and Warner worse than them? "

Everyone understood what little Gilbert wanted to express.

Robert Egger naturally understood what little Gilbert meant: "Of course not, I understand what you mean.

Arrange our media and tabloids to dig up dirt on me. All summer movies, those released in May, are our targets. "

Doug Walter glanced at all the executives and said, "Warner will fully cooperate..."

Digging up dirt on other movies naturally does not include other movies released by Disney and Warner Pictures.

Of course, the tabloids owned by Disney and Warner will naturally not come to criticize "Speed".

After determining the counterattack plan, what was originally a group of film distributors besieging "Speed" quickly turned into a melee.

Today it will be that star who once had a silver party, the day after tomorrow it will be another star who took drugs, and the day after tomorrow it will be the unfaithful relationship of a certain star.

In short, in March and April of 1993, the North American entertainment sector turned into a battle to expose each other's scandals.

There is a saying that goes like this, if no one else has done it and you are the only one who has done it, then you are wrong.

But if you are not the only one and everyone else does it, then you are right.

In fact, objectively speaking, the three gay friends of Keanu Reeves are considered serious among a group of drug addicts in Hollywood.

But if you do it, you do it. The public only knows that you did it, but they don’t know the difference in dosage.

As a result, the heat brought by the previous Super Bowl turned into a scandalous war, dragging other celebrities into the water.

However, this incident hurt Keanu Reeves the most.

According to data from a survey commissioned by Disney, more than 25% of the movie fans interviewed said they would not go to the theater to watch the movie because of the scandal.

The Super Bowl has its advantages, but the disadvantage is that it attracts a lot of attention, and even small things are magnified infinitely, not to mention the black material on Keanu Reeves.

Although other Hollywood stars have been exposed to a lot of scandals, the most serious ones are the three brothers Keanu River and Johnny Depp.

The three brothers are like rats crossing the street now. If the Internet was developed now, they would probably have been trolled by netizens online.

It is said that because of being heavily smeared by the media, River Phoenix's mental state is not very good. He has not worked for a long time and has to see a psychiatrist.

After the Disney Public Relations Department heard about it, they directly arranged for Keanu Reeves to receive treatment from a psychiatrist, and then reported it through the media to gain public sympathy.

This trick was somewhat effective, but what Disney didn't expect was that River Phoenix was not only depressed, he was really at his limit.

Although Keanu Reeves cooperated with the crew and the promotional work of Disney and Warner, he was just coping with the work and not taking it too seriously.

The three gay friends all have such personalities and are cynical, so they can play together. But on April 8, twenty days before the film was released, River Phoenix was found dead in his home in North Los Angeles.

For a time, all of Hollywood was shocked...

In the battle to expose each other's dirt, Keanu Reeves, Riverside Fix, and Johnny Depp endured a lot of attacks and smears, putting great psychological pressure on them.

Subsequently, a large number of details were revealed. According to River Phoenix's agent, River Phoenix took a large amount of sleeping pills when he was being smeared by the media.

Disney and Warner Pictures quickly reacted, realized this was an opportunity, and quickly contacted River Phoenix's family and friends.

Under the arrangement of Disney and Warner, they accepted interviews one by one, expressing their grief and complaints against the media that hurt River Phoenix.

River Phoenix's girlfriend Martha Plimpton accepted the media interview with tears in her eyes: "Rifan is always full of hope for life. He once described to me our beautiful life in the future.

We will have children together, and he will take them back to ride horses, fish, and play...

But now with Ruifan's death, all this has become a fantasy. "

River Phoenix's younger brother Joaquin Phoenix said angrily: "The media that hurt my brother are just eating human blood and have no media ethics at all."

Although when we were alive, everyone fought to the death, hoping that something would happen to the other party tomorrow.

But when something really happened, the media who had participated in smearing the three gay friends fell silent.

At this time, no one dared to go up and say that he deserved to die, or anything else.

This society is very tolerant of the dead, and it is easier to arouse public sympathy if we continue to pursue them.

Martha Plimpton's tears fell just in time, and Joaquin Phoenix's scolding was also good.

The scene that was originally full of dirty information suddenly became quiet, and all the small newspapers fell silent.

On the contrary, the media owned by Disney and Warner published several tributes to the memory of the talented actor River Phoenix, and at the same time changed the newspaper layout to black and white.

Meanwhile, Keanu Reeves and Johnny Depp also appeared in public looking very emaciated.

Ruifan's death really scared the two of them.

Different from what the general public knows, that River was depressed due to the massive smear campaign by the media and then took an overdose of sleeping pills. The two knew the cause of River Phoenix's death.

The Los Angeles Police Department's forensic autopsy report stated that River Phoenix smoked a large amount of marijuana and cocaine, with the dose being eight times the fatal dose.

So those tabloid media were right, River Phoenix is ​​indeed an addict.

Fortunately, because of the relationship with "Speed", the Los Angeles Police Department has a good relationship with the crew and immediately informed Gilbert Jr., who requested the police department not to release the autopsy report to the public.

Due to requests from River Phoenix's family, the autopsy report has not been made public.

That's why there were rumors outside that it was because of the media's smear campaign that he died of depression, and the blame was placed on the media.

The media and the media distribution company behind it certainly know that there is something fishy, ​​but now the entire North American society sympathizes with River Phoenix and his family.

But I don’t dare to smear it anymore, what if another one dies?
  This incident had the greatest impact on Keanu Reeves and Johnny Depp. The two were depressed for many days and put down a lot of work.

Keanu Reeves basically did not participate in the upcoming promotion of "Speed", and it was all supported by Gilbert Jr., Sandra Bullock, and Dennis Hooper.

After all, it was a good friend who died. Although it was his own fault, little Gilbert did not force Keanu Reeves to participate in the promotion.

He knew that River Phoenix would die, but he would never have thought that it was Keanu Reeves and "Speed" that indirectly led to his death.

Little Gilbert didn't feel any guilt at all. This matter had nothing to do with him, and it wasn't him who made the three gay friends' lives chaotic and disorderly.

Whatever you sow, you will reap the fruit. If this is fate, it would be quite wonderful.

(End of this chapter)

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