Hogwarts: Where the Pokémon Are

Chapter 70 Percy Ron: My first kiss was with an ugly man!

After a while, a burst of green flames suddenly leapt out of the fireplace behind Dumbledore. The flames flashed away so fast that Harry thought his eyes were deceiving.

Then, a pair of short legs wearing suit pants stepped out.

"Dumbledore—" Fudge's originally cheerful voice suddenly got stuck in his throat, and even his movements slowed down a beat. Because he saw a handsome, elegant and polite man looking at him with a "kind" look on his face in a crowded office.

"Haha, Mr. Gold, I didn't expect you to be here too - what happened last time was really a bit offensive -" he laughed dryly and whispered.

"Don't mind, dear Mr. Minister, we don't know each other until we fight." Xia Lin said with a smile. He really didn't mind what happened before, after all, he was not the one who was stepped on.

But Fudge obviously minded very much, and he felt uncomfortable all over now. His face turned red, and a little sweat broke out on his forehead due to nervousness. He took off his hat tremblingly, took out his handkerchief and wiped it, trying not to look at Xia Lin.

"Fa, what happened, Dumbledore? Come to me late at night, and Arthur, you are here too." He asked quickly.

At this time, Fudge had already carefully looked at the principal's office with his little eyes, and naturally saw Peter lying on the ground like a homeless man. But he did not recognize the owner of the Order of Merlin, but noticed Harry standing in the crowd, not so conspicuous.

"This, is this - the 'Boy Who Lived', Harry Potter?"

Dumbledore had obviously thought of his words a long time ago, and when Xia Lin went to find Harry and Ron, he had already confirmed the truth in his own way.

Although he refused to use Veritaserum, Legilimency did the same.

Wizards always emphasize that Legilimency is not mind-reading, but this kind of magic can indeed read a person's thoughts or memories, especially when the person who casts this magic is not only the most powerful wizard in the world, but also the most powerful wizard in the world. The most powerful wand of all time.

"Please take a seat, Cornelius. I'm sorry to bother you so late. It's just that there is an upright but unjustly imprisoned soul that can't wait to be saved." Dumbledore said.

"Sorry, Dumbledore, I didn't understand." Fudge said awkwardly. He just doesn't like Dumbledore, so can't he talk to him nicely? You have to pretend to be profound.

"Sirius Black, who we've long thought was Voldemort—"

When Dumbledore mentioned the name Voldemort, Fudge immediately shuddered, as if he heard some harsh sound.

"You-Know-Who! Call him You-Know-Who, Dumbledore!" Fudge begged. Even after ten years, the name still cast a shadow on the British wizarding world.

But Dumbledore ignored him and continued: "It's his minions, but we may be mistaken."

Sirius Black?

Harry heard another name he had never known before. He was very confused as to why he appeared here tonight, and how the person Dumbledore spoke about had anything to do with him.

But Molly hugged his head hard, as if she was afraid that he would feel sad and grief-stricken.

"What's going on? Black was wrongly accused? You're not mistaken, Dumbledore, he is -" Fudge's eyes suddenly widened and he wanted to refute, but he paused because he was concerned about Harry's presence.

"——He is a complete traitor. If he hadn't leaked the secret... and he confessed to his crime at that time." Fudge can still recall the crazy look of the man ten years ago.

"Now it seems you made a mistake." Xia Lin said, "Look at this person, Fudge. Think carefully about who he is."

"Uh-" It's a pity that Fudge couldn't think of a person who had been "dead" for ten years.

"Peter Pettigrew." Xia Lin answered for him, "The heroic man who was thought to have been killed by Black, but in fact he did not die, but turned into a mouse and hid for ten years. "

"Become a mouse?" Fudge actually didn't believe this, but the man lying on the ground did have one finger missing from his hands.

"Yes, he is an illegal Animagus. He disguised himself well, but unfortunately I saw through it." Xia Lin said with a smile.

At this time, Ron and Percy finally couldn't help but speak.

"Wait a minute, Professor, do you think he is Ban Ban?" the two brothers asked in unison, and both of them looked ugly. Especially Percy, he has been with Scabbers for several years!

"That's right." Xia Lin nodded.

"How disgusting, I actually let him sleep in my bed!" Ron looked desperate.

"That's nothing, I even kissed him - ugh -" Percy said with blank eyes, "Penello will definitely find me disgusting if he knows about this!"

"It's actually quite disgusting," Ron said immediately, intending to hide the fact that he had also kissed Scabbers.

"Are you serious, Dumbledore, this is not a joke!" Fudge looked serious now. No matter how incompetent he was, he was still the Minister of Magic after all. Know what this means.

"Only a few details may be different." Dumbledore said firmly, "I need you to imprison Peter Pettigrew first, and then take Sirius Black out of Azkaban and reopen the court. I believe that this time Sirius will tell the truth."

"This is really, really crazy." Fudge was dazed, but he had no objection to Dumbledore's suggestion. He has not yet entered into a situation of confrontation with Dumbledore.

"Move quickly, Fudge, it will be good for you. Think about it, people heard that the Minister of Magic overturned an unjust, false and wrong case and let the truth come out. This will greatly increase your credibility." Xia Lin Walk up to him.

"That makes sense, I'll go to the Ministry of Magic right now-" Fudge's eyes lit up, and he was about to leave when he was stopped by a hand.

"Why are you so anxious? Isn't the Ministry of Magic off work a long time ago?" Xia Lin familiarly hooked Fudge's shoulder and pulled him aside, "I just have something to discuss with you."

"Wha, what's the matter-" Fudge, who was still excited just now, immediately trembled and became scared again. He looked at Dumbledore for help, but at this time Dumbledore had already focused on Harry.

"Come here, Harry, I guess you must be wondering now why I called you here..."

Dumbledore's voice slowly became less clear in Fudge's ears.

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