hollywood melon man

Chapter 66 Subsequent Impact

Chapter 66 Subsequent Impact
  River Phoenix's death has sent shockwaves through Hollywood.

This isn't the first celebrity to die amid media criticism, and it won't be the last.

But in the week following his death, the previous smear war strangely stopped.

All tabloids and media were silent and silent.

Several North American mainstream media published special reports, making River Phoenix's death the mainstream of public discussion.

This mutual smear war has allowed the public to see how chaotic the private lives of many Hollywood stars who are glamorous on the surface are.

Many celebrities have exposed countless negative materials in this smear war, which is essentially a damage to the image of Hollywood.

No matter how chaotic and asshole their private life is, one common understanding is that everyone must maintain the glamorous appearance of Hollywood.

So after River Phoenix died, many Hollywood companies communicated with each other and stopped discrediting each other.

At the same time, it was very effective to see Keanu Reeves and Johnny Depp volunteering in orphanages and participating in charity activities under the arrangements of Disney and Warner.

Everyone learned from this, and for a while, charity in Hollywood became a trend.

Tom Hanks went to Africa to comfort hungry children, Julia Roberts initiated charitable donations, and the Cruise couple established a charitable foundation, etc.

Under the deliberate guidance of a large number of mainstream media, the previous black material seemed to have been covered up, and the atmosphere in Hollywood became harmonious and friendly, becoming like a big family.

Logically speaking, the person who caused such a bad thing should be caught and tried together.

But the problem is, everyone did it.

If people hadn't died, it would probably have continued.

From this perspective, River Fix's death is actually a good thing.

In the smear war, fans who paid attention to Little Gilbert noticed that there was not much black material about him in the media.

This young director seems to be staying out of the situation and looking at the changes in Hollywood with a cold eye.

How is it possible for someone to stay clean in the alluring world of Hollywood? This is impossible.

But the fact is that, except for beautiful women, little Gilbert is not interested in the vices of Hollywood.

Besides, liking beautiful women is a right given to him by God. As a man, there is nothing wrong with liking beautiful women!

Across the Pacific, the relationship between a man and a woman can be a magic weapon to attract a certain star. But in Hollywood, it's never been a big deal.

Even if this incident is over, "Speed ​​of Life and Death" will resume normal promotion activities.

More than ten days after the death of River Phoenix, little Gilbert finally met Keanu Reeves.

The first thing he asked when he came up was: "How do you resist those temptations?"

Little Gilbert was startled, knowing that River Phoenix's death had dealt a huge blow to Keanu Reeves. At the same time, he began to think about his past and future life again.

After all, he was an actor he once admired very much. Little Gilbert also said frankly: "I have never resisted temptation, Keanu.

It’s just that I know that there are some things that can be done and some things that cannot be done.

Before doing anything, you must weigh the gains and losses and consider the cost. Is the exchange worth it?

When you can clearly weigh the consequences of everything, you can accurately make judgments that benefit you. "

Keanu Reeves nodded repeatedly and said: "I realize now that we wasted a lot of good time in the past.

Johnny and I decided to give up alcohol and drugs in the future, and also actively participate in charity, atone for past sins, and beg God to forgive us. "

In the West, the religious atmosphere is relatively strong. If you do something wrong, God is bound to be involved.

The three gay friends Keanu Reeves actually didn’t do anything wrong, after all, many people did this. The most wrong thing is probably to become the focus of media attention, become a target and be attacked.

Little Gilbert patted Keanu Reeves on the shoulder and said, "Change is a good thing. I believe Ruifan is very willing to see you change. Sorry."

After more than ten days of thinking about life, Keanu Reeves decided to turn around and change his mind.

He also began to participate in the promotion work of "Speed" and worked hard to promote the movie.

When appearing on a talk show, Keanu Reeves frankly talked about the impact his friend's death had on him and how he had changed.

"I feel like my life has changed instantly. I ignored many people and things before. But now I will be very careful and care more about the world."

Keanu Reeves said this on the show, and actually did it.

Unlike other celebrities who do charity just for show, he is really doing charity.

Keanu Reeves donated all his salary from "Speed" and plans to use part of his income from future movies for charity.

He wasn't just talking about it, he really planned to do it.

Of course, he didn't tell anyone about these plans and kept them secretly in his heart.

When it comes to movies, we have to come back to the movie itself.

This smear war has had a great impact on "Speed", but Disney and Warner are still looking forward to the film.

So, after discussing with Gilbert Jr., the distributor decided to hold a premiere at a theater in South Los Angeles to commemorate the victims of the Los Angeles riots.

The Los Angeles Police Department also helped promote the film because the riots gave the public a bad impression of the Los Angeles Police Department.

Therefore, the police department hopes that through this movie, it can reverse its bad image in front of the public.

Before the premiere, little Gilbert went home to meet the old man and asked him to attend the premiere with him.

After all, his cheap father was holding a premiere for the first time, so it would be unreasonable not to invite him to attend.

"Little Gilbert, you have done a good job contacting the Los Angeles Police Department. It will help you establish a good relationship with the city departments."

By the pool in the backyard, Gilbert Sr. held a glass of red wine and imparted Hollywood experience to his son.

"Do you know who is behind all this this time?"

Little Gilbert replied: "Whoever profits is the one behind it."

"You are right, but not entirely." Old Gilbert taught earnestly: "Others are just following the trend and trampling on you at most. Only those one or two people are your real enemies."

Little Gilbert asked humbly: "Who is my real enemy?"

The old man did not answer directly, but took a sip of red wine and said meaningfully: "I heard that Disney has been dissatisfied with Michael Eisner's monopoly for a long time, and wants him to give up his position as CEO and let someone else do it."

"I heard that Mr. Eisner is very strong, will he agree?" Little Gilbert asked.

The old man shook his head: "Of course not, but Disney is not his own Disney, and he will inevitably make concessions.

I heard that Michael Eisner was interested in letting his good friend Michael Ovitz join Disney as CEO. "

Little Gilbert suddenly understood: "I understand..."

It seems that Michael Ovitz wants to create performance for CAA before leaving CAA, and at the same time, he also wants to prove his ability to his friends.

Even if he dominates the Hollywood agency industry and has been listed as the number one most powerful person in Hollywood by Vanity Fair for three consecutive years, he still cannot resist the temptation of the CEO position of a giant company.

It can be seen that the so-called most powerful person in Hollywood is just a joke.

(End of this chapter)

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