Dominating Hollywood: Starting with Scarlett

Chapter 56 Jia’s Advertisement

Chapter 56 Jia’s Advertisement
  Avril didn't say anything and sat directly on the steps next to Tang De.

Some cold night breeze blew on her chest, lifting her thin short T-shirt, revealing her beautiful collarbone.

Tang De tightened his clothes and asked, "Why don't you go back with the band?"

"They live in Manhattan and don't get along with me? What about you?"

"The Bronx."

"I'm on my way, can you take me home?"

Tang De raised his eyebrows and turned to look at Avril. Her slightly immature eyebrows looked particularly blurry under the reflection of the dim sunset behind her.

"I thought you would hate me." Tang De shrugged.

"Why should I hate you? You are right." Avril shook her head: "We are actually not that punk. We live a stable and worry-free life. We curse the society and the government twice every day, as if we are speaking out for punks. But I know this is just fake punk, the real punk is long gone."

Tang De didn't expect that his words would make Avril call emo, and now he began to analyze himself.

Avril continued: "I actually just hope to express my attitude through songs. I don't like to be restricted by other people. Do you know that feeling?"

Wait a minute?
  Tang De frowned, why did he feel like he was having a heart-to-heart conversation with her?
  Is their relationship as good as this?
  Or is this girl just looking for someone to talk to?

But it doesn't matter. As a director, he really has an obligation to comfort his actors.

"Don't be so depressed, Avril. I understand what you are saying. In fact, if you can see yourself clearly now and are not afraid to tell others your true feelings, you are already a punk spirit. You have done it, express yourself, and don't care about others. Human perspective. It doesn’t matter if it’s punk or not.”

"Thanks, man." Avril smiled and held out her hand.

Tang De bumped fists with her. In his eyes, her face looked much softer due to the reflection of the setting sun.

After the crew officially finished work, Tang Deshun took her back home.

Near her street, Tang De watched Avril wave and turn around, her slender figure slowly walking away, then got back into the car, smelling the lavender smell that filled the car and smiled.

The next day, Avril Lavigne's new song MV was filmed until 6pm, and Tang De asked CAA to increase the budget again.

Of course, the negotiation for this part of the budget took two hours. Even though Avril herself agreed, her agent and music company argued for a while.

They felt that such a MV should not cost too much money, but Tang De argued hard and said that it was necessary.

Fortunately, Tang De's previous resume has played a role. The MV ranked first on the Billboard, and the MV occupied two of the top three in the half-year annual review, which made Avril's company feel that it could take a gamble.

So after a while of wrangling, the additional budget was finally transferred to the CAA account, allowing Tang De to continue filming freely.

No one refuted Tang De during today's filming, and Avril was completely different from yesterday. She was so gentle that the rest of the band felt like she had changed.

Evan and the others had no leader, so naturally they couldn't cause trouble.

All in all, the filming ended smoothly. After the MV, Avril Lavigne also asked for Tang De’s phone number. She didn’t know what she wanted to do.

The next three days flew by, and Tang De completed the filming of Jia's advertisement during this period.

In terms of casting, he used Cindy and a little boy actor.

Because Cindy's image and temperament are more in line with the gentle mother type, Kayden looks more like a daughter.

After the filming was completed, the advertisement was edited as quickly as possible by the post-production company and sent to Jiashi Company. After Thomas read it, he praised it and decided to run the ad immediately on Friday night.

The time soon reached seven o'clock on Friday night as the sun rose and set.

Housewife Desha is writing down the daily groceries she needs to buy for the next week in a notebook on the sofa at home.

In the United States, households do not go to the supermarket to buy things every day. Instead, they wait until the end of the week and drive directly to the supermarket to buy the next week's amount at once.

This is also the soil on which member supermarkets such as Sam’s rely on for their survival.

So Desha has been thinking about what else she needs at home, so that she can save herself from buying something only to find that something is missing when she comes back.

At this time, Fox TV station suddenly played an advertisement.

Daisha was about to pick up the remote control and turn down the volume, but then she suddenly felt that the advertisement was quite interesting.

Because on the TV, a young mother wearing a beast skin coat was cooking beans for her child.

"Beans...well, it seems like I haven't eaten them for a long time."

Daisha nodded, thinking that she could add beans to her shopping list, but she couldn't think of what brand to buy, so she chose to continue watching the advertisement.

After the shot of a prehistoric mother and her child eating beans happily ended, the scene changed to a Greek mother and her goat child.

Dasha was intrigued and watched the TV intently.

The warm images in the advertisement reminded her of the time she spent with her children. However, as her children grew older, such joyful times have been replaced by silence and estrangement.

It had been a long time since she had had a heart-to-heart talk with her child.

With a sigh in her heart, Daisha followed the advertising and experienced the Marietta era, the pioneer era, the 80s and the 90s.

Until she saw the picture of mothers and children eating beans together in modern society, she couldn't help but pursed her lips, turned to look at the cold living room next to her, took off her glasses, and rubbed her dry eyes.

It just so happened that at this time, the advertisement had finished playing the last scene in the universe. As the child picked up the spoon, the camera finally landed on the red and white can next to it.

A line of advertising slogan slowly appeared.

A gentle female voice full of magnetism read: "Jia Shi Bean, the feeling that never changes."

"Jia's beans...oh, it really makes me miss it." Daisha finally knew the brand of this canned baked beans, but it also brought back more memories for her.

I remember that when my children were young, I used to eat Chia's baked beans with my children like the mother in the advertisement, but now this can of baked beans that has disappeared from the dining table seems to reflect the relationship between the two.

Daisha picked up a pen and wrote the name of Chia's Baked Beans in the notebook: "Buy a few cans, maybe Jerry will like this..."

It was also on this night that countless people in various states across the United States saw this advertisement on television, including mothers, fathers, and children.

Some of them were moved by that advertising slogan, and the urge to revisit this classic can of baked beans was born.

So the next day, all the canned Chia's Baked Beans sold in major supermarkets were sold out, and some supermarkets were even out of stock!
  Even Jia's Group itself did not expect such a situation to happen. Thomas could only rush to the factory and personally supervise the production line of the product so that it can meet the needs of major supermarkets as soon as possible!
  But even though he was tired, he always had a smile on his face! I wish there would be more of this kind of thing.

And major advertising companies also held emergency meetings because of this advertisement!

(End of this chapter)

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