Hogwarts: Where the Pokémon Are

Chapter 69 Molly Weasley, mother of three little ones!

Chapter 69 Molly Weasley, mother of three little ones!

"It's so cool today, isn't it?" Ron was lying comfortably on the bed, speaking loudly on purpose, so that Seamus and Dean couldn't help but turn their heads to look at him.

Although Seamus decided not to talk to Ron because he lost to Ron in the previous selection, the little lion's curiosity was really unbearable.

"Want to show off your Pokémon again? Just wait Ron, I will challenge you if I have the chance!" Seamus said unhappily.

"That's because you don't know how strong I am!" Ron was not worried at all. His current strength was ranked among the first and second graders. With three Pokémon in hand, you can do whatever you want.

Harry felt that Ron was a bit too showy, and was afraid that Seamus would start a fight with him, so he changed the subject and said, "Ron, your inferno is starting to tear apart your home again. Maybe one day he will bite your bed off." ."


Ron jumped up quickly, and sure enough he saw Darubi biting one of the bed legs and grinding his teeth. He was so frightened that he immediately went to pull Darubi away. But even so, he had no intention of taking Delubi back to the Poké Ball.

"Woo--" Darubi growled unhappily, as if a little aggrieved.

"Okay, okay, I'll find you something stronger to grind your teeth on tomorrow." Ron looked at Derubi's aggrieved look and immediately compromised.

It was clear that when this guy and Heiluga besieged them not long ago, he looked like he wanted to eat people, but now he turned into this.

"So, did you have a Pokémon battle today?" Neville asked, his tone full of envy.

Neville needs to go to Xia Lin's sanctuary to practice sword skills from week to Friday, but so far, he has no Pokémon. It was a bit embarrassing for him to lose in this trial. He was slow to react to his opponent's attacks, and he felt that he was not a trainer.

"Yes, I taught Malfoy a severe lesson. Did you know? He actually tamed two Pokémon, but one of them didn't listen to his command at all." Harry's mood when he mentioned the beating of Malfoy Just very pleasant.


Even Pikachu, who was already lying on the bed, suddenly became excited and made a boxing gesture in front of Neville to show his majesty.

Harry likes to sleep with Pikachu in his arms, it makes him feel safe. As for Darubi and the electric shock monster, forget it. If these two troublemakers are released, they will definitely cause a scene until dawn.

The five people in the dormitory were chattering, and suddenly, Percy knocked on their door.

"Harry, Ron—Professor Gold is looking for us."

"Professor?" Harry and Ron raised their heads blankly and looked at Percy.

"I don't know what it was. Originally, it seemed that he was just planning to find Harry, but after seeing me, he asked me and Ron to come too," Percy said.

"I guess the professor must have something important, otherwise he wouldn't come to us so late." Ron said.

"You guessed very well, don't guess again next time." Harry rolled his eyes, speechless at Ron's nonsense.

The two put their clothes back on, put their Pokémon into the Poké Ball, and then followed Percy out.

"What happened?" Hermione was still in the lounge area, stroking Pichu and reading a book. She had no friends in the girls' dormitory, so she didn't want to go back very early.

"I don't know yet." Harry shook his head and followed Percy out of the lounge door with Ron.

As soon as he went out, he saw a tall shadow standing not far away.


Xia Lin nodded, and then said: "Come with me. In fact, it is not me who is looking for you, but Dumbledore."

"Headmaster?" Percy exclaimed in surprise, "Did something happen? Or did Ron make a mistake?"

"I didn't make a mistake!" Ron said unhappily. He just didn't like this about Percy. He was too self-righteous and spoke as if he would only get into trouble.

Harry was a little worried too.

"No, it's about your mouse Scabbers."

"Scabbers? Ron, what's wrong with Scabbers?" Percy asked immediately.

Before Scabbers became Ron's pet, he was actually fed by Percy. However, this year Percy became a prefect, and the family made an exception and bought him an owl, so Percy gave Scabbers to Ron.

It can be said that compared to Ron, who had only been with Scabbers for a few months and had a Pokémon, Percy had deeper feelings for Scabbers.

"Scabbers -" Ron immediately started to hesitate, "I didn't see it today - because Purgatory didn't like it, so I thought it was hiding."

"You lost Scabbers?!" Percy raised his voice angrily.

"I didn't! It hid on its own! I can't make a fuss just because I haven't seen a mouse for a while. It's not my fault!" Ron responded tit-for-tat without showing any signs of weakness.

Harry quickly grabbed Ron's sleeve to prevent them from continuing to argue. But he didn't understand, if it was related to Ron's mouse, why would the professor and principal want to find him?

"Calm down." Xia Lin stopped the quarrel between the two people. "This matter is quite complicated. I guess your parents also used Floo powder to come here."

"Father and mother?" Ron and Percy's expressions changed. The matter was actually so serious. In the wizarding world, writing a howl letter is usually a serious matter. Percy had never seen anything like calling a parent directly.

Xia Lin took the two of them to the principal's office, and sure enough, he saw a bald middle-aged man and a slightly fat red-haired woman already standing there.


Just as Ron was about to say hello, Molly Weasley rushed up to him in panic and hugged him tightly, then grabbed him and inspected him front and back.

"My little Ronnie!"

"Are you okay? No injuries there, right?"

"I'm fine, Mom, what's wrong?" Ron struggled to break away from her arms and asked.

But neither Molly nor Arthur answered him. Instead, they looked at Harry, who was standing aside submissively, and asked in a very concerned voice: "Hello Harry, what about you? You're not hurt, either?" "

"No, ma'am."

Harry shook his head blankly. He didn't have a clue right now, and Ron's mother's behavior made him a little shy.

Maybe if his mother was still alive, she would care about him as much as she does.

His eyes passed through the loving woman in front of him and looked at Dumbledore sitting on the chair. Dumbledore smiled and winked at him, as if what might happen tonight was not important at all, or - Not a bad thing.

Then he saw a scruffy little man tied up and lying stiffly on the ground.

As soon as Harry saw this man, he began to feel disgust in his heart.

"I really can't believe that such a dangerous person didn't hurt you at all! Maybe he didn't have time to find a suitable opportunity. Thank God!"

"Professor Gold should be thanked." Arthur came over and shook hands with Xia Lin vigorously. "If it weren't for you, I really don't know what would have happened."

"The responsibility lies." Xia Lin said. He wasn't very good at dealing with the overly enthusiastic Weasleys.

"So, what happened?" Ron was a little annoyed.

"Wait a moment. The Minister of Magic is probably coming soon. Let's talk about it together then." Xia Lin comforted him. In fact, this matter had little to do with him at this point, but he happened to have something to discuss with him. Fudge discussed it and didn't leave.

Thank you all for your monthly votes. There were quite a few people who voted for me yesterday, so I won’t thank you all one by one.

Love you (〃'▽'〃)

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