Wilderness survival for 365 days

Wilderness survival for 365 days


234 Chapters Ongoing Status

Chu Feng was reborn and came to the parallel world to participate in a show that had never appeared in his previous life: 365 Days of Wilderness Survival.

Group One: It’s so hard, we’ve been hungry for four days.

Chu Feng Group:


Chu Feng was reborn and came to the parallel world to participate in a show that had never appeared in his previous life: 365 Days of Wilderness Survival.

Group One: It’s so hard, we’ve been hungry for four days.

Chu Feng Group: Alas~~ I can’t finish eating food every day, and it stinks if I leave it for too long.

Group 2: It’s so cold! Our shelter is full of leaks and air.

Chu Feng Group: Build a wooden house when you have time, which is safe and comfortable.

When others were still struggling, Chu Feng had already begun to satisfy his spiritual needs, do a carving, burn a pottery, and study the wild package…

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “365 Days of Wilderness Survival”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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